The Right Buggianese Ponte announced that MARTEDI'7 pv at December 21, at its headquarters in via Matteotti 7 Buggianese Bridge, will be inaugurated and blessed the "crib craft."
Approaching the Christmas spirit, you can see the representation of the Nativity, illustrated with hundreds of people of different bill, immersed in a unique setting and feature, where there will, in addition to the classic scenes and universally known, even suggestive references to our community pontigiana and the surrounding landscapes. One studied music playing and lights make it even more poignant portrayal of this lively and engaging one of the most beautiful and popular Italian traditions of Christmas. The crib will
esposto, per tutti coloro che vorranno visitarlo, fino a domenica 9 gennaio 2011. Contestualmente, presso lo stesso, sarà realizzata una raccolta benefica in favore della Casa Famiglia “Piccoli passi” di Monsummano Terme.
La cittadinanza è invitata a partecipare.
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