Cremaschi writes: "We need to take to the streets as in Tunisia and Egypt, and not be away again until that Berlusconi has not resigned. After the indictments in King
ati so serious and defamatory, the prime minister can not remain in office any longer. stake here is the democratic dignity of Italy. It is not a question of majorities or minorities, economic policy or institutional, is a constitutional issue . "
does not speak in terms of class, but in those of wounded pride of Italian democracy. This feels like the bourgeois republic sua, una repubblica di cui sono concittadini De Benedetti e Fini, Camusso e Casini, Marcegaglia e Saviano, in cui, per finzione giuridica, il miliardario e l’operaio, il finanziere e il disoccupato sono uguali, perché nel segreto dell’urna “ decidono le sorti della nazione ”.
“ Datemi la lista della lavanderia e io ve la metterò in musica ”, soleva dire Rossini. Oggi, invece, si trasforma la musica rivoluzionaria che viene dalle masse africane nella lista della lavanderia della restaurazione delle costituzione, verginella violata dal satiro di Arcore.
Noi non crediamo più alle favole. Questa repubblica è l’involucro necessario del più bestiale sfruttamento di classe , è matrigna con i suoi operai – non passa giorno senza incidenti mortali sul posto di lavoro – è spietata con gli immigrati, e non ha esitato ad allearsi con i dittatori dell’Africa per deviarne il flusso, o verso la morte nel deserto o verso i lager di Gheddafi.
Nel 1960, quando la repubblica era ancora giovane, contro il governo Tambroni, alleato dei neofascisti, c’erano forze in grado di opporsi sul piano costituzionale. C’era il PCI, che non preparava rivoluzioni, ma era il difensore della repubblica borghese , pronto a sostenerla, sia contro i fascisti, sia contro i lavoratori in rivolta, come accadde due anni dopo, quando definì teppisti i salariati che in piazza Statuto diedero una lezione alla UIL filopadronale. Oggi, la cosiddetta sinistra è parte integrante della decadenza, fa dichiarazioni d’amore alla Lega, e vede con preoccupazione la liquefazione in corso dei “futuristi” (l’eterogenesi dei Fini?).
Capitale, mercato, speculazione finanziaria, come potentissimi acidi, corrompono in breve tempo qualsiasi baluardo giuridico costituzionale. Non solo noi comunisti, ma anche giornalisti borghesi, parlano di “mercato delle vacche” a proposito della compravendita di parlamentari. Nell’era del dio capitale finanziario, tutto è regolato a sua immagine e somiglianza, e il parlamento è diventato una borsa dove i parlamentari are listed. There were even those who - in jest, but not too much - he suggested, "why do not we a collection and buy a lot 'of deputies and senators? .
The symptoms of decline are felt everywhere, and are written very clearly even in the "revelations" of Wikileaks, about the opinions of diplomats or American officials on Italian politicians. In all the carnivals in the world are remembered some recent events of the premier. On the other hand, if a horse Caligula senator, Italy today has made a knight (and more) a pig. But this is just a symptom, a theater show with the media distract the masses da problemi ben più importanti.
In “Questi fantasmi”, il principe, impersonato magistralmente da Eduardo De Filippo, volle a tutti i costi aggiustare l’impianto di riscaldamento antiquato, e saltò in aria con esso. Questo regime non si può aggiustare, occorre buttarlo nella d
iscarica della storia. Non si tratta solo di Berlusconi, ma anche delle opposizioni. Bersani non si dà alle orge, al massimo si concede qualche ballo liscio, la Bindi è la morigeratezza in persona, ma sulle questioni politiche fondamentali non rappresentano un’alternativa a Berlusconi. A parte qualche distinguo, accettano integralmente le soluzioni di Marchionne e sono contro il ritiro delle troops from Afghanistan in an imperialist war, which moreover is for Italy a whopping more than 2 million euro per day. "Our politicians - said Gino Strada - know nothing of the Taliban, do not know what they're talking. Afghanistan would not know even indicate on a blank map. Unfortunately, this is the people who make decisions that cost the lives of many Afghans. And it costs an impressive amount of money to the Italians. We are a country where hundreds of thousands of lost jobs and are thrown away hundreds of millions in a war to support this rather than that the Afghan government. I wish I had a decent parliament. On Afghanistan Italians continue to tell blatant lies, huge balls. The only thing to do is stop supporting this political class. "
Street got a lot of things, but still speaks of" decent parliament, requested that no longer reflected in a company where the fraud, the Mafia intimidation, blatant privileges, tax evasion, prostitution, luxury The insider trading have become models of life. There is opposition to princisbecco. As this alloy of copper, tin and zinc, which looks like gold, also the Pd alloy cold offal DS, Democrats and other groups, was bright and appeared as a party egemone, promettendo governi progressisti, o almeno un’opposizione energica. In realtà ha condotto una politica del tutto simile a quella di Berlusconi, e, mancando la differenziazione politica, calca la mano soprattutto sugli aspetti scandalistici, sui quali il cavaliere offre spunti a non finire.
