It seems only yesterday that we were here to write our thoughts on the hot, melted asphalt rubber outsole and highly breathable fabric .. I had to laugh when they open this morning the door the whole country around me was dressed in ice! Physiologically
I had noticed a couple of days ago and humidity typical of November we were leaving as the leaves are finished sweeping the yard, because the rheumatic pain in the back that I carry around for years had ceased to bite, with My great solievo, leaving ostacoletti jump, stepped funicella come neppure il Rambo o il Rocky Balboa degli anni migliori facevano!
Il potenziamento poi è proseguito sul cavalcavia della statale San Vitale all'altezza di Sant'Agata e mentre facevo le mie ripetute tranquillo sulla ciclabile un camionista inizia a strombazzare,subito mi sono chiesto cosa volesse,ma quando mi ha gridato bella gnocca...Ho capito che la mia pantacalza deve farmi proprio un bel culo!Poi non è che tutti quelli coi capelli lunghi appartengano al gentil sesso king of the road che non sei altro!!e mentre pensavo questa cosa e finivo la sesta salita lui deve aver visto i baffi e a tirato su il vetro in tutta fretta,ed avendo i vetri con la manovella la scena è stata esilarante perchè la mia mente malata ha concluso: Ok traded for a pussy but at least masturbate only when you get home, perverted ;-)!!
Returning to the present, however, left this morning for a long slow path I decide to vary, in the street when I see a huge white presence in the distance .. just kidding myself I tell myself that it's really not a bear but reality has it that a fat Maremma and heads straight toward me!
I started screaming like a madman and a plot that leaves the owner called the "jaws of stray," he repeats the usual old story that much does not bite! But I
I read the newspaper two days ago I wonder if the Rodvailler 40kg which savaged Pertile in Padua had never bitten before! O what has to O'brist asportaro a piece of calf, forcing him to not know how many points and months on the sidelines!
If I was a careless driver and I will "ironed" you gave me dell'idiota murderess ... And if I had said I'd never killed anyone before! I bet you gave them two slaps me happy!
I do not have pets, but it's so hard to put a leash on the dog and if you wear them when walking is the only time they have to be free are you sure that you love your animals?
The second I close here today in this country of Ferrara see if the leg is improved on the mud, even if this ice better than shorten the nails at 12mm!
Saturday, November 27, 2010
Friday, November 26, 2010
Gabatrol And Premature Ejaculation
Our "welcome" to Finian!
Sabato scorso a Montecatini Terme i finiani di Futuro e Libertà si sono ritrovati a Le Panteraie per la loro prima convention regionale. Il loro arrivo è stato salutato dalle bandiere delle decine di simpatizzanti de LA DESTRA PISTOIA E VALDINIEVOLE intervenuti al pacifico presidio di protesta e dai loro cartelli "Finiani da Predappio a Montecatini ", "Fini, boia chi poltrona".
Note that the main access to local, are passed only the characters of second-order Lakes stooges' and racks, while the big names have preferred to make a tour of our beautiful city, to escape the legitimate whistles of the people of the right. The men of the right hand are light years away from the policy pursued by Fini and his followers, however, thinking that it's democratic right to hear all opinions and then compare IVThe-as was done by inviting the representative to the Provincial Congress FLI Bartolomei LA RIGHT-some city councilors Storace's party, being invited to have approximated the entrance of Le Panteraie, but you are not allowed to enter to assist in the work ,proprio da coloro che vorrebbero aprire a immigrati e coppie gay, ma evidentemente NON agli italiani di destra!
Chissa', forse sarebbe stato preferito l'arrivo di qualche extracomunitario?!?
Alla manifestazione pacifica de LA DESTRA PISTOIA E VALDINIEVOLE, e' stato dedicato ampio spazio dai telegiornali locali e da testate locali e Nazionali ( Libero,Il Giornale della Toscana La Nazione Regionale ed Il Tirreno in cronaca locale).

Sabato scorso a Montecatini Terme i finiani di Futuro e Libertà si sono ritrovati a Le Panteraie per la loro prima convention regionale. Il loro arrivo è stato salutato dalle bandiere delle decine di simpatizzanti de LA DESTRA PISTOIA E VALDINIEVOLE intervenuti al pacifico presidio di protesta e dai loro cartelli "Finiani da Predappio a Montecatini ", "Fini, boia chi poltrona".
