Friday, February 18, 2011

Whiplash More Conditionsymptoms


Certainly a more appropriate title would have been so themselves preparing for the marathon of Parma, but since a couple of years, the long-distance race has been replaced by 30 km of the Duchess of safe Emiliano accuse me of any infringement of image .. The week I spent

"crumbs" very carefully the bottom of my new Sauconj Kirvana, bought in Chicago and kept in a safe in the box waiting for the Adidas cs were exhausted and could not refrain dry ..

After working too slow on the funds I have found the desire of some skills' working with the repeated long 3x5000 km with an average recovery of a hilly 18km, Sunday 32km long with 11 tracks in solo and slow paced the other 21 sets chest with the other Half of the participants Fusignano for non-residents in Fusolopet known as Romagna.
Party and then with a good warm-up, I am made to take part too strong for the current state of my legs, which also tested the hard load in the third week already km and over who have stiffened the springs seemed to have the foot two irons ... but the innovative shoe designed in collaboration with NASA space fabrics! and eva sole carbon and triangles in areas of higher abrasion! At
4o5km not remember I had already pulled all the runners who usually share their hard work with me and more cohesive, recognized the tank, I have also given some encouraging pat on the back of ...

Riesco ad accodarmi al gruppetto delle donne in lotta per il terzo gradino del podio,ogni tanto ho l'impressione di averne così vado davanti a tirare ma la bella sensazione non dura mai x più di 500m e mi trovo a fare una specie di Fartlek,alterando un po' l'umore delle due rivali che sfruttano la scia quando accellero ma poi sono costrette a sorpassarmi quando rallento ed ho l'impressione che preferirebbero un andatura più lineare...
Al ristoro riesco anche ad afferrare l'unico bicchiere vuoto presente sul tavolo ma sono talmente stanco che il pensiero di fermarmi ed indietreggiare a prenderne un altro mi spaventa, temo che non ripartirei e vado avanti con le labbra secche finchè un atleta che ha visto la scena da dietro risale and offers me a sip from his bottle, which can run for ever faster, at that moment I would have paid a mortgage payment ..
Suffering ends after 1:28 a.m. 'and given the intense week then I do not think a bad result, then when the head is able to manage and stay positive even when the leg does not turn me confidence with a little' more attention at the table knows that do not share the Recordman that is dormant through the winter.

last quote, you read the last note of Albanians on who writes on social networks too .. what do you think?
I may not have understood the concept but are unhappy because they think that sometimes we spend two hours the computer seems out of place ... but Benigni W W Italy!


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