" I am sure that the weapon will take immediate steps to contribute to the establishment of liability and isolate any bad apples that the
n any event, can undermine the confidence that the Romans have for the police , "this is the comment ( laws) of the complaint of a woman Alemanno, S., who said she was raped in the police station of Quadraro in Rome, while he was under arrest after stealing clothes from a supermarket. Offense for which, frankly, it seems absurd to have to spend a night in jail. Accused of rape, perhaps with different roles, three policemen and a policeman were out of service (what he was doing at night in police station is unknown): At least one policeman was the author of the rape, the other conniving and complicity .
A story that vile disgusting, though not surprising. We know that while it was stopping anything can happen: the story of Stephen Cucchi, Aldo Bianzino, Marcello Lonzi if there still were needed, they clearly demonstrated. We know that be afraid of ending up in police station, not to run the streets at night .
Make a political argument in this case is not simple. It is not easy because we are talking about a woman raped and forced to submit to sexual intercourse. A woman who will be marked forever by this experience. But is paramount: in a country where the line between outrage and the political manipulation - as demonstrated by many statements - is often fleeting, we are not certain of us to go beyond it.
There are many thoughts that this episode raises many and tangled: This case is emblematic, because embodies all the analysis you can do on account of the rapes and to the low value that is given to the violence of the police. The most obvious reflection, of course, is on the way in which women are viewed by the alleged "law enforcement" by journalists, politicians. By the priests. By the Italians in general. Do not forget, in fact, that in Italy until 1996 (!) Rape was a crime against morality (!) And not against the person (!!): this speaks volumes about the "deep culture" of the country.
First, although we are all guaranteed, we can only point out that in cases of rape is always put into question the word women, namely the victims, especially when the men accused of violence people are considered "respectable" society. So here's "republic" - the newspaper that a few weeks ago was promoting a collective awareness of women
it - from a conditional to another, talking about "alleged rape " there seems to This newspaper has expressed the same caution last week, when he used the rapes took place in Rome to accuse Alemanno, but on this we will return later. Same trend, then, in the joint communiqué of the prosecutor and the commander of the carabinieri Ferrara Mezzavilla, where it says that she would "engage in sexual relations while he was inside the station, under arrest ": "engage in sexual relations"?! Now they call it the violence? Even more shameful, then, that those doubts persist despite one of the police has claimed to have had sexual relations with S.
We come then to the "justification" used by the police involved: one of them admitted, yes, having sex with S. (Who had described the tattoos, leaving no room for doubt), but the woman was "consensual." This attempt to "justification" is really emblematic as a normal person can think that a woman in an obvious position of inferiority (he was under arrest, in a security cell at the mercy of those police officers) may elect to have sex? How could he say no? Here, the fact that the police involved might think that this is a justification speaks volumes on the view that "law enforcement" - and, unfortunately, still too many Italian men - were women. On their being or not being "consensual", the value of their "no".
But they put their newspapers. They did a lot of talk, in fact, the alleged absence of evidence of violence sul corpo di S. Ma come si può pensare che la violenza e gli abusi siano solo fisici? Quando si è in una condizione di inferiorità non bastano forse le minacce a far accettare atti che non si vorrebbero compiere? Non basta la paura a porre fine a ogni tentativo di resistenza? La violenza è anche psicologica.
Il procedere di queste “giustificazioni” avanza di pari passo con una demolizione della vittima: ed ecco che S. viene descritta come una “sbandata” ( leggi ) che avrebbe istigato i “poveri” carabinieri ( leggi ). E, come ci ha ricordato monsignor Bertoldo, non ci dimentichiamo che indurre in tentazione un uomo è peccato, e « se una donna cammina in a particularly sexy or provocative, the event has some responsibility and I mean that from the theological point of view also groped and sin. Therefore, even a woman walking or dressing in a provocative and provokes reactions
ccessive or violent temptation to sin! ( laws).
While the victim is criminalized, the torturers are enhanced and instead described as decent people, " are three good boys, well liked by everyone in the area in which they operate, both by residents and traders ',' are three very capable colleagues and young "say their colleagues, while the General Command of the Carabinieri focuses l’attenzione sul loro foglio disciplinare immacolato, quasi fosse una garanzia di qualità.
E, evidentemente, questi tre carabinieri (dell’agente della municipale non si sa niente, ma è ancora in servizio a Roma!) sono considerati tanto “bravi” che l’Arma ha pensato bene di trasferirli altrove (Torino, Milano e Cagliari), destinandoli non più a servizi territoriali ma a «servizi di ordine pubblico nell’ambito dei reparti mobili».