Note that the main access to local, are passed only the characters of second-order Lakes stooges' and racks, while the big names have preferred to make a tour of our beautiful city, to escape the legitimate whistles of the people of the right. The men of the right hand are light years away from the policy pursued by Fini and his followers, however, thinking that it's democratic right to hear all opinions and then compare IVThe-as was done by inviting the representative to the Provincial Congress FLI Bartolomei LA RIGHT-some city councilors Storace's party, being invited to have approximated the entrance of Le Panteraie, but you are not allowed to enter to assist in the work ,proprio da coloro che vorrebbero aprire a immigrati e coppie gay, ma evidentemente NON agli italiani di destra!
Chissa', forse sarebbe stato preferito l'arrivo di qualche extracomunitario?!?
Alla manifestazione pacifica de LA DESTRA PISTOIA E VALDINIEVOLE, e' stato dedicato ampio spazio dai telegiornali locali e da testate locali e Nazionali ( Libero,Il Giornale della Toscana La Nazione Regionale ed Il Tirreno in cronaca locale).
Tuesday, November 23, 2010
Missouri Driver's License Security
Settimana completamente dedicata alla qualità,che per il sottoscritto è un po' come dire lavori forzati,perdo il gusto del correre e ancora prima di spingere start sul cronometro mi sento come un malato che deve fare la puntura per stare meglio..
Per addolcirmi le sedute così ho optato per spostare gli allenamenti sull'erba e di correrli con le chiodate..cioè mentre il contatto con il prato dovrebbe essere meno traumatico per la schiena i miei occhi si gustano il frenetico raspare delle mie nike,che al momento dismessi i chiodi pistaioli di 6mm montano degli agressivi 15mm tra foglie secche e pozzanghere fangose,rendendo un po' more playful training!
then begins to become familiar with these shoes a bit 'at a time after a season of ways I found to be importantissimo.Ricordo to have taken part in a country without ever having worn the above technical means and for two days to come my calves they did a bad dog!
After running the climbs 12x200 with recovery of 2 'followed by a work of transformation of 20' to my marathon pace Tuesday, Thursday and fell to a mini circuit consisting of obstacle, jump rope, bodyweight exercises, followed by 400m on grass as I said, then closed after a heavy workout recovery 5x1000m to all!
Considering the time, (speaking of good feelings when you go home with pain in the arms I do not think even the case) I was expecting to make a good country on Saturday, but accodatomi usual train of "rivals" after the second km light came on and restarts after sharp bends have become typical of diesel engine, the style of racing has become heavy on the mud is a bit 'as perhaps the "in the foot" and in fact I have passed in the last several rounds of 3 under 1700m but from despite everything I sprint the last 200m with the last flare of pride!
I noticed that the circuit paths at each step my brain I push the withdrawal and the challenge becomes more intense listen! This "voice" in the marathon is less annoying Furthermore, the stomach, which ultimately serves me in long, when stress becomes so intense causes me trouble.
now expect a couple of days of calm km then repeats the menu even if I download too much km will lose strength over long distances but they tell me that the speed should be treated well or marathon times do not improve we will be here to write it! !
Thursday, November 18, 2010
Off White Comic Online
After the feeling of acid in the mouth that even a low-fat plain yogurt can leave .. A
"incriccamento" with general back in pieces, sore calves, quads are on fire .. that feeling that only those who grind hill climbs and races can understand! I needed
something that I dasse the office, and look what I find!
Certainly I do not give me a little body of a pipe so unnatural but exciting trailer seems not!
After the feeling of acid in the mouth that even a low-fat plain yogurt can leave .. A
"incriccamento" with general back in pieces, sore calves, quads are on fire .. that feeling that only those who grind hill climbs and races can understand! I needed
something that I dasse the office, and look what I find!
Certainly I do not give me a little body of a pipe so unnatural but exciting trailer seems not!
Saturday, November 13, 2010
Back Of Knee Pain More Condition_symptoms
beginning I was not worried, but after twenty days I try to register on-line in the marathon Capitoline still have not succeeded!
system after making me fill out the personal details passed to a second page where the request of his personal record, the system continues to jam.
