beginning I was not worried, but after twenty days I try to register on-line in the marathon Capitoline still have not succeeded!
system after making me fill out the personal details passed to a second page where the request of his personal record, the system continues to jam.
Now I understand that those who run the marathon for the first time in Rome until February 20 aggevolata pay a fee of thirty euro so I have time .. but out of curiosity bloggers who have already done to record the distance (never like this around I define "Philip") are managed via a PC or have opted for the old, traditional fax?
not think that has not contacted the organization, I've already sent two e-mails, but they are not problems that I was interested in your experience, thanks!
said that the week had gone to twice a day with a big lineup to decline (1600m-1200m-1000m-800m-600m-400m) with recovery equal to the time when you ran the test in the morning, and a slow 10km Monday afternoon, then progressive increments of 12 km to 4km (last to first trance 4'20 3'45 ") and soccer-match in one hour Tuesday night .. 14km slower Wednesdays poi xò C'è stato San Martino;Bottiglia intera di Sangiovese barricato e due calici di cagnina ,Marroni come se piovesse e dulcis in fabula Sabadoni della nonna.Ora per rispetto di chi non conosce questa ghiottoneria non citero gli ingredienti ma le calorie,credetemi,sono notevoli!!
Venerdi scoreggia e rutto libero,leggera aureola attorno alla crapa che non mi ha portato alla beatificazione ma alla rinuncia della seduta di allenamento sostituita da ripetute sul trono ceramico della mia toilette!!
Oggi tornato ad una parvenza di professionalità,nel pomeriggio bella gara completamente piatta su circuito di 10km chiuso con dignità! dopo tutto si correva in zona blu e con tutta quella"benzina rossa" nel serbatoio è già grassa not taking a fine or worse a breathalyzer!
Then tomorrow morning in the hilly 12.2 km race that I remember being very tough in the first part and then becomes faster in the second.
Here the court road racing season ends officially begins the season of cross .. Nails are already in place, but more important will be back in the weight limits or "scratch in the mud" will become even harder!
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