A story that vile disgusting, though not surprising. We know that while it was stopping anything can happen: the story of Stephen Cucchi, Aldo Bianzino, Marcello Lonzi if there still were needed, they clearly demonstrated. We know that be afraid of ending up in police station, not to run the streets at night .
Make a political argument in this case is not simple. It is not easy because we are talking about a woman raped and forced to submit to sexual intercourse. A woman who will be marked forever by this experience. But is paramount: in a country where the line between outrage and the political manipulation - as demonstrated by many statements - is often fleeting, we are not certain of us to go beyond it.
There are many thoughts that this episode raises many and tangled: This case is emblematic, because embodies all the analysis you can do on account of the rapes and to the low value that is given to the violence of the police. The most obvious reflection, of course, is on the way in which women are viewed by the alleged "law enforcement" by journalists, politicians. By the priests. By the Italians in general. Do not forget, in fact, that in Italy until 1996 (!) Rape was a crime against morality (!) And not against the person (!!): this speaks volumes about the "deep culture" of the country.
First, although we are all guaranteed, we can only point out that in cases of rape is always put into question the word women, namely the victims, especially when the men accused of violence people are considered "respectable" society. So here's "republic" - the newspaper that a few weeks ago was promoting a collective awareness of women

We come then to the "justification" used by the police involved: one of them admitted, yes, having sex with S. (Who had described the tattoos, leaving no room for doubt), but the woman was "consensual." This attempt to "justification" is really emblematic as a normal person can think that a woman in an obvious position of inferiority (he was under arrest, in a security cell at the mercy of those police officers) may elect to have sex? How could he say no? Here, the fact that the police involved might think that this is a justification speaks volumes on the view that "law enforcement" - and, unfortunately, still too many Italian men - were women. On their being or not being "consensual", the value of their "no".
But they put their newspapers. They did a lot of talk, in fact, the alleged absence of evidence of violence sul corpo di S. Ma come si può pensare che la violenza e gli abusi siano solo fisici? Quando si è in una condizione di inferiorità non bastano forse le minacce a far accettare atti che non si vorrebbero compiere? Non basta la paura a porre fine a ogni tentativo di resistenza? La violenza è anche psicologica.
Il procedere di queste “giustificazioni” avanza di pari passo con una demolizione della vittima: ed ecco che S. viene descritta come una “sbandata” ( leggi ) che avrebbe istigato i “poveri” carabinieri ( leggi ). E, come ci ha ricordato monsignor Bertoldo, non ci dimentichiamo che indurre in tentazione un uomo è peccato, e « se una donna cammina in a particularly sexy or provocative, the event has some responsibility and I mean that from the theological point of view also groped and sin. Therefore, even a woman walking or dressing in a provocative and provokes reactions