Nell’estrema sinistra c’è chi invita a fare come in Tunisia ed Egitto, e crede di poter travolgere il regime in breve tempo con manifestazioni di piazza. Non è corretto fare facili analogie. Tunisia ed Egitto (la Libia è un caso a sé) sono paesi dipendenti, mentre l’Italia, pur con tutti i condizionamenti atlantici e americani, è un paese imperialista, e quindi le modalità di lotta sono piuttosto different. Moreover, it is too early to say what implications will these revolutions are just beginning, because it is true that dictators, champions of electoral fraud, were driven, power is passed to the military and not to workers. missing, then a real class party, without which the masses have arisen are deceived and misled.
Like all imperialist countries, Italy download at least in part the weight of the crisis on developing countries. Through the mediation of the International Monetary Fund and World Bank, imperialism condemned to hunger in developing countries, as well as the weaker party to those already developed. There may be a reflection effect, the rebellion in Libya has influence on Italy, who is buying oil and gas, and a possible fall of the regimes in Morocco and Algeria would have dire consequences for France.
What is the impact on Italy may have the movements in Africa, it is too early to say. The serious fact is missing the politician, a party with a strong influence on the class at least at the national level, to undertake actions spread propaganda against the army, which is essential because the fights do not end the repression. If you think how easily, amid general indifference, the conscript army was replaced by the professional, not very sensitive to propaganda class, you will understand what further obstacles to the revolution have been added in recent years. Under these conditions, without a thorough analysis of the Italian situation, a call to "do as in Tunisia and Egypt " becomes a mere slogan. The Bolsheviks could lead to the end the power struggle on their side because they had at least half the army.
not Marxist who does not take into account the balance of power, but it is not even who gave up fighting for change. We have entered an era of wars and revolutions, but as the end of World War I Italy did experience revolutionary avant-garde - and just contro queste la borghesia scatenò il fascismo, controrivoluzione preventiva – oggi siamo in grave ritardo, e non è possibile superarlo con la retorica rivoluzionaria. E’ essenziale, invece, porci obiettivi precisi.
Fare come in Tunisia e in Egitto? Con quale progetto politico? Abbiamo visto che la restaurazione delle costituzione è impossibile o reazionaria. Altre proposte, come quelle riguardanti la decrescita, felice o no, pretendono di lasciare in piedi il meccanismo del profitto, e perciò inducono in errore le masse, cercando di persuaderle che si può giungere a una società armoniosa ed equilibrata senza bisogno di sbaragliare la borghesia.
Quando i lavoratori lottano su rivendicazioni borghesi or petty bourgeois, and towing of these classes, their defeat is inevitable. would be tragic if used with great sacrifices to move their forces from the frying pan into the fire, that is, from Berlusconi to PD. Especially since, if workers were trying to get rid of Berlusconi and class methods, the first to make fire from would-be opponents, and Vendola Di Pietro Fini and Casini. Why
workers can achieve results, it takes a project, you need to develop a system of demands aimed at reducing the power of the bourgeoisie, to organize the proletariat, and to understand that it is at risk the very survival of workers and exploited masses if the capitalism continues.
