Hello Jerry
you remember, for Christmas this year I've got a table to improve the short, why do not you seem possible that the results obtained in the marathon I will continue to be so poor in the 10km ..
But winter and desire led me to laze around and just this morning I returned to the field of athletics, which were willing but not last night during the slow, the lakes, the one you marked with spray paint, white every 500m so to speak ... I must have stepped on a big shit, so in addition to the smell in the basement, the Sauconj were "useless" and I chose the most suitable Aero oval purple!
I made the setlist 500-400 short-300-200-100m con recupero un 1' da fermo per 5 volte finendo che ero uno straccio ma felice di poterti dire che la tabella era partita..
Poi la notizia
Ti hanno trovato disteso,mentre cercavi in quell'ultimo allungo di chiamare il 118,ci eri pure riuscito ,ma è stato tutto inutile,al loro arrivo i dottori hanno dovuto registrare il tuo decesso,le tue coronarie impazzite ti hanno strappato alle strade,alla tua famiglia e a tutti noi che ascoltavamo e seguivamo i consigli del forte atleta quale sei stato e che ancora eri,anche se ti sentivi solo la brutta copia del Jerry da 2h 30' in Maratona.
In questi momenti mi viene da odiare la vita,tutte le letture sull'alimentazione corretta,l'attività fisica,tutte shit, they're right, sedentary cursed! There
scrambling just to be on top form, having a system devoid of LDL cardiocicolatorio, we run to strengthen the walls of our motor muscle, heart, and then you cook two strings crack,
stop Big Ben said, without looking for anyone.
I accepted, it happened in the race, but while you sit in your living room no!, So it is really ridiculous and unfair, the only hope I have, is that while your polmoniper filled the last moments, Your eyes are focused on trophies and medals which have filled the rooms and I can help you realize how far you've done in your head!
Why die a little more than 50 years after adolescence in boxing and a life without excesses is yet another carcass of an infamous nature, it draws two points, one departure and one arrival, but there is as you know about how close we are measuring.
you on your board had followed all the moves dictated by doctors and common sense but your opponent has cheated and you took away the same.
MI remain, however, the paths in all these years you have measured and repainted km per km, and this table for that matter I will try to honor the best!
Monday, January 31, 2011
Wednesday, January 26, 2011
Autobuses Expreso Futura

L ' use of something that would cover the pubic area dates back to prehistoric times, but they were mostly' used clothing to protect the part of the male body essential for the distribution of species and at the same time very vulnerable.
Read the rest of this post ... » Sunday, January 23, 2011
Deed Of Trust Writable
mud and snow that is a pleasure!
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but within the ranks, and after a climb rather hostile get to the first King of the Mountains, where the staff has prepared a first fabulus based crostatona dining and drinking various kinds, and views on the lookout this side of the Apennines. The cold, however, reign supreme again .. and again sucked into a steep descent we return briefly to riaffiancare the river, where we meet other wildlife-muddy early in the order hunters with their dogs, cyclists who love big rubber cleats, some chickens and where the snow is large enough you can see clear traces of four-footed deer or similar .. Taking the second steep climb that will take us back to share, I fall for the second time but you know the sludge are good for skin, also the day draws to a peaceful and even though I feel a bit 'wet are not more numb as the dawn! Some fellow adventurers begin to suffer km, and the original group of twenty units begins to fall apart, so after a short pause, salute those who through alternative route back to base camp, greeting that of the mythical km but it still would gladly await the culinary other commitments, and given that in April he also organizes a similar output might be able to introduce myself with a cake, to emulate the little thought that he left us on arrival! ! Proseguimo a dozen, third ascent, perhaps the hardest of the day but could only be due to a feeling that inizian km to be 25, I fall again but in a good mood and strength of shooting shit time flies. Skip blessing from the parish priest promised by the staff in the morning but replacing the pilgrimage to the abode of a famous healer in the area, and in times very suspicious if played with Vanna Marchi to cheat desperate and gullible At 30 km and a few brisk after passing the smell of roast hostile everything you would do in this cold day, except in sports , lined the race track and reach our cars Here, according to restaurant-based pastries, dry style of the street children and greetings finali.Ringrazio on my space, and other publicly Hairy crazy not so much the beautiful experience, but for making me get back to basics, and be more aware of not only being a slave to the stopwatch, but to be a sport lover of simple and healthy, even if I will return to Rome to have the knife between his teeth!