While the victim is criminalized, the torturers are enhanced and instead described as decent people, " are three good boys, well liked by everyone in the area in which they operate, both by residents and traders ',' are three very capable colleagues and young "say their colleagues, while the General Command of the Carabinieri focuses l’attenzione sul loro foglio disciplinare immacolato, quasi fosse una garanzia di qualità.
E, evidentemente, questi tre carabinieri (dell’agente della municipale non si sa niente, ma è ancora in servizio a Roma!) sono considerati tanto “bravi” che l’Arma ha pensato bene di trasferirli altrove (Torino, Milano e Cagliari), destinandoli non più a servizi territoriali ma a «servizi di ordine pubblico nell’ambito dei reparti mobili».
Ora, oltre a inorridire all’idea di trovarci davanti in piazza degli stupratori, non possiamo far a meno di notare almeno una certa diversità di trattamento: una donna accusata di un furto all’Oviesse viene tenuta in stato arrest of four men accused of rape continue to do their job, to ensure "public safety" and 'public order'! And speaking of people who, even if - for some technicality - they were found guilty of rape, would still have been drinking whiskey in service and having sex with an inmate! How do you send police to maintain law and order who drink large amounts of super-alcohol while on duty? As lucidity can guarantee?
We come then to the more strictly political thinking on the matter. Aleman
no, in 2008, won the electoral challenge that he did become mayor of Rome just safety issues related to rape, that of a student of Lesotho is committed by a man of Romanian nationality ( laws). On that occasion, a few days after the balloting that was to decide the new mayor, we have heard Alemanno said that "aggression the girl to the train station the retort, so dramatically similar to what the victim has seen Mrs. Reggiani Tor Fifth, back to the fore the issue of security in Rome, ignored by the administration of the center. Veltroni and Rutelli would do well to examine their responsibility for the proliferation of camps. You have to be ironclad. If you do not imposes the principle of zero tolerance this city is not saved, "while Rutelli, meanwhile, invited people to avoid political exploitation ( laws) and his proposal is more stupid that the history of human memories, to equip the Women of a "bracelet anti-rape". Even harder was then that the League's Castle, but very glad that the author of the rape was a Rumanian, who asked " Justice Minister, Interior Minister and the judiciary once and begin to interpret and apply the popular sentiment with the utmost severity the laws that already exist to protect our society from this horde barbarians who for too long for the country darts with impunity. " Here, in the light of statements like these, can not do the particular words of disgust Alemanno against police accused of rape: zero tolerance only when the culprits are foreigners? And why Colonel Mezzavilla - that the violence suffered by St. " is a fact that takes nothing away from the efficiency and dedication of thousands of policemen who work in Rome. [...] Because events like that contrast with the thousands of acts of solidarity that the police do every day "- and Aleman - who says that this episode can not" undermine the confidence that the Romans have for the police "- have not done in 2008, a similar speech for the Romanians and immigrants in general? Why Alemanno has never said that rape of a student in Lesotho was not to undermine the confidence and respect for the Romans to the immigrants? Because if three policemen raping a woman is only "bad apples" and if you do three immigrants, all immigrants are rapists and criminals? Because if an immigrant from Romania - with a criminal record like the three policemen! - Raping a woman you want to close the camps (?) And if you have three police officers to do so, it is proposed to close the barracks? This is, of course, questions rhetoric.
This observation opens up and then another, which widens the field. As is clear from the exploitation of the rape of the girl in Lesotho and the murder of Giovanna Reggiani, in fact, violence - especially when committed against women - have no value as a means of political manipulation. We can not, in fact, that extend the reflection Alemanno also made to the Democratic Party, among others guilty silence on the rape of S. Quadraro of the police station (do not know whether they have made statements about it, but we have not found). And the more guilty in the light of statements that its exponents have done after three stupri in dieci giorni che ci sono stati a Roma alla fine di febbraio, utilizzati e strumentalizzati per attaccare Alemanno. Ricordate quelli che nel 2008 chiedevano di non strumentalizzare lo stupro della studentessa del Lesotho? Bene, eccoli nel 2011 a organizzare sit-in di protesta contro Alemanno, ritenuto responsabile delle violenze sulle donne, utilizzando le stesse parole di Alemanno di tre anni fa: ( leggi e leggi ). La stessa posizione è presa, ovviamente, da “repubblica” ( leggi ), secondo cui « per le donne che vivono a Roma, ormai, la paura è una compagna inseparabile di ogni notte » ( leggi ). Alemanno, dal canto suo, parla of "unnecessary and vulgar profiteering Roman politician of the left" (read ). Hard to blame him, but you can not forget that jackal on women's bodies there he became mayor.
The message that is run by two political parties more severe
ndi of Italy - Pd and Pdl - is so clear and shared: do not word that, as we wrote two years ago (read ), over 90% of gender violence occurring in the family (read , laws and laws ), use the rapes to be only propaganda when they allow to attack a political opponent, inciting campaigns Safety of convenience against immigrants, skirt the issue when the people responsible are considered "nice" as the police. Before you organize events in which claim respect for the dignity women and then use their bodies and experiencing violence as a means of political propaganda. We do suck, and let us never stop.
We come then to the more strictly political thinking on the matter. Aleman

This observation opens up and then another, which widens the field. As is clear from the exploitation of the rape of the girl in Lesotho and the murder of Giovanna Reggiani, in fact, violence - especially when committed against women - have no value as a means of political manipulation. We can not, in fact, that extend the reflection Alemanno also made to the Democratic Party, among others guilty silence on the rape of S. Quadraro of the police station (do not know whether they have made statements about it, but we have not found). And the more guilty in the light of statements that its exponents have done after three stupri in dieci giorni che ci sono stati a Roma alla fine di febbraio, utilizzati e strumentalizzati per attaccare Alemanno. Ricordate quelli che nel 2008 chiedevano di non strumentalizzare lo stupro della studentessa del Lesotho? Bene, eccoli nel 2011 a organizzare sit-in di protesta contro Alemanno, ritenuto responsabile delle violenze sulle donne, utilizzando le stesse parole di Alemanno di tre anni fa: ( leggi e leggi ). La stessa posizione è presa, ovviamente, da “repubblica” ( leggi ), secondo cui « per le donne che vivono a Roma, ormai, la paura è una compagna inseparabile di ogni notte » ( leggi ). Alemanno, dal canto suo, parla of "unnecessary and vulgar profiteering Roman politician of the left" (read ). Hard to blame him, but you can not forget that jackal on women's bodies there he became mayor.
The message that is run by two political parties more severe

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