Monday, January 31, 2011

You Turn Me On And Leave


Hello Jerry
you remember, for Christmas this year I've got a table to improve the short, why do not you seem possible that the results obtained in the marathon I will continue to be so poor in the 10km ..

But winter and desire led me to laze around and just this morning I returned to the field of athletics, which were willing but not last night during the slow, the lakes, the one you marked with spray paint, white every 500m so to speak ... I must have stepped on a big shit, so in addition to the smell in the basement, the Sauconj were "useless" and I chose the most suitable Aero oval purple!

I made the setlist 500-400 short-300-200-100m con recupero un 1' da fermo per 5 volte finendo che ero uno straccio ma felice di poterti dire che la tabella era partita..

Poi la notizia

Ti hanno trovato disteso,mentre cercavi in quell'ultimo allungo di chiamare il 118,ci eri pure riuscito ,ma è stato tutto inutile,al loro arrivo i dottori hanno dovuto registrare il tuo decesso,le tue coronarie impazzite ti hanno strappato alle strade,alla tua famiglia e a tutti noi che ascoltavamo e seguivamo i consigli del forte atleta quale sei stato e che ancora eri,anche se ti sentivi solo la brutta copia del Jerry da 2h 30' in Maratona.
In questi momenti mi viene da odiare la vita,tutte le letture sull'alimentazione corretta,l'attività fisica,tutte shit, they're right, sedentary cursed! There
scrambling just to be on top form, having a system devoid of LDL cardiocicolatorio, we run to strengthen the walls of our motor muscle, heart, and then you cook two strings crack,
stop Big Ben said, without looking for anyone.

I accepted, it happened in the race, but while you sit in your living room no!, So it is really ridiculous and unfair, the only hope I have, is that while your polmoniper filled the last moments, Your eyes are focused on trophies and medals which have filled the rooms and I can help you realize how far you've done in your head!
Why die a little more than 50 years after adolescence in boxing and a life without excesses is yet another carcass of an infamous nature, it draws two points, one departure and one arrival, but there is as you know about how close we are measuring.
you on your board had followed all the moves dictated by doctors and common sense but your opponent has cheated and you took away the same.
MI remain, however, the paths in all these years you have measured and repainted km per km, and this table for that matter I will try to honor the best!



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