The struggle must not only be fit the needs of the masses, but be capable of giving rise to an organizational structure. The more modest claims, at a time of crisis, they become incompatible with the survival of capitalism. You do not say anything new, it is rediscovering concepts, experiences, forms of combat known to perfection by our predecessors, from Marx to Lenin to the Party of Livorno, that the joint action of capitalist claptrap and opportunism have managed to almost erase the historical memory, or at least to mislead and manipulate, after the massacre, with the world wars or the killing policy, whole generations of revolutionaries. The Communists of the time of Lenin knew that the imperialist era, compartment was now formulating plans for structural reform, nationalization within the capitalist system, to restore constitutional, but the emphasis must be on the immediate needs of workers and on this basis, a number of claims, to be pursued clashing with directions opportunistic unions, constituting bodies, such as works councils and even the Soviets. Compared to this time the historical differences are abysmal, and today the old trade unions have become opportunists unions regime. Without any pretension of exhausting the problem, we list some of the key needs of workers, the unemployed, pensioners derive guidance for the fight. And remember that it is a trivial errore pensare che le rivendicazioni immediate siano incompatibili con la propaganda del comunismo e con la lotta per la formazione del partito di classe. Ne sono, anzi, il terreno più propizio.
Innanzitutto un problema urgentissimo è la lotta contro gli interventi militari. L’Afghanistan è lontano, e molti giornali ne parlano solo quando arrivano salme di soldati italiani. Ma gli eventi libici ci stanno portando la guerra in casa. Non è sfuggita ai buoni osservatori la sfacciata insistenza dei media sulla fosse comuni, anche quando dalle immagini risulta che si tratta di ben allineate tombe individuali in un cimitero. Si grida al genocidio in Libia, mentre si nasconde che le vittime dei pogrom di Mubarak sono been much more than those declared. We are reminded of the propaganda campaigns against Ceausescu, with movies on hundreds of corpses in fact stolen from cemeteries, or forgery which justified the genocide with "humanitarian" operations against Serbia. Even the radicals denounced the disinformation campaign conducted by the Shanuka
Sayed and El-Hadi Shallouf, spacciatisi as responsible bodies of the International Criminal Court, who spoke of 10,000 dead and 50,000 wounded. (Manifesto, 25/02/2011).
Three German warships with 600 soldiers, says Spiegel, are already in the waters between Malta and Libya, three Italian military ships, the San Marco, San Giorgio Mimbelli and destroyers, are on their way to Libya. Official aim is to ensure the evacuation of our nationals. As workers in other African and Asian countries, which are present in large numbers in Libya, no one takes care of them.
Hundreds of French and British officers and NCOs are already landed in Cyrenaica, " Among the first activities carried out there was to replace key management roles in the military and war Libyan army. Some members were committed to maintaining the highest possible control of the bases and especially armaments abandoned. As a result of counter attacks carried out by the army Libyan in some areas and cities of Cyrenaica, the men of 'Western intelligence are engaging in these hours, to organize and manage the military units of the Libyan past the side of the demonstrators. "
Obama is planning a large-scale intervention, in which Italy would act as head of turkish. It is not just control of oil, because the installation of two U.S. military bases in Tripoli and Cyrenaica would give the U.S. undisputed control of the Mediterranean. The Nobel Peace Prize Obama a result that would open the militarist Bush could not even dream of. Not only that every action aimed at unifying the struggles of Arab workers would be conditioned, if not stopped, this cumbersome military presence.
Berlusconi has already downloaded Gaddafi, and will not make resistance to Obama, if they ask for military intervention, but the most zealous advocates of intervention "humanitarian" are in opposition.