Saturday, January 22, 2011
How To Clean The Outside Of Trailer
Family nomad and democracy

S Pesso I heard compare the gypsies with the natives of North America. Who is' convinced that the two groups have common roots, says that both have features that distinguish them from the perspective of ethnically and culturally from the others, have in common the propensity to nomadism, and even the particular style of women's clothing, the physical features and skin color would show a link.
Read the rest of this post ... » Wednesday, January 19, 2011
Brazilian Waxing Brampton
I can not deny it, for me it is a disease, always looked the shoes of the people, not to judge those who do it in front of me as you do with the famous habit of Monaco, Monaco will do but a bit 'an idea on its arrangement gives it! The What began, I believe, around New York when in the midst of the multitude of people of Times Square, trying to guess who was there to race.
Obviously I never knew if my assumptions were correct but in some cases, shoe polish expo left no doubt ..
For years now so the story goes on, and have recently caught my attention these two stavaganze ..
I tell you the truth, the shoe with a convex base of the shoe is advertised as the Masai in Kenya .. AND I've been there I can assure you that the shoe is typical of people of African savanna is often an old car tire cut to length of the foot and worn as a kind of flip-flops with bead "harnessed in the tread .. Now if he can then appear true that the initial shape is a little bent do not believe that the flexibility and explosive strength that many of them express making leaps out of the ordinary, but is due to footwear gifts that mother nature has given them in years and years of hunting lions and elephants.
Despite everything, however, in times of balance (the small object to it because its appearance was worth € 200 ..) I decided to try them ... not the original, but a modest Chinese copy, that obviously is not recommended by the parent, because as the balance bracelet ... if they are not original funzonano. In truth I
aesthetic pleasure, are combined with a pair of army pants with the hem un po' lungo e così non devo spendere i soldi della sarta per indossarli,ma con mia sorpresa devo scrivervi che in effetti,(non sò se la cosa sia positiva) ma i primi tempi i muscoli di schiena,ginocchia e anche mi si sono indolenziti..i miei tempi sui mille comunque non sono migliorati per ora è !!ma se la cosa dovesse verificarsi non mancherò di mettervi al corrente e procedero pure all'aqquisto del secondo articolo,che tanto promette per la reattività dei piedi....e nell'anno di Bikila tanto hanno venduto!!Visto poi il prezzo del modello dell'anno passato potrei anche prenderle originali :)
Comunque per ora,la tabella Romana procede,onorerò la disfida, anche se dalla tabella originale che mi ha fatto volare sulle strade Americane,ho tagliato molta qualità e molti km,ieri ho sostituito le salite con una serie di ripetute con Gharib..
Sapete chi è Gharib?
é un mio nuovo vicino di casa,un marocchino di Agadir D.O.C,appena sbarcato ma già in possesso di una Passat 1800 del 90..Non pretenderete che abbia pure la batteria nuova è??Così è capitato che mentre nel cortile,rimessavo Marlin,lo vedo insieme ad un amico spingere l'auto e mi è venuto d'istinto di andarli ad aiutare..
Cosi fatto il giro dell'isolato,ho proposto a Gharib di attaccarsi alla batteria del mio camper e mediante i miei cavi dopo due scariche(dopo un training intenso è doveroso la fase di scarico)il mezzo è partito
Bella seduta,molto trash new age!!Altro che Albanesi o Pizzo what!!
I can not deny it, for me it is a disease, always looked the shoes of the people, not to judge those who do it in front of me as you do with the famous habit of Monaco, Monaco will do but a bit 'an idea on its arrangement gives it! The What began, I believe, around New York when in the midst of the multitude of people of Times Square, trying to guess who was there to race.