Now I understand that those who run the marathon for the first time in Rome until February 20 aggevolata pay a fee of thirty euro so I have time .. but out of curiosity bloggers who have already done to record the distance (never like this around I define "Philip") are managed via a PC or have opted for the old, traditional fax?
not think that has not contacted the organization, I've already sent two e-mails, but they are not problems that I was interested in your experience, thanks!
said that the week had gone to twice a day with a big lineup to decline (1600m-1200m-1000m-800m-600m-400m) with recovery equal to the time when you ran the test in the morning, and a slow 10km Monday afternoon, then progressive increments of 12 km to 4km (last to first trance 4'20 3'45 ") and soccer-match in one hour Tuesday night .. 14km slower Wednesdays poi xò C'è stato San Martino;Bottiglia intera di Sangiovese barricato e due calici di cagnina ,Marroni come se piovesse e dulcis in fabula Sabadoni della nonna.Ora per rispetto di chi non conosce questa ghiottoneria non citero gli ingredienti ma le calorie,credetemi,sono notevoli!!
Venerdi scoreggia e rutto libero,leggera aureola attorno alla crapa che non mi ha portato alla beatificazione ma alla rinuncia della seduta di allenamento sostituita da ripetute sul trono ceramico della mia toilette!!
Oggi tornato ad una parvenza di professionalità,nel pomeriggio bella gara completamente piatta su circuito di 10km chiuso con dignità! dopo tutto si correva in zona blu e con tutta quella"benzina rossa" nel serbatoio è già grassa not taking a fine or worse a breathalyzer!
Then tomorrow morning in the hilly 12.2 km race that I remember being very tough in the first part and then becomes faster in the second.
Here the court road racing season ends officially begins the season of cross .. Nails are already in place, but more important will be back in the weight limits or "scratch in the mud" will become even harder!
beginning I was not worried, but after twenty days I try to register on-line in the marathon Capitoline still have not succeeded!
system after making me fill out the personal details passed to a second page where the request of his personal record, the system continues to jam.
Now I understand that those who run the marathon for the first time in Rome until February 20 aggevolata pay a fee of thirty euro so I have time .. but out of curiosity bloggers who have already done to record the distance (never like this around I define "Philip") are managed via a PC or have opted for the old, traditional fax?
not think that has not contacted the organization, I've already sent two e-mails, but they are not problems that I was interested in your experience, thanks!
said that the week had gone to twice a day with a big lineup to decline (1600m-1200m-1000m-800m-600m-400m) with recovery equal to the time when you ran the test in the morning, and a slow 10km Monday afternoon, then progressive increments of 12 km to 4km (last to first trance 4'20 3'45 ") and soccer-match in one hour Tuesday night .. 14km slower Wednesdays poi xò C'è stato San Martino;Bottiglia intera di Sangiovese barricato e due calici di cagnina ,Marroni come se piovesse e dulcis in fabula Sabadoni della nonna.Ora per rispetto di chi non conosce questa ghiottoneria non citero gli ingredienti ma le calorie,credetemi,sono notevoli!!
Venerdi scoreggia e rutto libero,leggera aureola attorno alla crapa che non mi ha portato alla beatificazione ma alla rinuncia della seduta di allenamento sostituita da ripetute sul trono ceramico della mia toilette!!
Oggi tornato ad una parvenza di professionalità,nel pomeriggio bella gara completamente piatta su circuito di 10km chiuso con dignità! dopo tutto si correva in zona blu e con tutta quella"benzina rossa" nel serbatoio è già grassa not taking a fine or worse a breathalyzer!
Then tomorrow morning in the hilly 12.2 km race that I remember being very tough in the first part and then becomes faster in the second.
Here the court road racing season ends officially begins the season of cross .. Nails are already in place, but more important will be back in the weight limits or "scratch in the mud" will become even harder!
Monday, November 8, 2010
Things To Put On Wedding Cards
in tears .. In a Sunday feast of running the global sample goes to leave the place it happens to a young onset that the destiny wants to bring the tank, its logo GEBR " !
After seeing him always explode in huge sorrisi dopo sforzi "olimpici"e"mondiali"questa volta a cedere sono state le sue più che usurate giunture..Noi normali tapascioni non arriveremo mai a coprire in tutta la nostra carriera i km che Haile ha corso negli ultimi 5 anni e dopo averlo sentito dire che un giorno senza corsa per lui equivale ad un giorno in cui non ha vissuto viene facile capire cosa c'è in quelle lacrime.
La fine di una carriera,la discesa dal monte Olimpo,tutti avevano paura ad attaccarlo nella sua ultima maratona che guarda caso va a coincidere con la sua prima New York City Marathon..Ma dopo tutto rimarrà quel 2h03'59"almeno per un po' a ricordarcelo!