Without a strong commitment against American militarism and European aspirations of all the workers of Europe and the Arab world would be rendered meaningless. The specific task of the Communists of Italy is denounce the imperialism of our house . We must link the fight against the war the most immediate problems of workers. Military spending is a bottomless pit, and continue to grow incessantly. The complaint against the militarism binds to request that such sums are used instead to provide a serious benefit to the growing number of unemployed. Aware that the crisis is not passed if not for the exploiters, that unemployment will hit in ever more serious and chronic, that the rescue of the companies out of business outputs gives the provisional results, and almost always comes down to a fraud against the workers , should claim a real wage for the unemployed, even for owners to remove the weapon of blackmail (illegal work, underpaid, unhealthy conditions, etc.). The opportunists of the past and present tend to deliberately confuse the unemployed with the underclass. It must By contrast, if workers' organizations, because their presence is the best remedy with respect to short-sighted corporate forces and collaborators. The same is true for immigrants, in fact, the attitude towards these migrants is the real touchstone of the international.
Another essential point: the house. Many families in Italy are the owners of the house where they reside, but many bands (young couples, immigrants, destitute, nomads ...) have serious difficulties.
One of the factors that led to the protest are the African shameful bias in assigning cases popular. In Algeria in Bordj Menaiel (70 Km east of Algiers) un padre di 6 figli si è dato fuoco dopo che gli era stata rifiutata ancora una volta una casa popolare.
In Italia c’è un grande numero di case sfitte, che vengono negate perché spesso, a causa delle tasse, l’affitto non è rimunerativo. C’è una quantità enorme di edifici di proprietà ecclesiastica, o di enti pubblici o di società private, per non parlare delle ville di Berlusconi e di tanti esponenti del regime, di destra o di “sinistra”. Dobbiamo rivendicare che siano assegnati a lavoratori, disoccupati o pensionati, italiani o immigrati, con affitti a prezzo politico, e in certi casi gratuitamente.
Le tariffe sono un altro peso insopportabile. Con la svendita del patrimonio many entrepreneurs have left the state productive sector, preferring to take a secure data from highways, telephone companies, gas, electricity and where they can, water. It 'an infallible sign of the growing parasitic nature of Italian industry. We must fight to force the state to put a limit to these signs of robbery with a substantial reduction in tariffs, without falling into the ultra-liberal rhetoric of "fighting against monopolies," or free competition in the dream that if ever there was state pure, was possible only in a society preimperialistica.
To reduce competition among workers, the claim, already indicated by Marx as the most unifying, the reduction statutory working hours. It 'almost impossible, especially in times of crisis, a reduction of a purely trade union. Just put out that Marx, with the development of the world market, the purely economic relations have increasingly favored the bourgeoisie. For this, he proposed to spend on a political level, through pressure, with the struggle, not with false hopes in parliamentary maneuvers - the parliament is a party as the owners - to get a law that reduced working hours. It 's time to resume this type of claim, before the spread of model Marchionne further weakening the power of workers. The weapon used is the political strikes.
To do this, we must break with every criterion of compatibility with the needs of capital . It is not riformette, but the survival of the workers, who can not stand the conditions of perpetual unemployment taxes in much of society, beginning with young people. The principal knows how to maximize those who have a job, but it wastes an enormous amount of human resources, poverty and inactivity condemning millions of people, often well-trained professionally.
E 'need to understand that there is a clear link between the defense of the interests of workers and the set of even immediate political and even military. When, through la compressione dei salari e del welfare, si crea un’eccedenza a favore della borghesia e del suo stato, questa non è impiegata nella creazione di nuovi posti di lavoro, ma in avventure militari, in consumi antisociali (dalla cocaina alle ville di lusso), in speculazione finanziaria, in corruzione. Difendere il livello di vita dei lavoratori, significa perciò sottrarre fondi alle manovre di borsa, agli armamenti, alla corruzione. E’ la vecchia alternativa “burro o cannoni”, che ha assunto forme nuove.