Obviously I never knew if my assumptions were correct but in some cases, shoe polish expo left no doubt ..
For years now so the story goes on, and have recently caught my attention these two stavaganze ..
I tell you the truth, the shoe with a convex base of the shoe is advertised as the Masai in Kenya .. AND I've been there I can assure you that the shoe is typical of people of African savanna is often an old car tire cut to length of the foot and worn as a kind of flip-flops with bead "harnessed in the tread .. Now if he can then appear true that the initial shape is a little bent do not believe that the flexibility and explosive strength that many of them express making leaps out of the ordinary, but is due to footwear gifts that mother nature has given them in years and years of hunting lions and elephants.
Despite everything, however, in times of balance (the small object to it because its appearance was worth € 200 ..) I decided to try them ... not the original, but a modest Chinese copy, that obviously is not recommended by the parent, because as the balance bracelet ... if they are not original funzonano. In truth I
aesthetic pleasure, are combined with a pair of army pants with the hem un po' lungo e così non devo spendere i soldi della sarta per indossarli,ma con mia sorpresa devo scrivervi che in effetti,(non sò se la cosa sia positiva) ma i primi tempi i muscoli di schiena,ginocchia e anche mi si sono indolenziti..i miei tempi sui mille comunque non sono migliorati per ora è !!ma se la cosa dovesse verificarsi non mancherò di mettervi al corrente e procedero pure all'aqquisto del secondo articolo,che tanto promette per la reattività dei piedi....e nell'anno di Bikila tanto hanno venduto!!Visto poi il prezzo del modello dell'anno passato potrei anche prenderle originali :)
Comunque per ora,la tabella Romana procede,onorerò la disfida, anche se dalla tabella originale che mi ha fatto volare sulle strade Americane,ho tagliato molta qualità e molti km,ieri ho sostituito le salite con una serie di ripetute con Gharib..
Sapete chi è Gharib?
é un mio nuovo vicino di casa,un marocchino di Agadir D.O.C,appena sbarcato ma già in possesso di una Passat 1800 del 90..Non pretenderete che abbia pure la batteria nuova è??Così è capitato che mentre nel cortile,rimessavo Marlin,lo vedo insieme ad un amico spingere l'auto e mi è venuto d'istinto di andarli ad aiutare..
Cosi fatto il giro dell'isolato,ho proposto a Gharib di attaccarsi alla batteria del mio camper e mediante i miei cavi dopo due scariche(dopo un training intenso è doveroso la fase di scarico)il mezzo è partito
Bella seduta,molto trash new age!!Altro che Albanesi o Pizzo what!!
Monday, January 17, 2011
Cy07a Major Promotion
A story out of nothing

U na story come from nothing, with a word, a whisper in the wind blown. Reality 'grows slowly, letter to letter, word for word. I repeat the words that I come in, sometimes I make it myself a few, and the reality 'continues to grow, so' the feelings that grow as they expand more and more '. Cold, wet, rivulets of rain that I roll down ', light skin and gather along the moistened your t-shirt and jeans ...
Read the rest of this post ... » Saturday, January 15, 2011
Sample:new Baby Messege
Women Magyar

C h I am czech rather than Hungarian, Slovak, Serbian, Croatian, Macedonian, Bulgarian, Rumanian, Moldavian, Ukrainian, Polish, Baltic, Russian or born anywhere else in Eastern Europe, has little importance. I have always believed that deep down we are all sisters, daughters of one Father, communism, under which we lived a few years of our lives, and different mothers, that 'our differences and specific national cultures.
Read the rest of this post ... » Monday, January 10, 2011
Navcomm Tk-750 Schemat
Prima di iniziare a parlare della tabella di Roma che da questo pomeriggio ha iniziato a scaldare le suole delle mie scarpe vi racconto velocemente le mie corse Natalizie!!
Sono partito il 26-12 in direzione Puglia alla ricerca di un po' di caldo,visto che i metereologi parlavano di un vento di scirocco che avrebbe mitigato il clima del tacco dello stivale;con mia grande gioia hanno indovinato il pronostico e correre in terre sconosciute è stato piacevole.
