Tomorrow Sunday, May 23, 2010 The Right Bridge Buggianese recall, twenty-two years after his death, that great apostle layman who was Giorgio Almirante, the MSI town secretary and leader of the Right unforgettable. Capable and passionate orator, he was able to drive against a thousand obstacles, several generations who found themselves in agreement in the values \u200b\u200bof the right to advocate social, popular and national banner of meritocracy and social solidarity, honesty and morality, identity and tradition.
It is no coincidence that this anniversary coincides with the day of enrollment, because the very memory of the policy laid down by Giorgio Almirante, even today, men and women of the right hand, with sacrifices and dedication, they bring those battles ahead and the challenges that have always been an asset and an opportunity for the Italian people.
For this reason, throughout the day tomorrow will open our office in Via Matteotti 7, to accommodate all those who want to learn more about this great political figure and remember it with us, and thus the opportunity for those who wish to receive more information on our political movement and also to be part.
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