Il capitale non si limita a imporre sacrifici, ma li accompagna con miti, destinati a confondere le idee dei lavoratori, servendosi di pennivendoli, di politici funzionali al sistema, di tutte the cunning of mass psychology. They told us endless stories to make us believe in capitalism's alleged activities, in a progressive humanization: First the myth of neo-capitalism, under which real economic crises were avoided by the intervention of the state, which could transform the devastating economic collapse in recessions harmless. Then that free trade was a turning point of no return, and that the state was driven economic horizon, and this has been denied recently by the most massive government intervention of all time, to save banks and industries. It was said that the revolution had become impossible, and there has been faced with a movement that certainly will not stop the people Arabs, who, in spite of the xenophobic Northern League, are giving us lessons in courage every day. Today, deceived the people with mild liberal, but, with the spread increasing social impoverishment, there will be difficulties to brush up pseudo-myths socialists or fascists, but to divert the workers from pursuing their real needs. The bourgeois state is an adversary, and acts in favor of the bourgeoisie, but the struggles can wrest concessions, provided that no helmets into the trap of the meeting, that is what his name was confused at lower class collaboration. latter, when not an outright sale effected by vertices sold to the owners, is always at a loss, because the bourgeoisie, crafty by centuries of political domination, has immobilized the proletariat with the agreements, continuous, open or disguised form in the fight, tearing all the contracts as soon as the situation is favorable.
the difficulties are clear: there is no class party - certainly can not replace the small
existing political organizations - and big unions are in the hands of the concert. However, the struggles, on terms that are not addressed to false purposes, such as restoration of the constitution or the replacement of Berlusconi Bersani, is a favorable factor to the revival of genuine workers' organizations. And do not forget that the class struggle is essentially uniform in all its aspects, although often for technical and organizational is necessary to rely upon several different partners and the trade union struggle and the theoretical, propaganda and agitation. No one should feel not involved. Terenzio said "nothing human is alien to me", nothing that concerns the class struggle there must be a stranger.

does not speak in terms of class, but in those of wounded pride of Italian democracy. This feels like the bourgeois republic sua, una repubblica di cui sono concittadini De Benedetti e Fini, Camusso e Casini, Marcegaglia e Saviano, in cui, per finzione giuridica, il miliardario e l’operaio, il finanziere e il disoccupato sono uguali, perché nel segreto dell’urna “ decidono le sorti della nazione ”.
“ Datemi la lista della lavanderia e io ve la metterò in musica ”, soleva dire Rossini. Oggi, invece, si trasforma la musica rivoluzionaria che viene dalle masse africane nella lista della lavanderia della restaurazione delle costituzione, verginella violata dal satiro di Arcore.
Noi non crediamo più alle favole. Questa repubblica è l’involucro necessario del più bestiale sfruttamento di classe , è matrigna con i suoi operai – non passa giorno senza incidenti mortali sul posto di lavoro – è spietata con gli immigrati, e non ha esitato ad allearsi con i dittatori dell’Africa per deviarne il flusso, o verso la morte nel deserto o verso i lager di Gheddafi.
Nel 1960, quando la repubblica era ancora giovane, contro il governo Tambroni, alleato dei neofascisti, c’erano forze in grado di opporsi sul piano costituzionale. C’era il PCI, che non preparava rivoluzioni, ma era il difensore della repubblica borghese , pronto a sostenerla, sia contro i fascisti, sia contro i lavoratori in rivolta, come accadde due anni dopo, quando definì teppisti i salariati che in piazza Statuto diedero una lezione alla UIL filopadronale. Oggi, la cosiddetta sinistra è parte integrante della decadenza, fa dichiarazioni d’amore alla Lega, e vede con preoccupazione la liquefazione in corso dei “futuristi” (l’eterogenesi dei Fini?).
Capitale, mercato, speculazione finanziaria, come potentissimi acidi, corrompono in breve tempo qualsiasi baluardo giuridico costituzionale. Non solo noi comunisti, ma anche giornalisti borghesi, parlano di “mercato delle vacche” a proposito della compravendita di parlamentari. Nell’era del dio capitale finanziario, tutto è regolato a sua immagine e somiglianza, e il parlamento è diventato una borsa dove i parlamentari are listed. There were even those who - in jest, but not too much - he suggested, "why do not we a collection and buy a lot 'of deputies and senators? .
The symptoms of decline are felt everywhere, and are written very clearly even in the "revelations" of Wikileaks, about the opinions of diplomats or American officials on Italian politicians. In all the carnivals in the world are remembered some recent events of the premier. On the other hand, if a horse Caligula senator, Italy today has made a knight (and more) a pig. But this is just a symptom, a theater show with the media distract the masses da problemi ben più importanti.