Dopo un primo giorno ad Alberobello dove purtroppo I could not run for various vicissitudes I am moved in Molise.
The first night I wore my adidas in that of Termoli, Starting superstitious;) from the hospital a well-lit path if somewhat deserted and a bit 'grim for the state of land abandonment corcostanti descend rapidly toward the sea , although from this pier during the summer, ferries depart for the quakes the road is not a great feeling that the first had on the outskirts of town a bit 'neglected is confirmed by the pier where vessels running between the depot and old fishermen mending nets , breathes salty and fishy odor that classic .. The strong wind has pushed me to seek shelter in the then old village, which will be the most beautiful and taken care of the city but not as a runner, because the lanes are narrow and even going at a slow pace is likely to clash with some passing, forcing it after a nice long climb back to traveling to my home.
Tired of the wind, telling me to be a constant feature in both summer and winter date back in Vasto in Abruzzo and I stop!
I find it interesting the different paths, there is also an athletics track in the woods away from everything in the middle of a green roof, but I will not repeat it and start running along the beach with views of the city vecchia.Lo spettaccolo is breathtaking and the temperature just now found a path and after 2km of steep descent are on the sea to gaze spettaccolo the opposite of the old part on the top and walk the path which parallels the beach .. I'm around 10-12 km and decide it's time to get the shower, I close again with a nice long climb and in less than no time are with his legs under the table to enjoy a plate of legendary guitar strings!
After two days in this beautiful city I decided to go up a bit 'and finishing in Giulianova, but always in abruzzo places where most tourists spend the new year friends had told me that the fireworks are wasted in this area and situated on a square promontory enjoying a fireworks display of excellent workmanship a GRATIS!!
Correre su questo lungo mare è risultato piacevolissimo,una ciclabile ben protetta si estende lungo la costa abruzzese per 15km ed oltre,io mi son fermato a Tortoreto e sono rientrato causa buio ma se avessi preventivato un lungo chissà quanto si poteva proseguire ancora!!
Per la befana invece dopo un paio di giorni al lavoro mi sono spostato al nord più precisamente a Varese qui ho trovato un clima "ostile" pioggerellina costante e freddo; ma non ho mollato e un giretto di un'ora sono riuscito a concedermelo,anche se la città non è il massimo escludendo il parco degli Estensi,chicca "vegetale" del comune lombardo, le ciclabili sono sempre interrotte da incroci secchi su arterie very busy and has invested more careful not to be that the "breathing" or the rhythms workout ..
The icing on the excursion, however, was the undisputed cibule in Milan where the athlete's friend offered me a very good Cuban lunch .. The most I could ask just a run in his company but his injury and inclement weather does not allowed us to burn calories, but only to accumulate ... and while he will burn in looking after his "naughty" I do not throw that remains on the table Romana although I still do not feel motivated to do different strokes by the slow-vantage .. and the jaw continues to be the most athletic of my calves!
Prima di iniziare a parlare della tabella di Roma che da questo pomeriggio ha iniziato a scaldare le suole delle mie scarpe vi racconto velocemente le mie corse Natalizie!!
Sono partito il 26-12 in direzione Puglia alla ricerca di un po' di caldo,visto che i metereologi parlavano di un vento di scirocco che avrebbe mitigato il clima del tacco dello stivale;con mia grande gioia hanno indovinato il pronostico e correre in terre sconosciute è stato piacevole.
Dopo un primo giorno ad Alberobello dove purtroppo I could not run for various vicissitudes I am moved in Molise.
The first night I wore my adidas in that of Termoli, Starting superstitious;) from the hospital a well-lit path if somewhat deserted and a bit 'grim for the state of land abandonment corcostanti descend rapidly toward the sea , although from this pier during the summer, ferries depart for the quakes the road is not a great feeling that the first had on the outskirts of town a bit 'neglected is confirmed by the pier where vessels running between the depot and old fishermen mending nets , breathes salty and fishy odor that classic .. The strong wind has pushed me to seek shelter in the then old village, which will be the most beautiful and taken care of the city but not as a runner, because the lanes are narrow and even going at a slow pace is likely to clash with some passing, forcing it after a nice long climb back to traveling to my home.
