Monday, February 28, 2011

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A strike still true that the country ". Not much was expected attend the meeting of working men and women Autoconvocate which was held yesterday in Rome. More than three hundred people, a bit 'from the four corners of the beautiful country, telling of the desire to mobilize and, above all, the will to do so in clear objectives. So rather than "general strike" which is now in the mouth to the CGIL is becoming synonymous with "great initiative" and that's it, it is better to speak of "general strike".
present delegates from the initials of both trade unions of the base, nearly all of that certain categories of the CGIL (metal, chemicals, trade, civil service, school), the Assembly clearly raised the idea of \u200b\u200ba permanent mobilization . A clear message to the address the trade union bureaucracy "that the protest is a weapon in the hands of workers to the Government that his time is now finished, and the Confederation of the crisis that workers do not intend to pay. But what the third meeting of Autoconvocate put more clearly was the urgent need to unify their struggles. Moreover, the dislocation can not give rise to any alternative proposal, any platform that is able to give a perspective alletante resistance struggles that are being articulated by a year and a half in this part of Italy. On stage, the delegates took the floor of Mirafiori, the Maflow of Manuli, and also the precarious School, health professionals, and the "precarious" delle cooperative sociali appesi, con un contratto a tempo indeterminato, alla scure dei tagli al welfare.Oggi che il “cerchio” della protesta si sta allargando coinvolgendo i diritti del lavoro e quelli civili, il mondo del precariato e le centinaia di migliaia di lavoratori coinvolti dalla crisi, come chi lotta per avere una casa e chi per non far chiudere l’ospedale, nessun sindacato sembra aver voglia di elaborare una proposta convincente e vincente. Per quanto riguarda la politica, in particolare quella che occupa i banchi del Parlamento, forse nemmeno sista accorgendo che c’è un Paese che lotta.Ed è una lotta, come testimoniano le decine di interventi dal palco, che vede finalmente protagonisti tanti giovani. «Ormai non we can no longer postpone - said Giorgio Cremaschi - the urgent need to build a fight, and participation from below. Who's Marchionne is our enemy. " This commitment, which has returned to many interventions. Moreover there are no alternatives. In a time when the prevailing trade union model is towards corporatisation, and what remains is not able to respond effectively, workers as has been said, "must take charge of their own destiny or". "If not now when?" They repeated some of the delegates, as this route had to be done "before." Meanwhile, the goal is to stabilizzarel'esperienza in some regional coordination, which are able to repeat the assembly of Autoconvocate. The idea is to build up forces for a specific objective, a manifestation of "all social opposition against the government and Confindustria," building, at the same time, a "leading role of workers' within which the unions have to confront. Hence the proposal for an open table to all the unions, and movements, which are able to create a true laboratory of the struggles and iniziative.Tra others, has also intervened Emidia Papi, the National Coordination of USB, that in the name of independence and autonomy in the evocation of a CGIL criticized that "speaks to strike as a synonym of competitiveness. "In the final document are the harshest criticism against the offensive of Sergio Marchionne. "That model, under the pretext of crisis and global competition, points to the dismantling of trade union rights and protections and wants to bring the condition of women workers and workers back a century." "The Assembly also calls on all trade unions, social, environmental and governmental opposing offensive manor - concludeil document - to identify a common path that builds quickly, beyond the ambiguity of the timidity and the constant references CGIL, a day of struggle and national mobilization and a large demonstration a Roma».
Fabio Sebastiani, Liberazione 27.02.2011

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Il mio rapporto politico e personale con Rifondazione Comunista nell’arco della sua storia ormai ventennale, non è stato sempre costante e lineare, ma si è caratterizzato a fasi alterne e in un modo conflittuale, quasi una sorta di sentimento di “amore e odio”. Ho sempre fatto politica seduto “’ncoppa lo ceraso”, cioè sul ciliegio. Ebbene, faccio presente che in cima al ciliegio si respira un'aria salubre, ma soprattutto si ha una visione onesta e distaccata del mondo. Credo che quando si perde il senso dell'ironia e della critica, cioè the ability to read critically and ironically the reality, you may be incorporating the "system". Instead, the choice to dominate the world from above gives you a clear vision and objective. Remain "'the ncoppa Ceraso is a privilege granted to the minds free to fly high, that is to think big.
I've always been a Communist atypical intransigent towards the injustices committed by power. No doubt they are sincere and loyal, so hated by the Pharisees. In my own way are consistent, not a braggart who preaches Razzola good but evil. They are probably one that preaches evil and scratching worse. I've always been wary of church-guardians of the parties, similar to altars and incensed militant sanctuaries in which teachers and apostles, priests and seminarians, lay devotees with their robes and sweatshirts battle, processions and hymns, liturgical ceremonies and celebrations, the Decalogue and the penances, confessions, and the excommunications purges, the renunciations and retractions, scandal and exorcisms.
Upon its inception in 1991, I remember that I immediately adhered to the ideal that inspired the Communist Party of the PRC, although I had decided not to get the card, which they did later. On the other hand, from my experience of proletarian democracy, in which I played in the youth section of Lyon, now made me sympathize for the new political entity embracing the foundational design (or rather, re-founding) of the common aspirations in a historical phase in which the world witnessed the collapse of real socialism in the USSR and Eastern Europe. My membership of the PRC
happened for the first time in 1995 when I was a candidate in the provincial elections also been fairly successful in terms of numbers. But the most important result was the formation of a club in my country. Then I lived a long distance from the party to return in 2001 in the wake of protests against the G8 in Genoa. In 2003 I experienced another significant moment from the point of view when I ran for election in a list of the PRC in local elections of my town. Experience in the PRC militant lasted until the following year. Since then I have decided not to renew as the party ticket.
The reasons for my expulsion from the party were of a political and personal. First, the regressions carried out by the magic windbag, l '(in) President Faust, author of the most glaring blunders and more winding turns, the Kafkaesque metamorphosis par excellence, indeed of the Faustian metamorphosis, the zig-zag ideological. They had never seen coils so daring in the history of Italian trade union and labor movement. It 'very hard to describe the many activities carried out and performed against former Secretary rifondarolo: in the first direction moved, poi ghandiano, infine governista e militarista. Addio alla lotta di classe e al comunismo, addio al sindacalismo operaio, addio al pacifismo, addio al partito. E per cosa? Per una poltrona che fu occupata anche dal fondoschiena della Pivetti? Ma ne valeva la pena? Come il dottor Faust che vendette l'anima al diavolo, l’(in)Faust ha svenduto le battaglie di una vita, ottenendo in cambio un incarico istituzionale simbolico, privo di poteri decisionali.
Poi c’è stato il congresso più infuocato e cammellato nella storia del PRC, in cui si è consumato uno scontro per nulla epico che non ha concesso tregue alle faide intestine tra gli sceicchi del partito. Se qualcuno avesse avuto bisogno di un riscontro, la vicenda ha confermato Once again the bureaucrats know how to deal with only bland bureaucratic loopholes. In a surreal setting was celebrated the apotheosis of parliamentary cretinism. False poets and phrase-to the command of the party, evident in withdrawal symptoms, they are ready to lay your ass back benches of Parliament on bourgeois.
Today it seems to me that the project of the Federation of the Left is forcing a restructuring of the tax policy framework that has undermined the minor parties. If the reasons for the emergence of the cartel are of electioneering, I fear that the process can only arrive at a jumble of acronyms inherited from parties that have already shown strong powers to subordinates in the country. In the past we have witnessed a remarkable fenomeno di scissione degli “atomi comunisti”. L’ultima “scissione subatomica” è stata quella della “particella vendoliana” dopo il congresso di Chianciano. Tuttavia, voler rimettere insieme le “particelle atomiche” che si erano frazionate in precedenza solo per riconquistare qualche seggio in Parlamento non mi pare un serio progetto comunista.
Lucio Garofalo

