Wednesday, June 30, 2010

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With The Right! Our honor is called loyalty!

The Italian Federation of Youth and Pistoia Valdinievole dissociates without any delay by the decision taken by the now former national secretary and a few others to split our movement from the right.

The basis of Pistoia and militant Valdinievole reiterates its adherence to the Right political movement, while remaining faithful to the pride we all took in the summer of 2007.

Velicityvon Wikipédia

GI Tuscany faithful to the Right! Faithful to Italy!

The Regional Coordination Tuscan Italian youth and renew once more, with conviction and without any delay, its adherence to the political movement of the right and the highest confidence in its governing bodies, starting with the National President Mr Teodoro Buontempo and the National Secretary Mr Francesco Storace.

All Tuscan militants continue, with self-sacrifice and dedication, the daily battle on the great land alongside the Italians who are not resigned to a country dispirited and exhausted by the logic of self-interest and party politics, bringing forward the commitments made with the Youth Foundation of Italian and of the right hand, and ideals gathered from old as a noble tradition.

expresses blame for the attack in vain and bitter attack on this wonderful human community, seeking to lead, alone, outside of any legality and of the sacred bond of loyalty and camaraderie between the militants, for purposes confused or even personalistic, the youth movement of the right hand outside of his bed and his natural political home.

shares and endorses the document approved by the Executive Political GI with which he proclaims the decline of Luca Lorenzi by National Secretary and proposes the appointment of pro tempore Manager National Youth Organization of Italian Francesco Erwin POGGI with a mandate to lead the movement in a position to conclude the membership, deposit the instrument of incorporation of the movement and carry out the expected national congress, in which cardholders can express their will in the election of new secretary Nazionale.


Nella speranza che tale avvicendamento si compia nel più breve tempo possibile, augura da subito a Francesco e alla Dirigenza nazionale tutta un augurio di buon lavoro nell’interesse del movimento e degli Italiani, con la certezza che noi saremo al loro fianco, ne La Destra e per La Destra.



Il Coordinatore Regionale                             

         Mirco Tognarelli

20 Gloucester Sailboat


Rome June 28, 2010 Subject: Resolution of the National Executive YOUTH 'ITALIAN

The National Executive of Italian Youth, which met in Rome at the June 28, 2010 The national headquarters of the Party of Right, resolved as follows:

Given the failure to sign the membership of the right hand of the 2009/2010 National Secretary of the Youth Movement - Youth Italian Luca Lorenzi,

taken note of by him as specified in the meeting of the National GI held in Massa-Carrara 5 June 2010 as specified in its irrevocable intention to leave the party to the right.

view of the Art 19 of the Statutes of the right hand in which it promotes the formation of the Youth Movement in accordance with and subject to the same status of the party.

view of the Art 11 in which the representatives of Italian youth delegate (as the youth movement of the right hand) to the Congress Party's participation in the seasons to the right.

The National Executive resolution:

Decadence Luca Lorenzi's appointment as Secretary of the Youth Movement - Youth Italian,

renew their confidence in the project's political party the right, recognizing in it the principles and values, ethical and moral, worthy of a true Italian right, the service of the people and country. Confirmation

their collaboration in the party, making themselves available to strengthen and revitalize our efforts throughout the country.

reiterates its willingness to exploit the people and community activists who in recent years have distinguished efforts and achievements, in contrast to what happened up until now, with their greater involvement in decision-making movement. (With the next decision)

The National Executive proposes

Al Francesco Storace and the National Secretary National President Teodoro Buontempo, to appoint the Head of the National Organization of Italian Youth Protempore Frank Erwin sit with the task of bringing the movement in a position to conclude the membership, deposit the instrument of incorporation of the movement and carry out the long-awaited national conference in which card holders will be able to express their will in the election of the new National Secretary.

This Act shall send a copy to the members of the National Executive, the regional managers, members of the Central Committee of Italian youth and the entire leadership of the Party of the Right with the prayer of maximum publicity of the deliberations.

You have the change, in accordance with the resolutions, the organization published in all sites of the youth movement and the party.

It is not authorized the use of the symbol and name of the Italian youth in different contexts from those of the party right or which have been agreed in advance with the National Executive of Italian youth. The members of the executive

national political

Antonio Arzillo

Veronica Recchia Francesco Poggi Erwin

Irene Maniscalco

Alessandro Balocco

Eugenio Sibona

Gianni Musetti