Sai Haile quando ero bambino non ho mai invidiato i campioni dello sport per gli ingaggi favolosi nel simply do what they love most, but the passion that can give birth in people and the heat they receive in return. I
that feeling of "greatness" I tried it once in my life by turning the output of queensborobreadge First Avenue, where thousands of people flock every year to make every runner and I like to believe that this heat , has made it less painful the day that was supposed to be the last company of a legend!
But athletics is not Hollywood and the happy ending is almost never expected!
Losing in a few months is that you do not fall Baldini hope the passion that now more than ever is leading people on the streets, apropos! Thanks per avere avuto una giornata storta all'olimpiade di Atene 2004,Stefano ha più volte dichiarato che quando si è reso conto di averti"sverniciato" le energie interiori si sono moltiplicate e la spia verde della sicurezza nei propri mezzi ha brillato più che mai!
Inoltre appena il ginocchio ti farà ripartire potrai dare la rivincita a Tergat,eterno rivale,battuto in pista a più riprese e detronizzato da leader della lunga distanza,Già vi immagino a tavola nel dopo sfida a mangiare ugali e stufato di antilope!!
Continuo a sperare di vedere quei sorrisi dopo una gara ma se così non dovesse essere grazie per la passione che hai trasmesso con la tua semplicità ed il tuo impegno e soprattutto per le dritte you have given to Adidas for technical improvements to be made to shoes and who knows maybe the second to be able to file in km marathon will be well on your ..

After seeing him always explode in huge sorrisi dopo sforzi "olimpici"e"mondiali"questa volta a cedere sono state le sue più che usurate giunture..Noi normali tapascioni non arriveremo mai a coprire in tutta la nostra carriera i km che Haile ha corso negli ultimi 5 anni e dopo averlo sentito dire che un giorno senza corsa per lui equivale ad un giorno in cui non ha vissuto viene facile capire cosa c'è in quelle lacrime.
La fine di una carriera,la discesa dal monte Olimpo,tutti avevano paura ad attaccarlo nella sua ultima maratona che guarda caso va a coincidere con la sua prima New York City Marathon..Ma dopo tutto rimarrà quel 2h03'59"almeno per un po' a ricordarcelo!
Sai Haile quando ero bambino non ho mai invidiato i campioni dello sport per gli ingaggi favolosi nel simply do what they love most, but the passion that can give birth in people and the heat they receive in return. I
that feeling of "greatness" I tried it once in my life by turning the output of queensborobreadge First Avenue, where thousands of people flock every year to make every runner and I like to believe that this heat , has made it less painful the day that was supposed to be the last company of a legend!
But athletics is not Hollywood and the happy ending is almost never expected!
Losing in a few months is that you do not fall Baldini hope the passion that now more than ever is leading people on the streets, apropos! Thanks per avere avuto una giornata storta all'olimpiade di Atene 2004,Stefano ha più volte dichiarato che quando si è reso conto di averti"sverniciato" le energie interiori si sono moltiplicate e la spia verde della sicurezza nei propri mezzi ha brillato più che mai!
Inoltre appena il ginocchio ti farà ripartire potrai dare la rivincita a Tergat,eterno rivale,battuto in pista a più riprese e detronizzato da leader della lunga distanza,Già vi immagino a tavola nel dopo sfida a mangiare ugali e stufato di antilope!!
Continuo a sperare di vedere quei sorrisi dopo una gara ma se così non dovesse essere grazie per la passione che hai trasmesso con la tua semplicità ed il tuo impegno e soprattutto per le dritte you have given to Adidas for technical improvements to be made to shoes and who knows maybe the second to be able to file in km marathon will be well on your ..
Thursday, November 4, 2010
Laptop Hard Drive Adaptor Kit Radio Shack
THE PHYSICS can not escape ...
After the good feelings of Cotignola half of last Sunday in my head was done off a worm:
you that all the talk that they say that after a marathon there is a pull down Prestatie, are the stupid things?!
I needed to take away the doubt so I enrolled in a 10km with the presumption of breaking through the wall of 36 '!
Sunday morning with an extra hour of sleep thanks to the return to winter time I come on line Starting the Journey of the round, circuit, measured in the classic distance in the birthplace of Francesco Baracca Lugo di Romagna that is! The day is fair, overcast skies and temperatures in autumn, during heating the leg that runs well is a pleasure and not your stomach growls even went to the bathroom are also just finished breakfast and then I feel as light as the yellow leaves from the branches that come off this month by the fantastic colors! The
FIDAL decided to test the chip disposable and just happened now for 2-3 years have been approved in Chicago and the presumption sorry but I knew better judges of some vintage men were properly applied as the laces of nine forty scarpa.Le come quickly, and despite the calls The start is 10-12m below the point indicated ... great if you aspire to a personal thing but the Chip we try to do if you did not lay the ground passing through the detectors, heads .... I
to all, if the track was not wet the soles of my Adidas would smoke, (well you get the + or-) but now there is all the elite of running Romagnolo just using my brain and put it in the wake of athletes much more popular than me after all I am defying the laws of physics today or not??!