Sunday, February 27, 2011

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crisis of capitalism and the need for communication

Per raccontare la crisi i mezzi di disinformazione di massa hanno divulgato notizie false e distorte come l’idea che la fase critica abbia esaurito gli effetti più duri e sia in corso una ripresa dell’economia. All’inizio qualcuno has had an interest in panic because, thanks to psychosis has created other social speculation. Today it is blowing in the opposite direction, crediting the idea that the storm has ceased. According to urban legend the recession lies in the orbit of international high finance speculation. And 'no doubt that some of the responsibility is attributed to the cynicism of speculators, but the substance of the crisis is due to the contradictions inherent in the nature of the commodity economy. In fact, a market economy without a market is a contradiction in terms, so if the crisis does not resolve the system risks bankruptcy. No coincidence that we are witnessing the collapse of vertical investment, wages, prices and the rate of profit, which deepens the crisis.
The main cause of the crises that affect capitalism is to be found in the collapse of the rate of profit. The process of accumulation and concentration of capital accelerates the downward trend in the rate of profit trend in the direction of a trend that runs counter to other trends inherent to the system. However, they would not rule out other causes. The ultimate reason lies in the increasing impoverishment of workers and the fall in consumption which contrasts with the need to increase the pool of consumers. In simple words, when wages are reduced too much, fall even consumption of the working masses, and this affects the profits, che precipitano in caduta libera causando effetti di proletarizzazione della piccola e media borghesia imprenditoriale.
Dunque, quella in corso è una crisi di sovrapproduzione e sottoconsumo . Ciò significa che negli ultimi anni si è compiuto un ciclo di accumulazione smisurata di profitti dovuti ad un eccessivo sfruttamento dei lavoratori. I quali, a dispetto dei ritmi e degli standard di rendimento produttivo indubbiamente elevati, sono sempre più poveri. Ciò è accaduto in tutto il mondo a causa di un processo di globalizzazione imperialista che ha creato condizioni di miseria e sottosviluppo, imponendo livelli sempre più bassi del costo del lavoro su scala mondiale, benché gli operai abbiano fatto e facciano più of their duty.
If it is true that the capitalists are the main culprits of the crisis, it is also true that even the politicians, officials and servants of capital, are innocent. Demagogy, incompetence and improvisation of the political classes, the disinformation of the mainstream media, are proof of the deception inherent in the nature of the capitalist economy. A staff made up of political pressure and inept greasy, unscrupulous businessmen, is responsible for the choices we have accelerated the collapse of the international economy.
This recession is the harbinger of an unprecedented depression, for which a solution does not apply remedies and populist measures such as l'autoriduzione dei megastipendi dei manager. La crisi ha rivelato l'inconsistenza della classe politica internazionale, incapace di fronteggiare le sue conseguenze in termini di conflitti sociali. Per esorcizzare la paura ancestrale della "bestia", il terrore suscitato dallo spettro di rivolte popolari che si riaffacciano sullo scenario storico, le classi dirigenti potranno ricorrere ad una repressione più dura invocando svolte autoritarie e liberticide.
In passato, per scongiurare altre crisi economiche il sistema capitalistico ha escogitato soluzioni all’interno dell’orizzonte capitalistico con il ricorso all’interventismo statale e all’ampliamento della spesa pubblica. Si pensi a scelte di ispirazione keynesiana, o a risposte neo-imperialistic order to defend the manor. The neo-colonial policies were not used only in search of an outlet for goods from the developed capitalist countries, or a place to find cheap raw materials and cheap labor, but were also a way to conquer areas in which to expand capital without facing competition in the sector. The arms race was the path chosen by the ruling classes to get out of the depression of 1929 that led to World War II. Fascism was another kind of reaction to the crisis of the ruling classes of the First World War and helped to exacerbate conflicts among the imperialist powers. Today, the best hypothesis
environments "progressive" is not the abolition of capitalism, but a solution "Keynesian" has already been tried in the past with only transient positive outcomes. History shows that government intervention is called for by the capitalists and their servants only in times of depression to "socialize losses" and save the interests of capitalist enterprises, to help the system when it threatens to collapse, by charging the effects of crisis workers, while in times of "fat cows" is claimed to revive the "free market", namely freedom of profits and business without state interference, returning to privatize profits and violating every rule and every law. It 'clear that this is a solution comoda solo per i soliti sciacalli e speculatori che restano impuniti per i loro delitti contro la società.
Nel caso odierno la fuoriuscita dalla crisi è possibile solo attraverso la fuoriuscita dal capitalismo. Ovviamente tale prospettiva spaventa i capitalisti e i loro servi. Per arginare l’esplosione di rivolte sociali come quelle nel Maghreb, i capitalisti invocheranno soluzioni di stampo fascista (in versione aggiornata) che potranno condurre ad una corsa al riarmo e ad uno sbocco bellico, cioè un lungo ciclo di guerre internazionali. Pertanto, l’unica alternativa per scongiurare la catastrofe è quella di una fuoriuscita dal capitalismo. Ciò significa restituire al lavoro collettivo il valore che gli spetta, recuperare il primato del lavoro sociale in un assetto di autogestione delle aziende da parte dei lavoratori . E’ evidente che non basta appropriarsi dei mezzi di produzione, ma bisogna trasformare radicalmente il modo di organizzare e gestire la produzione stessa. Infatti, le imprese capitalistiche sono state create per ottenere ingenti profitti e non per soddisfare le esigenze vitali delle persone. E' la loro struttura intrinseca ad essere viziata. Occorre riconvertire le aziende verso la produzione di beni primari in modo che il valore d'uso riacquisti il suo antico primato sul valore di scambio e che l'autoconsumo delle unità produttive locali prevalga sui bisogni consumistici indotti dal mercato, eliminando la subordinazione delle istanze sociali the laws of profit.
I do not think the inevitability of the collapse of capitalism. If anything, I accept the idea of \u200b\u200ba need seen as inherent in the historical development trend. I think the need of a break due to the will and the ability to cap Acito of revolutionary political action. I do not think that the collapse of capitalism is inevitable, but I am convinced that this revolutionary task is a voluntary act that it is for the working classes, if and when they will organize themselves for the conquest of power and self-management of economic ownership. At present this result is still far from achieving it. The international proletariat sta rispondendo alla crisi, ma le rivolte sociali sono oscurate dai mass-media ufficiali che temono l’estensione delle lotte di classe. Concludo ricordando che siamo solo all’inizio della crisi, nella fase embrionale delle contraddizioni di classe tra la borghesia capitalista e il proletariato internazionale.
Lucio Garofalo