In “Questi fantasmi”, il principe, impersonato magistralmente da Eduardo De Filippo, volle a tutti i costi aggiustare l’impianto di riscaldamento antiquato, e saltò in aria con esso. Questo regime non si può aggiustare, occorre buttarlo nella d

Street got a lot of things, but still speaks of" decent parliament, requested that no longer reflected in a company where the fraud, the Mafia intimidation, blatant privileges, tax evasion, prostitution, luxury The insider trading have become models of life. There is opposition to princisbecco. As this alloy of copper, tin and zinc, which looks like gold, also the Pd alloy cold offal DS, Democrats and other groups, was bright and appeared as a party egemone, promettendo governi progressisti, o almeno un’opposizione energica. In realtà ha condotto una politica del tutto simile a quella di Berlusconi, e, mancando la differenziazione politica, calca la mano soprattutto sugli aspetti scandalistici, sui quali il cavaliere offre spunti a non finire.
Nell’estrema sinistra c’è chi invita a fare come in Tunisia ed Egitto, e crede di poter travolgere il regime in breve tempo con manifestazioni di piazza. Non è corretto fare facili analogie. Tunisia ed Egitto (la Libia è un caso a sé) sono paesi dipendenti, mentre l’Italia, pur con tutti i condizionamenti atlantici e americani, è un paese imperialista, e quindi le modalità di lotta sono piuttosto different. Moreover, it is too early to say what implications will these revolutions are just beginning, because it is true that dictators, champions of electoral fraud, were driven, power is passed to the military and not to workers. missing, then a real class party, without which the masses have arisen are deceived and misled.
Like all imperialist countries, Italy download at least in part the weight of the crisis on developing countries. Through the mediation of the International Monetary Fund and World Bank, imperialism condemned to hunger in developing countries, as well as the weaker party to those already developed. There may be a reflection effect, the rebellion in Libya has influence on Italy, who is buying oil and gas, and a possible fall of the regimes in Morocco and Algeria would have dire consequences for France.
What is the impact on Italy may have the movements in Africa, it is too early to say. The serious fact is missing the politician, a party with a strong influence on the class at least at the national level, to undertake actions spread propaganda against the army, which is essential because the fights do not end the repression. If you think how easily, amid general indifference, the conscript army was replaced by the professional, not very sensitive to propaganda class, you will understand what further obstacles to the revolution have been added in recent years. Under these conditions, without a thorough analysis of the Italian situation, a call to "do as in Tunisia and Egypt " becomes a mere slogan. The Bolsheviks could lead to the end the power struggle on their side because they had at least half the army.
not Marxist who does not take into account the balance of power, but it is not even who gave up fighting for change. We have entered an era of wars and revolutions, but as the end of World War I Italy did experience revolutionary avant-garde - and just contro queste la borghesia scatenò il fascismo, controrivoluzione preventiva – oggi siamo in grave ritardo, e non è possibile superarlo con la retorica rivoluzionaria. E’ essenziale, invece, porci obiettivi precisi.
Fare come in Tunisia e in Egitto? Con quale progetto politico? Abbiamo visto che la restaurazione delle costituzione è impossibile o reazionaria. Altre proposte, come quelle riguardanti la decrescita, felice o no, pretendono di lasciare in piedi il meccanismo del profitto, e perciò inducono in errore le masse, cercando di persuaderle che si può giungere a una società armoniosa ed equilibrata senza bisogno di sbaragliare la borghesia.
Quando i lavoratori lottano su rivendicazioni borghesi or petty bourgeois, and towing of these classes, their defeat is inevitable. would be tragic if used with great sacrifices to move their forces from the frying pan into the fire, that is, from Berlusconi to PD. Especially since, if workers were trying to get rid of Berlusconi and class methods, the first to make fire from would-be opponents, and Vendola Di Pietro Fini and Casini. Why
workers can achieve results, it takes a project, you need to develop a system of demands aimed at reducing the power of the bourgeoisie, to organize the proletariat, and to understand that it is at risk the very survival of workers and exploited masses if the capitalism continues.