The first two kilometers were a stone I run them just above the pace that I keep on repeating the 1000 and the third light starts flashing:
"Arirun bad idea even if the horoscope said that Mercury is on your side you demanded a little too much from the wings of your ankles, eh! "
With this thought in my head the pain starts to 4km .. but my coach taught me how to fix it," she thinks to take away loose! " he says, "concentrates on the circle of the legs, let them run!
Yes, you are not Run it on the hook if you go listen to this ... then you almost whistling alongside an M55 that warns you: My years and your legs!
Then I go in search of pride, I'm in the wake of the not make it go away!
But self-hypnosis does not work, and after just one lap I see his tank colored leaves, inexorable also arrives at the ring of yet another whack on garmin femoral biceps!
When I start to think that worse things could not go to the eighth km do the last corner and I find that even in the final straight Aeolus is against me!
squeezed like a lemon and giving background to the attributes under the inflatable arrival, I hurt even in my arms and caught his breath just a follower wants to compare the timing of the time I recorded myself and that of the chip and is excited to see that match .. Too bad .. not like the stone of Mecca's I do! If not, the original white, with all the sinful thoughts that I did in the last km would become black as the sacred symbol dear to the followers of the Koran!
Perhaps the conduct of the race too open-minded is the real cause of my flop I think even if the truth remains in half with the title of this post that you think
After the good feelings of Cotignola half of last Sunday in my head was done off a worm:
you that all the talk that they say that after a marathon there is a pull down Prestatie, are the stupid things?!
I needed to take away the doubt so I enrolled in a 10km with the presumption of breaking through the wall of 36 '!
Sunday morning with an extra hour of sleep thanks to the return to winter time I come on line Starting the Journey of the round, circuit, measured in the classic distance in the birthplace of Francesco Baracca Lugo di Romagna that is! The day is fair, overcast skies and temperatures in autumn, during heating the leg that runs well is a pleasure and not your stomach growls even went to the bathroom are also just finished breakfast and then I feel as light as the yellow leaves from the branches that come off this month by the fantastic colors! The
FIDAL decided to test the chip disposable and just happened now for 2-3 years have been approved in Chicago and the presumption sorry but I knew better judges of some vintage men were properly applied as the laces of nine forty scarpa.Le come quickly, and despite the calls The start is 10-12m below the point indicated ... great if you aspire to a personal thing but the Chip we try to do if you did not lay the ground passing through the detectors, heads .... I
to all, if the track was not wet the soles of my Adidas would smoke, (well you get the + or-) but now there is all the elite of running Romagnolo just using my brain and put it in the wake of athletes much more popular than me after all I am defying the laws of physics today or not??!
The first two kilometers were a stone I run them just above the pace that I keep on repeating the 1000 and the third light starts flashing:
"Arirun bad idea even if the horoscope said that Mercury is on your side you demanded a little too much from the wings of your ankles, eh! "
With this thought in my head the pain starts to 4km .. but my coach taught me how to fix it," she thinks to take away loose! " he says, "concentrates on the circle of the legs, let them run!
Yes, you are not Run it on the hook if you go listen to this ... then you almost whistling alongside an M55 that warns you: My years and your legs!
Then I go in search of pride, I'm in the wake of the not make it go away!
But self-hypnosis does not work, and after just one lap I see his tank colored leaves, inexorable also arrives at the ring of yet another whack on garmin femoral biceps!
When I start to think that worse things could not go to the eighth km do the last corner and I find that even in the final straight Aeolus is against me!
squeezed like a lemon and giving background to the attributes under the inflatable arrival, I hurt even in my arms and caught his breath just a follower wants to compare the timing of the time I recorded myself and that of the chip and is excited to see that match .. Too bad .. not like the stone of Mecca's I do! If not, the original white, with all the sinful thoughts that I did in the last km would become black as the sacred symbol dear to the followers of the Koran!
Perhaps the conduct of the race too open-minded is the real cause of my flop I think even if the truth remains in half with the title of this post that you think
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