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Tra i frutti avvelenati, si spera gli ultimi, che l’ineffabile Gheddafi sta lasciando alla popolazione libica - la cui rivolta ha contorni ancora non ben decifrabili e non del tutto a ssimilabili all’ondata di sollevazioni iniziata in Tunisia - c’è anche il fatto che la repressione sanguinosa ha given new breath to a hint that the West, primarily in Washington, a bit 'had put in the drawer after the disaster known in the Middle East. The little word is: intervention in Libya. Humanitarian, of course.
last few days speak loudly analysts and journalists in the States, a sign of what will be discussed behind the scenes. Without mincing words, the Wall Street Journal on Wednesday proposed to directly bombard the airports in Libya, "of course" to defend the population against the killing of aviation, condemning Obama's caution against armed insurgents who should instead directly. The softer New York Times and Foreign Policy have also revived proposals for a no-fly zone Kurdistan under Saddam-model-aid to deserters and sanctions to the regime. Already a couple of days ago the official Council on Foreign Relations had forewarned the Europeans, if the situation were to degenerate and stop oil supplies should be considered a military option.
Wednesday evening and then came the official declaration of Obama who " asked the administration to prepare the entire spectrum of options available to respond to the crisis . Brussels Finally, as always at the wheel, began to circulate unofficially marked humanitarian military intervention. For its part, the Italian government, especially Maroni, is mounting day by the alarm “esodo biblico”, sia a fini interni sia verso i partner europei scettici e piuttosto riottosi.
Intervento umanitario! Come se l’appalto al regime dei lager di detenzione dei migranti non fosse in conto Ue. Come se le armi con cui Gheddafi porta avanti la sua mattanza non fossero italiane - grazie al trattato di amicizia firmato da Berluska- e inglesi -intermediario Blair in persona- e tedesche. Come se le imprese occidentali, dalla Shell all’Eni ecc. non avessero concluso negli ultimi anni contratti d’oro con la Libia del rais. Come se gli stessi Stati Uniti, dopo aver eliminato le sanzioni nel 2004, non si fossero ben reinseriti nel gioco grazie ai contatti diretti di esponenti in vista dei neocons. Lasciamo perdere...
Non that any military action is imminent nor easy. And probably there will not be no time. But the signal is political. Especially for Washington. That the EU is once again nothing to the autonomy and the geopolitical perspective: the moves are italiote cries of help without any strategy, Paris and Berlin is ridiculous look elsewhere, the overall image with which the "civilized" Europe comes out is deservedly disastrous.
to Washington instead is to exploit the events with the utmost cynicism, and the dead.
This recirculate and re-legitimation the idea that the West is deputy to intervene to restore order and only the United States are able to do so not against, but to support (!) but the aspirations of sse. One way to guarantee the real push for change and at the same time state governments to "transition"-Tunisia and Egypt today, tomorrow ...- which to contain and stop the radicalization of risk can and must rely on the alliance ever.
Everything changes because nothing changes: this solves the "reformism" of Obama caught between the inability of domestic and international, when a speech to Bush and the need / desire to take up, even against Europe, Russia and China , the "new" Middle East going to emerge. In the face of earth tremors that the crisis globale sta comunicando al mondo arabo dubitiamo che questa operazione sarà sufficiente. Ma certo non è male a sinistra esserne criticamente avvertiti. Nella vita reale, a differenza che sui campi di gioco, la partita non è mai solo a due...

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like fish in an aquarium

B aud mi ha wrote: "Today the vast majority of people have become like small islands, or rather the small submersible watertight. Inside their thoughts, concepts, ways of being crystallized very early in their life. "

It 's not easy to find an explanation for this phenomenon. Moreover, I also believe that this' that might arise from my words might not be acceptable to those who live past glories of the cultural, convinced that is enough vestiges of a past that was to feel at peace with his conscience, sure I could live income on the accumulated by his ancestors, so 'as to be immune to that which from the most' parts of the world inizia a farsi sentire sempre piu’ forte. Un richiamo che, per essere sentito, occorre che la membrana che ci avvolge venga spezzata, e dal bozzolo dell'individualismo si liberi infine una farfalla.
Leggi il seguito di questo post...»

Saturday, February 26, 2011

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Dopo la cacciata di Ben Ali e di Mubarak, la rivolta contro il regime di Gheddafi ci riempie di gioia.