The struggle must not only be fit the needs of the masses, but be capable of giving rise to an organizational structure. The more modest claims, at a time of crisis, they become incompatible with the survival of capitalism. You do not say anything new, it is rediscovering concepts, experiences, forms of combat known to perfection by our predecessors, from Marx to Lenin to the Party of Livorno, that the joint action of capitalist claptrap and opportunism have managed to almost erase the historical memory, or at least to mislead and manipulate, after the massacre, with the world wars or the killing policy, whole generations of revolutionaries. The Communists of the time of Lenin knew that the imperialist era, compartment was now formulating plans for structural reform, nationalization within the capitalist system, to restore constitutional, but the emphasis must be on the immediate needs of workers and on this basis, a number of claims, to be pursued clashing with directions opportunistic unions, constituting bodies, such as works councils and even the Soviets. Compared to this time the historical differences are abysmal, and today the old trade unions have become opportunists unions regime. Without any pretension of exhausting the problem, we list some of the key needs of workers, the unemployed, pensioners derive guidance for the fight. And remember that it is a trivial errore pensare che le rivendicazioni immediate siano incompatibili con la propaganda del comunismo e con la lotta per la formazione del partito di classe. Ne sono, anzi, il terreno più propizio.
Innanzitutto un problema urgentissimo è la lotta contro gli interventi militari. L’Afghanistan è lontano, e molti giornali ne parlano solo quando arrivano salme di soldati italiani. Ma gli eventi libici ci stanno portando la guerra in casa. Non è sfuggita ai buoni osservatori la sfacciata insistenza dei media sulla fosse comuni, anche quando dalle immagini risulta che si tratta di ben allineate tombe individuali in un cimitero. Si grida al genocidio in Libia, mentre si nasconde che le vittime dei pogrom di Mubarak sono been much more than those declared. We are reminded of the propaganda campaigns against Ceausescu, with movies on hundreds of corpses in fact stolen from cemeteries, or forgery which justified the genocide with "humanitarian" operations against Serbia. Even the radicals denounced the disinformation campaign conducted by the Shanuka

Three German warships with 600 soldiers, says Spiegel, are already in the waters between Malta and Libya, three Italian military ships, the San Marco, San Giorgio Mimbelli and destroyers, are on their way to Libya. Official aim is to ensure the evacuation of our nationals. As workers in other African and Asian countries, which are present in large numbers in Libya, no one takes care of them.
Hundreds of French and British officers and NCOs are already landed in Cyrenaica, " Among the first activities carried out there was to replace key management roles in the military and war Libyan army. Some members were committed to maintaining the highest possible control of the bases and especially armaments abandoned. As a result of counter attacks carried out by the army Libyan in some areas and cities of Cyrenaica, the men of 'Western intelligence are engaging in these hours, to organize and manage the military units of the Libyan past the side of the demonstrators. "
Obama is planning a large-scale intervention, in which Italy would act as head of turkish. It is not just control of oil, because the installation of two U.S. military bases in Tripoli and Cyrenaica would give the U.S. undisputed control of the Mediterranean. The Nobel Peace Prize Obama a result that would open the militarist Bush could not even dream of. Not only that every action aimed at unifying the struggles of Arab workers would be conditioned, if not stopped, this cumbersome military presence.
Berlusconi has already downloaded Gaddafi, and will not make resistance to Obama, if they ask for military intervention, but the most zealous advocates of intervention "humanitarian" are in opposition.
