Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Prostate Pain Constant

The ispiraziome for this post comes to me from the only rest day of the race this week, considering the weather forecast I decided to spend a day skiing, but unlike my expectations, came on the slopes immaccolate good now I find a thick blanket of low clouds that make visibility very poor ... Now, after a quick review of the first words you learn when you study a foreign language, I decide to acqistare still sky-pass and getting into the thick blanket in the hope that moving to another side of the mountain to improve the situation.
start skiing with a taste of zero with that feeling of vertigo that these white spaces that do not distinguish neither the beginning nor the end you forward, making you hard and insecure in your center of gravity move downhill, the bumps that you would use the sun as a springboard to make some fun changes, they become in dangerous traps where "glean" and risk a stupid fall if not quickly recover the balance is a moment ... The day tends to be disappointing and in my mind the only solution seems to reach a shelter and throw it on the culinary delight! Escaped a slab of ice, after yet another descent that tasty more cautious, at 11 I decided to call it quits, take me back in the chair lift up and as I wonder if heat is the best wild boar or deer, the clouds open and a yellow ball pops up in front of me making me finally recognize all the outlines and the trees remained hidden for so long, I leave the game in the hands of the cook and unleashed the bottom edge, and to hear the quadricipidi burning and ulceration become one with the boot!
the Garmin will sentence at end of day I skied for a total of 90km reaching a top speed of 75km / h, and the portfolio is heavier than the stomach, because there is a Baretta energy when the sun can even replace the flavor of the inhabitants woods!
This story is exactly the similarity of my half on Sunday, where the party with dead bodies sensations, shortness of breath, wood legs and head still in bed, on the cheek so that I could read "Pumpkin" in bas-relief .... But now the first quarter of the race, the road starts to climb and passing the first traveling companion suddenly something clicked, I do less work that plan or at least beginning to overtake people one after the other at 10 km and the descent begins here resent the feeling that was missing for months, my legs are stretched which is a walk in the phase of a broad and efficient flight as the down-hill or the paths of Traslaval Boston .. At the 14km asphalt back flat but the action of the legs remains constant, the thrust, for miles on every panel I could not resist a rate like that but I'm stubborn and see where the magic will end, the wind is big but does not suffer that much reach athletes who were just leaving colored tank tops in the distance and if I read the sign coming perhaps go again ... even though I do a frugal lunch and non-carbohydrate I run in the afternoon another half in isolation, so often read on a training table and so I know many incurisiva ..
Well I do not hide behind a finger, if I wrote 20 days ago to run to Rome just to be now the perspective is changing, and the final circumnavigation around the coliseum began to tickle fancies strange .. The last two numbers to run the stages approach to Marathon Capitoline were fantastic and I have uploaded a lot even if I have other things to think along the way and I'm not going to enjoy the natural setting where they were filmed some of the cult film of our history, as suggested by the author ..
This week will be cut for the fourth km per week and back a bit 'to ski, hoping to see only sunshine!


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