Per 42 anni il regime di Gheddafi ha fatto il bello e il cattivo temp o, alle spalle dei proletari libici, del Medio Oriente e di tanti altri Paesi, che in Libia vanno a lavorare.
Grazie alla rendita petrolifera, il regime ha created an army of corrupt officials, ready to grab all the resources of the country and sold to European companies, deploying a mass of cops, ready to break strikes, labor unrest and all forms of popular dissent.
Not only that Gaddafi was primarily a police officer in the pay of the West, his job was to stop the millions of refugees from Africa and Asia, seeking a better life in rich Europe. In all this dirty game, the lion's share have made the Italian capitalists, accompanied by a host of businessmen and wheeler-prey, of which Berlusconi is the first in the list. Just
the Berlusconi government in 2004 made an agreement with Tripoli (developed after developed in November 2006 by the Prodi government, and then further compounded by Berlusconi, in September 2010) moved on Libyan territory, the border anti-immigrant agreements have established a large police and military cooperation plan for the control and possession on Libyan soil of those immigrants who landed in Italy, they are immediately expelled and sent back. Thanks to these agreements, thousands of men, women and children ended up in concentration camps, in unhealthy cells, often without food or water and many died of starvation or under the blows of the posse.
This tangle of business, interest and criminal complicity explains the support that Italy and Europe have given up Gaddafi yesterday, and embarrassment in today's political stand against a regime that intensifies attacks bloody events. While
to defend their business, the owners of Europe and America are willing to destroy Libya, as in Somalia, where today they can exploit to the bone for men and women, where they can download the toxic waste, where they can do all the dirty trade, arms and human beings.
The collapse of the prison regime of Gaddafi, also would drop barriers that prevent immigrants from coming to Italy and Europe. And this scares the bosses and politicians, right and left, that's are preparing to deploy the army, navy aeronautics, to fortify the borders, build concentration camps, before which even the monstrosity represented by CIE (against whom continue to fight: now more than ever) would be reduced to nothing.
so easy to imagine that in this context will intensify the checks, abuse and oppression toward all immigrants, it is always colder than the wind that blows on the neck of Italian workers (not just the FIAT Marchionne, but all the factories of a thousand truck drivers).
The "civilization" and "democracy" Western exported with the war halfway around the world, are intended for their irreversible sunset but their guardians, just like the butcher Gaddafi is doing, not waived their extreme violence against the popular classes, in a desperate attempt to defend its system of exploitation and privileges.
For all these reasons, Libya affects us and shows us clearly which side they are.
If the Italians are masters today with Gaddafi (and tomorrow with his substitute), but we are with the people of Libya and North Africa showing the proletarian masses, with unprecedented power, the revolution is not only necessary but also possible .
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Friday, February 25, 2011

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A revolutionary fire burning of vast proportions throughout the North African front, in practice, on the southern shores of the Mediterranean, a few miles of the Italian coasts. The flame is initially broke out in Algeria, setting a fire which has spread easily to other North African countries like Tunisia, Morocco, Egypt and the Arabian Peninsula, Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, Mauritania, Sudan, Yemen, Jordan, Lebanon, Syria and other States that are not exposed to the attention of the media.
These days the fire is flashing Libya's Colonel Gaddafi. Which, thanks to the criminal complicity of the Berlusconi government and Italian-made weapons, is killing his people claiming more rights, freedom and genuine democratic renewal of society and politics. E 'should be remembered that Italy is the leading European supplier of weapons to the Qaddafi regime and the third largest exporter of weapons of war in the world after the United States and Britain.
To understand the significance of the revolutionary events of recent weeks is not the trivial explanation that suggests the image of a "domino effect", as many political analysts theorized to describe the collapse of the regimes of Eastern Europe from Asia by the Wall Berlin in the late 80's, nor the thesis of an "earthquake" on a broad political scale, as claimed by many observers today, but must be devised an accumulation of energy as that prior to the occurrence of an earthquake event, ie an accumulation of tensions and contradictions within a social movement comparable to the overall expansion tectonics revolution. The thesis that
conspiracy behind the riots of the Arab peoples of the nest "hidden puppet masters" who would head the usual CIA or Mossad, Israeli intelligence that is just ridiculous, is a fable, a convenient deception and reduced schematic and simplistic view of reality, but is much more complicated.
The revolutionary wave is continuing, indeed. The burning wind of popular revolt threatens to blow again and go quickly to the Near East, by investing the entire Middle East region and the Persian Gulf, where economic interests are at stake, the most important political and strategic and vital to the international imperialism.
The meaning and effect of these revolts transcend national political boundaries. We are facing the beginning of a revolutionary crisis of epochal dimensions that could trigger a process of breaking the balance of power international economic and geo-political. Not surprisingly, the imperialists around the world are concerned that other revolutionary movements to take place in countries whose role is crucial as, for example, Turkey, a valuable historical ally of NATO, or in those Member Persian Gulf, rich in oil reserves essential capitalist world economy.
the revolutionary struggles of the Arab proletariat, largely composed of young people under 30 years of being dragged by a sincere revolutionary enthusiasm, they are giving lessons useful to the weak and gentrified the European left, showing the world that only the masses and decided in the compact revolutionary struggle can put an end to capitalist crisis that increasingly s'inasprisce. The riots of the square in the Maghreb countries show that no political regime is invincible, that the proletarian masses can overthrow any government, as despotic and bloody it is, that the support provided by the imperialist system World is not enough to keep them alive.
There is no doubt that a decisive role in the final and victorious outcome of these revolutions is played by the army, but also at other times in history it happened that the desertion of the military has been a determining factor for the fate of a revolution : think of the tsarist army soldiers and officers who chose the class solidarity against the so-called "national interest", putting themselves alongside the Bolshevik uprising in Russia and facilitating the final victory of the Soviets in 1917.
Coming to Italian foreign policy, one can not but firmly denounced the position, totally unacceptable and outrageous, in favor of rais Libyan maintained so far by the Berlusconi government that insists on defending, in fact, the Gaddafi regime. Those who today proclaim (in words) of siding with the Arab peoples' struggle for democracy ", to show solidarity yesterday and did business with autocratic regimes in the region and advocating the" noble cause "of" exporting democracy "through the war, U.S. imperialism to a strategic function.
And of course continue to show solidarity and to sign a roaring trade with future despots and tyrants. In fact, the clerks would like the classic western political solution gattopardesco mold, vale a dire una prospettiva di medio o lungo termine che consenta di cambiare tutto affinché nulla cambi e tutto rimanga come prima.
Lucio Garofalo