Tired of the wind, telling me to be a constant feature in both summer and winter date back in Vasto in Abruzzo and I stop!
I find it interesting the different paths, there is also an athletics track in the woods away from everything in the middle of a green roof, but I will not repeat it and start running along the beach with views of the city vecchia.Lo spettaccolo is breathtaking and the temperature just now found a path and after 2km of steep descent are on the sea to gaze spettaccolo the opposite of the old part on the top and walk the path which parallels the beach .. I'm around 10-12 km and decide it's time to get the shower, I close again with a nice long climb and in less than no time are with his legs under the table to enjoy a plate of legendary guitar strings!
After two days in this beautiful city I decided to go up a bit 'and finishing in Giulianova, but always in abruzzo places where most tourists spend the new year friends had told me that the fireworks are wasted in this area and situated on a square promontory enjoying a fireworks display of excellent workmanship a GRATIS!!
Correre su questo lungo mare è risultato piacevolissimo,una ciclabile ben protetta si estende lungo la costa abruzzese per 15km ed oltre,io mi son fermato a Tortoreto e sono rientrato causa buio ma se avessi preventivato un lungo chissà quanto si poteva proseguire ancora!!
Per la befana invece dopo un paio di giorni al lavoro mi sono spostato al nord più precisamente a Varese qui ho trovato un clima "ostile" pioggerellina costante e freddo; ma non ho mollato e un giretto di un'ora sono riuscito a concedermelo,anche se la città non è il massimo escludendo il parco degli Estensi,chicca "vegetale" del comune lombardo, le ciclabili sono sempre interrotte da incroci secchi su arterie very busy and has invested more careful not to be that the "breathing" or the rhythms workout ..
The icing on the excursion, however, was the undisputed cibule in Milan where the athlete's friend offered me a very good Cuban lunch .. The most I could ask just a run in his company but his injury and inclement weather does not allowed us to burn calories, but only to accumulate ... and while he will burn in looking after his "naughty" I do not throw that remains on the table Romana although I still do not feel motivated to do different strokes by the slow-vantage .. and the jaw continues to be the most athletic of my calves!
Friday, January 7, 2011
Wakacje Rodzinne Nad Morzem
The singer of the village

S stories that once lived in the kingdom of Hungary by the beautiful voice of a singer, so good to be in demand all the royal courts. For years it was exhibited in theaters' famous, had welcomed the lounges more 'exclusive, and his fame' had made it very rich. Until one day he disappeared, and she no longer knew 'anything.
Read the rest of this post ... » Thursday, January 6, 2011
Jeff Hardy Digital Watch

the new D in Milan. After spending Christmas and New Year's Eve in Florence, a city 'always delicious, in which people seem to live in a different spirit from the Milanese, I reluctantly decided to undertake the return journey. I had to do it, I could not prolong my vacation, and I left this morning. In addition, travel during holidays, 'I think very comfortable, very few people and, who knows' why, trains always perfectly on time.
Read the rest of this post ... » Tuesday, January 4, 2011
Rs232 Sniffer & Y Cable
Give a smile to children less fortunate!
This year YOUTH ' ITALIAN, youth movement of the right hand, will be in place for the social initiative "EPIPHANY Tricolore".
In particular, will be collected toys and childcare articles (good pharmaceuticals, diapers, new clothes, etc..), Which will be delivered to children who are guests of the home-family "Small Steps" of Monsummano Terme.
"We ask our fellow citizens to recover the deeper meaning of the forthcoming Christmas period and to open their hearts to those less fortunate children, doing without even a small part of our surplus in favor of those who often lack the main thing. "
Points raccolta saranno:
MARTEDI’ 4 GENNAIO dalle 9.30 alle 12.30:
• Buggiano – zona mercato;
• Pescia – presso la sede in via del Loreto, 2.