Thursday, February 24, 2011

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Certo che per uno con il curriculum ladronesco di Berlusconi, essere incastrato da una che di nome fa Ruby sarebbe il colmo. Intanto si è arrivati alla svolta processual e e il 6 aprile il nostro dovrà comparire (forse), per la prima volta da premier, in un aula di tribunale per rispondere all’accusa di prostituzione minorile e a quella di concussione. Da mesi ormai le vicende personali del puttaniere di Arcore paralizzano quelle più strettamente politiche a livello nazionale. Eppure di cose rilevanti ne sono successe: Fiat's referendum, with the workers who were forced to submit to blackmail or the pavement or slavery, the increasing pressures at the center of Confindustria, which is releasing the government, the split in the majority with Futuroelibertà and the rift in the womb Fli with many of the same sheep, as Barbareschi, returning to the fold Berlusconi persuasive as usual, the chevalier.
In fact, the cracks do not occur on the basis of specific discriminatory policies, but, more simply, the market, in the strict sense of politics. The economic dominance of Berlusconi can buy (usually at the expense of the exchequer) Members shall ensure that the parliamentary majority ... and impunity. From Scilipoti to Barbary, in fact, according to the vox populi prebends it would be very consistent, able to impair the integrity of many other idealists, even middle-class ...
useless, nothing, or almost! From Ballarò Annozero, television programs of the opposition are all focused on that night of the famous phone call to the police station, where Berlusconi calling for the release because of the grandson of Ruby Mubarak, with Nicole Minetti's role in the Lombardy Regional Council, to act as an intermediary.
Notwithstanding the fact that, as infoiati, we do not believe Berlusconi so stupid to think for a moment that the aforementioned Ruby really was the nephew of Mubarak, beyond the fact that the prime minister (in friendships with ladies gifts to minors easy ...), in disregard of the same bourgeois laws, abuse of its institutional role in the police to issue an immigrant to do that had committed a crime (what do you think will be his ally Bossi?), will keep us to emphasize that it is amazing how morality becomes the moment depending on who is caught with his hands in the cookie jar.
The same people who have the time necessary Marrazzo, when shamed, according to them, sat in the opposite side of the House, posing as defenders of public morality ... now rediscovered "libertarian", and what accuse others? Of false morality, Puritanism and so on and so forth. A leap of quail by those who hypocritically hymned, with lots of divorces and separations behind the family (and of course, to God and the Fatherland), releasing the compact ones that have a Family Day Maroni, Minister of the Interior now is increasingly competing with Himmler as a repressive policies, even to invoke the ghosts of a police state (loro!), a sword and defend the sacred right to privacy is violated by those communists of the judiciary. Right to privacy that is certainly not the revolutionary communists, or the anti-capitalists in general, for which the phone under control è la regola quotidiana, e che però non hanno mai organizzato cortei o raccolte di firme per chiedere alle istituzioni di non ascoltare le loro telefonate. A sentire il popolo di centrodestra, il campione di tutte le libertà individuali, dalla privacy ai diritti sanciti nel 1789 con la presa della Bastiglia è lui, il Cavaliere. E gli altri? Moralisti, bacchettoni, ipocriti. Avremmo voluto vedere se a parti invertite, con un Prodi sulla pol trona di palazzo Chigi piuttosto che con un outsider come Marrazzo, sarebbero stati altrettanto “di larghe vedute”: e, infatti, non lo sono stati.
Persino la Chiesa, che nelle sue istituzioni di punta, come la CEI, non può fare altro che ostentare freddezza to the disgraced Berlusca too (although the huge interests at stake advise not to do the voice too hard), which is criticized by the same as has always been useful to raise anti-Cross for its own use and consumption.
Is there anyway to point out that, even if on the one hand there is nothing that opens the way to all kinds of attacks (more than justified), the other does not go beyond a general moral issue. And besides, when the policy platform is identical in substance and when it comes to applaud policies Marchionne (shame on them!), The left does not just have to hang from the skirts of Ruby Heartbreaker.

European South Park Stream


While continuing to arrive from Libya dramatic news on the violent repression by the regime, it is useful to remember that Tripoli is a major trading partner for Italy in the military sector. In fact in this country is direct about 2% of total exports of Italy, which ranks as the eleventh country importer of Italian arms.
By the way, after a slight dip between 2005 and 2007, in 2008 the value of the Libyan military spending has started to grow again, reaching the figure of $ 1.1 billion in 2008, thus opening up interesting perspectives for the export of armi.In according to the report of the Chairman of the Council of Ministers on the outlines of politica del Governo in materia di esportazione, importazione e transito dei materiali di armamento, il valore delle esportazioni di armi italiane alla Libia è in costante crescita a partire dal 2006, anno in cui riprendono i flussi commerciali tra i due Stati. Le autorizzazioni alle esportazioni italiane in Libia per il 2009 sono state pari a circa 111,8 milioni di euro, in aumento rispetto ai 93 milioni circa del 2008 (in particolare bombe, siluri, eazzi, aeromobili e apparecchiature elettroniche).
E' utile ricordare che negli ultimi dieci anni diversi sono stati gli accordi stipulati con il regime di Gheddafi:
• La Agusta Westlands, una società del Gruppo Finmeccanica, ha venduto 10 elicotteri AW109E Power tra il 2006 e il 2009, worth about 80 million €. The company also claims to have sold nearly 20 helicopters in recent years, including the single-rotor aircraft for missions AW119K medical emergency and the AW139 medium twin engine for the activities of general security.
• Joint-venture: the Libyan Italian Advanced Technology Company (LIATEC), 50% owned by the Libyan Company for Aviation Industry, to 25% by Finmeccanica and 25% by Agusta Westlands. LIATEC offering maintenance and crew training aircraft AW119K, AW109 and AW139, including technical support, overhauls and spare diricambio.
• In January 2008, Alenia Aeronautica, another group company, has signed a agreement with Libya for the provision of an ATR-42MP Surveyor, a maritime patrol aircraft for the. In addition, the contract, worth 31 million euro, including pilot training, system operators, logistic support and spare parts. •
Itas srl, a company of La Spezia (according to the Research Department - Department of Foreign Affairs of the House, doc.140-21/05/2010) by the technical control and maintenance of Otomat missiles, purchased from the seventies by government in Tripoli. The Otomat is a long-range anti-ship missile.
• Following the agreements contained in the Treaty of Benghazi in May 2009, the Guardia di Finanza undertook the delivery of the first three patrol the Libyan navy to patrol the Mediterranean Sea, followed in February 2010 by three other boats (one of these were fired volleys of machine gun against an Italian fishing boat in 2010).
Finmeccanica has concluded side agreements with the Libyan company:
• In 2009, he signed a Memorandum of Understanding for the promotion of activities of strategic cooperation with the LIA (Libyan Investment Authority) and the LAP (the Libya Africa Investment Portfolio).
• SELEX Sistemi Integrati, a Finmeccanica Company, signed in October 2009 in a deal worth 300 million euro for the construction of a large system of protection and border security.
Only now, before the popular uprising that is spreading in the North African countries, it turns out that these regimes are illiberal, while Western governments supported them for a long time, providing arms in exchange for raw materials and appropriately "distracting" Key respect for human rights and basic civil liberties trampled in these countries, as in Libya.
Maurizio Simoncelli

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Ceremony Program Thank You Line

... It starts

Ocular Hypertension More Condition_symptoms

R abbah, l'amica da Bucarest, mi ha scritto: “Per te Klara, che ami dormire da sola, credo che un libro sia l'unico "amante" che tollereresti accanto sul cuscino quando ti addormenti e l'unico che potrebbe farti sognare."

Mi piacerebbe capire da dov’e’ and that 'did this "legend" to which I would love to sleep alone and not to tolerate any lover than a book. Maybe there 'was something wrong with my way of communicating and I do not like at all,' cause "clear" as well as the name I have chosen for the web, and 'also the one that always try to be. I am convinced that the great changes, the great cultural revolutions begin with small things, by our individual behavior and believe that only with clarity, then by removing
Read the rest of this post ... »

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Renal Cyst And Dark Circles


Very few lights on the proletariat exploited worse than a beast of burden, Angarano, deceived and fooled by the sirens that gradually appear on the stage of policy she bourgeois politician. Skilful, the ugly mermaids, to promise heaven and earth, a wink to the immense army of the "last" to buy with money out over their ballots on which to build or strengthen the power for themselves and their sponsors social . What is the mirage of a "bunga-bunga for all" dell'inqualificabile Knight or a renewed "American Dream" American Dream, "first black president in history", the substance remains the same: always ensure long life to capitalism, question. But these dreams last space of a morning e al risveglio lasciano in bocca il sapore cattivo di una brutta sbornia. Detto in altro modo, delusione, scoramento, sfiducia nella possibilità di cambiare, finalmente in meglio, le cose. L’attuale presidenza americana ne è una manifestazione lampante.
Dopo gli otto anni del re travicello George Bush jr, Obama si presentò come il restauratore delle radici libertarie della superpotenza, il rianimatore del riformismo rooseveltiano che avrebbe traghettato gli Stati Uniti oltre le acque turbinose della crisi, senza lasciare indietro nessuno, anzi, sul traghetto, come un Titanic al contrario, i primi a salire sarebbero stati proprio gli “ultimi” della scala sociale. E il proletariato statunitense votò, se non in massa, certainly more numerous than usual, to the former Chicago attorney. Of course, an elected president, as always, thanks to the support of big business, which places men in key posts came directly from major financial institutions, can hardly contradict his sponsor with measures which, without being communists, interfere with the their interests. So, as you know, banks and similar stuffed with money are "public", two big car as well (GM and Chrysler), provided the workers to accept "voluntary" a contract of employment of Nazi. The result is that financial speculation has again unfurled the sails (if it was that had been folded), managers are given compensation fabulous, and unemployment, the real one is around 17%, wage laborers trudging to make ends meet and, in growing numbers, not not even have a roof over their head. By some estimates, and the circumstances at the end of 2011 another two million families will seize the house, bringing the total number of families dispossessed by the banks to five million units. On the other hand, if the mortgage repayments account for 63% of gross income, if wages / salaries not only stagnate but move back, the social drama of foreclosures is well within the logic of things ... capitalist. Not only is it logical, but nothing suggests that the trend can be reversed, despite the requirements of reform that would overcome the crisis with the revival of consumption by increasing salaries. The capital has amply demonstrated that the only reform which today can be granted citizenship is in favor of that capital, tried to deceive himself, that is to circumvent the laws of accumulation, for example, by encouraging the consumption based on Debt - 40% of U.S. GDP is given by the consumer - but, again, the remedy proved worse than the disease. So, on with the usual, dear recipes always do pay for the crisis the proletariat, and why not, a part of the petty bourgeoisie. How? Cutting wages / salaries, cutting social services, withdrawals, ie, the indirect wages and deferred. If then there will be tax cuts, as they preach the reformers of the above, while it starts or to defend the rich. In fact, apart from the fact that, in itself, the reduction in taxes means less delivery of social services, so far, who has benefited from that measure were the most affluent and confirmed Obama tax policy of his predecessor, who was just to do so. He then frozen for two years salary increases to the state - shown, however, an amateur a confronti del “nostro” governo, che li ha bloccati per tre anni e oltre — .
Ma la crisi stenta a togliersi di torno e nel 2011 il deficit federale dovrebbe arrivare al 10,9% del PIL — 1650 miliardi di dollari — e allora, nella bozza di legge finanziaria, calerà di nuovo la scure sugli stessi, anzi, in particolare sugli “ultimi degli ultimi”, cioè sugli strati più poveri del proletariato statunitense. «200 programmi federali di carattere sociale subiranno sforbiciate invalidanti; compreso il Medicare (la già debole sanità pubblica)» (T. De Berlanga, il manifesto, 2 febbraio 2011 ), a cui si aggiungeranno minori finanziamenti per i college frequentati, in general, the African-American proletariat, and for scholarships "enjoyed" largely the same sector of the population. Not bad for a president "black" and reformist!
Although NASA and the Pentagon will have less resources, but certainly not to such an extent as to affect the work activities of imperialist policy. It seems, however, that the only items of expenditure will cover the increase in infrastructure - such as speed trains, the strengthening of "network" (wireless, broadband, etc..), Which also means more control on the same - the training and research (what is not clear at the time) -.
There is the infamous green economy, which should also be encouraged through tax - nothing extraordinary, nothing to fear - on the activities of oil companies and fossil fuels in general. Just
all this back on track for the U.S. real economy? Entertain some doubt as less legitimate
... No doubt, however, continue as to who, exactly, to pay the price, unless they go beyond the silent protest of a sterile turnout, which favors only one or the other gang bourgeois - the triumph of the Republican mid-term election is due in large part with the 45 million voters in less - the proletariat, with the its class struggle, not sparigli cards rigged the game.
Celso Beltrami