MERCOLEDI’ 5 GENNAIO dalle 9.30 alle 12.30:
• Uzzano - zona mercato;
MERCOLEDI’ 5 GENNAIO dalle 15 alle 19:
• Ponte Buggianese – presso la sede in via Matteotti, 7;
GIOVEDI’ 6 GENNAIO dalle 9.30 alle 17:
• Ponte Buggianese – presso la sede in via Matteotti, 7.
This year YOUTH ' ITALIAN, youth movement of the right hand, will be in place for the social initiative "EPIPHANY Tricolore".
In particular, will be collected toys and childcare articles (good pharmaceuticals, diapers, new clothes, etc..), Which will be delivered to children who are guests of the home-family "Small Steps" of Monsummano Terme.
"We ask our fellow citizens to recover the deeper meaning of the forthcoming Christmas period and to open their hearts to those less fortunate children, doing without even a small part of our surplus in favor of those who often lack the main thing. "
Points raccolta saranno:
MARTEDI’ 4 GENNAIO dalle 9.30 alle 12.30:
• Buggiano – zona mercato;
• Pescia – presso la sede in via del Loreto, 2.
MERCOLEDI’ 5 GENNAIO dalle 9.30 alle 12.30:
• Uzzano - zona mercato;
MERCOLEDI’ 5 GENNAIO dalle 15 alle 19:
• Ponte Buggianese – presso la sede in via Matteotti, 7;
GIOVEDI’ 6 GENNAIO dalle 9.30 alle 17:
• Ponte Buggianese – presso la sede in via Matteotti, 7.
Sunday, January 2, 2011
Spanish Wedding Words Program
big surprise 2011
When you open the packages and early Christmas present to browse the calendar year all over again .. Then you can wait 35 years to get to know you think your parents know everything about them but here it is ...

The boy in shirt and shorts with shoes in hand standing on the right is my father ...
despite my passion for athletics has forgotten to tell me that in 1960 he and his accomplices in the picture won the Provincial Championship in Athletics, which was held in Ravenna in the dock of a hot afternoon of racing at Agosto.Il my Papi un1500m 14 hours and a 16-3000m stuff of the past!
The funny thing is that he had removed from his memory this event, the only memory I have is that it convinced him that after the races would go to sea and saw the lack of money did not need to repeat twice, the trip the beach was worth the effort, so that the shoes in his hand had given them to him because he has never had a pair.
He had never even trained for distances like that, he was a player from oratory but his opponents did not have to be athletes, "modern" and looks good even if the trip to the beach was not as nice as expected because the acid Lactic had pinned his legs and was afraid to swim! This gift pack
I owe the pharmacist of my village, as well marathoner convinced that she wanted to pay a calendar for all athletes more or less known in my town.
My debt to him so he continues to grow, you need to know that my first marathon at 20 days of the event failed dramatically to the un'infiammazzione bandelletta ileo tibial and the first person to whom I addressed it was she who, in addition to recommend a specialist center I had to cheer next year when completed my first 42km on fatigue.
You know, that on September 17, I discovered a new value: I found out as friends for life messages they send you a Happy New Year, Merry Christmas, best wishes for your birthday, even though you had spent a period terrible, did not understand how you would benefit rather than their moral support and your participation in this "enterprise", they go to play bocce on the beach! while a person from whom you do not expect anything, can convey the excitement of winning you need in certain moments of crisis!
Today, however, I find that in my blood chromosomes was already "infected" for runners! Less sick of shoes and newfangled technology but willing to work hard for a better gitarella with friends
Thanks Dad, Part Name I have sent a great value!
Animated Spots Chicken Pox

V oglio wake up every day with this complete feeling of freedom '. Every morning when I open my eyes I want to hear them ', this, and it' s the first thing I think 'cause, if for some reason ended, and if I'm noticing that' disappearance and that is not 'more & # 39; with me, from that moment on, I know that wither and consume me slowly, until there would be more than me 'thing.
Read the rest of this post ... »
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