Indentations In Skin That Linger

After Benghazi, the rebellion has arrived in the capital, is a battlefield. Many of the dead. Voices then gave Gaddafi denied on the run. The only one to put his face is 's son Saif al-Islam.

increasingly dramatic situation in Libya, where the protest against the government of Colonel Muammar Gaddafi, in power for 42 years, despite extending the bloody repression. The victims are or could be hundreds, even in the absence of direct sources (since the Libyan authorities not allow entry to journalists and do everything to hinder communications via telephone and internet), verification of the numbers is impossible. Only one last Thursday - when the web was launched, "the day of anger" - and Sunday, according to Human Rights Watch, the dead would be 233, according to the newspaper's London private Libyan Libya al-Youm 285, 300 or 400 according to other sources. Uncertain of the number of victims to Tripoli, where the insurgency East arrived Sunday night and yesterday was a day of war: at least 61 seconds of Qatar Al Jazeera TV.
more content - but no less serious than 84 deaths and 14 in Benghazi to Tripoli - the record of yesterday's state television by Saif al-Islam Gaddafi, the leader of secodondogenito that in a moment of great confusion and overlapping of contradictory voices, is the only visible face of the scheme to expose himself (he who, strictly speaking, not part of the government and has no institutional positions , like his father). According to news
always be confirmed, the protesters attacked and set fire to several public buildings in Tripoli - television and radio, some barracks, places of political power - and the streets were littered with corpses of both, especially, of the part. The supporters of Colonel contend the streets to anti-regime demonstrators, and there is even talk of shots of heavy weapons and air strikes on a number of districts da parte delle forze armate. Per ieri sera (forse) era convocata una nuova manifestazione di protesta nella Piazza Verde, che ha assunto come la Piazza Tahir del Cairo un valore simbolico decisivo.
Non è chiaro il livello di controllo che il regime di Gheddafi mantiene sul paese, che sembrerebbe aver perso l’appoggio dei due principali clan tribali, i Warfalla e gli Zawhiya. Ieri sono cominciate del defezioni: quella del ministro della giustiza Musataf Abdul Jalil (che ha lamentato «l’eccessivo uso della forza»), quella di alcuni ambasciatori (in India, alla Lega araba) e del n. 2 della rappresentanza libica all’Onu. Defezioni anche per due colonnelli della Forza aerea libica che ieri pomeriggio sono atterrati con i loro Mirage fighters at the airport of Malta and requested political asylum.
Yesterday was circulated, but coming from Brussels, the item released by the British Foreign Secretary William Hague that gave Gadhafi already fleeing to Venezuela's Chavez. Voices from Caracas, and even then denied by Tripoli. Another voice gave the leader left his residence in the Bab el-Azyzia barracks in Tripoli and headed Sehba, in the Sahara. But, at least according to what is repeated by his son on TV - ' fight until the last bullet "- if the wind is able to blow up the Maghreb also - after the Tunisian el'egiziano Mubarak Ben Ali - the Libyan Gaddafi, dislodged (what now seems the most likely hypothesis) could be perhaps the most difficult and certainly more bloody. Unless everything does not crash at any moment.
It also begins to notice some cracks within the establishment of government. Mohammed Bayou, up to a month ago, a government spokesman, issued a statement criticizing the use of violence to halt the rebellion and appealed to Saif al-Islam because it immediately opens a dialogue with the opposition "to arrive at changes in the limbic system. "
Saif al-Islam, that it is not clear whether it was delegated by his father to put his face or if he is doing on its own initiative - perhaps in competition with someone else's child Colonel -, is still engaging in an attempt to salvage, what with the passing of the hours and days is increasingly difficult. Before spoke on television around midnight on Sunday, talking for about forty minutes and alternating political openings afuneste prophecies of doom for the Libyan people if the insurgency does not subside and calls for dialogue were - as seems to be - let cadere.Saif Libyans warned of the risks that the uprising should result in a "civil war", spoke of "a plot against Libya," by which "someone wants to create a government in Benghazi and others want an Islamic emirate in Bady, has denied the departure (escape) of his father and says that they are ready to fight "until the last bullet," he admitted that the eastern city of Benghazi and al-Bady are under the control of insurgents and that "the Libyans were killed and this is a tragedy," even if the figures are "exaggerated." Saif is committed in an attempt to initiate reforms that "would have to be taken before (he has often invoked, in fact). But maybe it's late, as it was too late for last minute deals by Ben Ali and Mubarak.
Sunday night, protesters took to the streets of Tripoli decided to hunt Gaddafi and his regime, not to negotiate or to let in another saddle Gaddafi. Yesterday morning new apperizione Saif al-Islam on television in which the defendant has paid to common criminals, prisoners, and foreign Islamists, brought "within two days of a conference on constitutional reforms", he warned the Libyans to forget about the oil and prepare for the civil war ("when the dead would not be 200 but hundreds of thousands') occupation by 'the West' if you can not reach an agreement soon.
But his second surgery did not help to calm everyone down. Benghazi, Al Bayda, Derna are in the hands of the revolt, Tripoli is the battlefield (and now also measured). The war is no longer a hypothesis or a threat has already broken out and is ongoing.
Michele Giorgio

Pain In Lower Left Abdomen

Luke and Paul - one in a thousand CE LA FA - SANREMO 2011

Trichomoniasis After Waxing?

Sanremo: Paul and Luke sing "Berlusconi Fini &" _ I sputtanerò

Confidentiality Clause In Emails

Sanremo 2011 - Luke and Paul: the values \u200b\u200bof the Left.

Monday, February 21, 2011

Purpose Of The Dietary Exchange

Roberto Benigni and UNITA 'D'

Esibendosi sul palcoscenico del teatro Ariston di Sanremo, un Roberto Benigni sottotono, meno istrionico e brillante del solito, ha celebrato con enfasi ufficiale il 150 esimo anniversario dell'unità d'Italia, sudando e visibilmente a disagio a causa delle direttive imposte dai vertici Rai che lo hanno tenuto a freno, temendo evidentemente qualche frecciatina irriverente scoccata all'indirizzo del sultano nazionale. Ma l'unico sberleffo arguto è stato concesso nel momento in cui il giullare toscano ha menzionato un altro celebre Silvio, autore de "Le mie prigioni", alludendo ai guai giudiziari del premier.
Nella circostanza sanremese il comico di Prato , revealed a lack of freedom and histrionic giullaresca, a little caustic and creative streak that has always marked her performances. Unconstrained Benigni was an overwhelming storm of corrosive satire and surrealism, but in San Remo in his usual ironic and irreverent verve has gone off to give way to an unexpected patriotic faith. Consider the rhetoric about patriotism tumbler on the stage of the Ariston and the subtle distinction between patriotism and nationalism.
Instead, really wanted to be intellectually honest, we should admit that patriotism is the antechamber of the chauvinist fanaticism, and imperialism and fascism. The bridge pro-Risorgimento Benigni did not fail to exalt even the Savoy defined as the oldest dynasty in Europe, as if the first one resulting from centuries-old pedigree was a source of pride, it was supposed to report serious crimes, the historical misdeeds and crimes committed by these rulers, who for centuries have proved as the most bloodthirsty, obscurantist and backward between the European royal families.
Moreover, it is extremely difficult to do justice to 150 years of lies told by the winners and to download tons of mud and insults the victims of a real military invasion that was, like any process of "unification" (or, more say, annexation) national, barbaric and terrorist aggression, conquest and brutal bloody who has not had anything epic or romantic. Just think of the millions of southern farmers murdered by the occupying army, not to be "liberated" from oppression of the House of Bourbon of the Kingdom of the Two Sicilies, but to be a ruthless colonization, a scheme that cruel and inhuman as Savoyard who looted the enormous wealth of a territory that was not as poor as the dominant false rhetoric we wished to make for too many decades.
no coincidence that in 1920 the newspaper L'Ordine Nuovo directed by him, Antonio Gramsci wrote the following words, complaining loud and clear what was known as the "Southern Question": "The Italian state has been una dittatura feroce che ha messo a ferro e fuoco l'Italia meridionale e le isole, squartando, fucilando, seppellendo vivi i contadini poveri che scrittori salariati tentarono d'infamare col marchio di briganti.”
Ma tant'è che Benigni di castronerie ne ha dette tante nella serata sanremese, anche a proposito dell'"eroico" pirata nizzardo e dell’astuto conte di Cavour, scorrendo una galleria di figure risorgimentali, noti esponenti della massoneria ottocentesca, fino ad indicare il premier britannico Winston Churchill come il "vincitore" del nazismo. Lo smemorato di Prato ha affermato una falsità storica dicendo che l'Italia sarebbe stata liberata nientemeno che da Churchill, sulla cui figura ci sarebbe molto da obiettare: suffice it to say that in 1933 called Mussolini "the greatest legislator among the living." Having
attributed to British Prime Minister the exclusive prerogative of the victory over Nazism is a glaring mistake made on purpose to please the political right and RAI executives sitting in the audience. Compounding the guilt of Benigni were missed references to anti-fascist resistance, so it should have referred to and in terms of blood and tears has claimed victory for freedom to the Italian people. Rather did not say anything about not hurting for some short-tempered and nostalgic minister in the house. In short, intervention in Sanremo ironic inspiration and biting Benigni was stifled by the directives RAI, for which the Tuscan artist had to present a series of historical nonsense and falsehood. We see that with age the poor fool has become weak and submissive, while the beginning of his career was an unstoppable hurricane of wisdom, humor and poetry.
Moreover, already in the film "Life is Beautiful" the national Roberto took a dramatic blunder, mystifying history to win the sympathies of the Hollywood star system and win the Oscar. In the film attaches to the Americans liberation of Auschwitz, when he enters the tank with the white star, is known to January 27, 1945 (that date is celebra la Giornata della memoria) ad Auschwitz entrarono i soldati dell'Armata Rossa liberando i prigionieri sopravvissuti. E' vero che nel film non si specifica che il lager sia quello di Auschwitz, tuttavia lo lascia intendere chiaramente. Diciamo che è stata una "sviolinata" concessa ai signori di Hollywood.
Lucio Garofalo

How To Install Shelter On Aluminum Boat


long pro marathon for extruders in Garmin Connect - Details
Finally I can say that we made during the week after the 100km funds alternating slow Three-quality tests in a 15x400 with a 200m recovery '3x5000m an average 18km a day and a perfect day in overcast 12 degrees and wind is almost absent in output alone are able to pull this off maybe a bit long' unexpected .
I think great credit goes to the promotion of the material from lidl rider;) I'll explain: From products are on sale now for the bike I noticed between these tights and t-shirt in technical material that will be by bike, but for skiing and running are fantastici.Essendo then the ridiculous prices compared with homes that are competing for market wanted to arrive before other interested parties ...
So in addition to the time I was careful to focus on style, I can invent amazing how much meanness to spin the legs a bit 'more than usual!
not to leave anything to chance and are also unable to insert ghiaita 5km road race that will not be like the evil "san-Pietrini" but get used to the foot sconesso (I'm pulling me, in truth, if I wanted to do this I had no alternative tarmac around ..)
Then at 32km appeared before me and a bar counter with two beers and a big man, fresh green to me: you pay it?!?!
From there the final progression!
So after I complained, I can say that the improvements of the last two weeks have been remarkable, now charge for the last week in the last three weeks and then eased a bit 'miles and intensity .. I would have liked to be at the Roma-Ostia but I will settle for a half at 40km from home race after a Saturday night in a turn (you know that grit ..) Meanwhile, I found a nice parking lot for Marlin in the process of cave near the metro station B Santa something ... a short walk from a shopping center so OVS-coin even the logistics is defined.
And on this subject I have nothing to add!
Mon, February 21, 2011 2:56 PM added by extruders
8 km 8 km
Satellite Map
Type of activity:
Event Type: Not rated
Time: 02:42:38
Distance : 37.01 km
Increase in quota: 29 m
Calories: 2,763 C