Without a strong commitment against American militarism and European aspirations of all the workers of Europe and the Arab world would be rendered meaningless. The specific task of the Communists of Italy is denounce the imperialism of our house . We must link the fight against the war the most immediate problems of workers. Military spending is a bottomless pit, and continue to grow incessantly. The complaint against the militarism binds to request that such sums are used instead to provide a serious benefit to the growing number of unemployed. Aware that the crisis is not passed if not for the exploiters, that unemployment will hit in ever more serious and chronic, that the rescue of the companies out of business outputs gives the provisional results, and almost always comes down to a fraud against the workers , should claim a real wage for the unemployed, even for owners to remove the weapon of blackmail (illegal work, underpaid, unhealthy conditions, etc.). The opportunists of the past and present tend to deliberately confuse the unemployed with the underclass. It must By contrast, if workers' organizations, because their presence is the best remedy with respect to short-sighted corporate forces and collaborators. The same is true for immigrants, in fact, the attitude towards these migrants is the real touchstone of the international.
Another essential point: the house. Many families in Italy are the owners of the house where they reside, but many bands (young couples, immigrants, destitute, nomads ...) have serious difficulties.
One of the factors that led to the protest are the African shameful bias in assigning cases popular. In Algeria in Bordj Menaiel (70 Km east of Algiers) un padre di 6 figli si è dato fuoco dopo che gli era stata rifiutata ancora una volta una casa popolare.
In Italia c’è un grande numero di case sfitte, che vengono negate perché spesso, a causa delle tasse, l’affitto non è rimunerativo. C’è una quantità enorme di edifici di proprietà ecclesiastica, o di enti pubblici o di società private, per non parlare delle ville di Berlusconi e di tanti esponenti del regime, di destra o di “sinistra”. Dobbiamo rivendicare che siano assegnati a lavoratori, disoccupati o pensionati, italiani o immigrati, con affitti a prezzo politico, e in certi casi gratuitamente.
Le tariffe sono un altro peso insopportabile. Con la svendita del patrimonio many entrepreneurs have left the state productive sector, preferring to take a secure data from highways, telephone companies, gas, electricity and where they can, water. It 'an infallible sign of the growing parasitic nature of Italian industry. We must fight to force the state to put a limit to these signs of robbery with a substantial reduction in tariffs, without falling into the ultra-liberal rhetoric of "fighting against monopolies," or free competition in the dream that if ever there was state pure, was possible only in a society preimperialistica.
To reduce competition among workers, the claim, already indicated by Marx as the most unifying, the reduction statutory working hours. It 'almost impossible, especially in times of crisis, a reduction of a purely trade union. Just put out that Marx, with the development of the world market, the purely economic relations have increasingly favored the bourgeoisie. For this, he proposed to spend on a political level, through pressure, with the struggle, not with false hopes in parliamentary maneuvers - the parliament is a party as the owners - to get a law that reduced working hours. It 's time to resume this type of claim, before the spread of model Marchionne further weakening the power of workers. The weapon used is the political strikes.
To do this, we must break with every criterion of compatibility with the needs of capital . It is not riformette, but the survival of the workers, who can not stand the conditions of perpetual unemployment taxes in much of society, beginning with young people. The principal knows how to maximize those who have a job, but it wastes an enormous amount of human resources, poverty and inactivity condemning millions of people, often well-trained professionally.
E 'need to understand that there is a clear link between the defense of the interests of workers and the set of even immediate political and even military. When, through la compressione dei salari e del welfare, si crea un’eccedenza a favore della borghesia e del suo stato, questa non è impiegata nella creazione di nuovi posti di lavoro, ma in avventure militari, in consumi antisociali (dalla cocaina alle ville di lusso), in speculazione finanziaria, in corruzione. Difendere il livello di vita dei lavoratori, significa perciò sottrarre fondi alle manovre di borsa, agli armamenti, alla corruzione. E’ la vecchia alternativa “burro o cannoni”, che ha assunto forme nuove.
Il capitale non si limita a imporre sacrifici, ma li accompagna con miti, destinati a confondere le idee dei lavoratori, servendosi di pennivendoli, di politici funzionali al sistema, di tutte the cunning of mass psychology. They told us endless stories to make us believe in capitalism's alleged activities, in a progressive humanization: First the myth of neo-capitalism, under which real economic crises were avoided by the intervention of the state, which could transform the devastating economic collapse in recessions harmless. Then that free trade was a turning point of no return, and that the state was driven economic horizon, and this has been denied recently by the most massive government intervention of all time, to save banks and industries. It was said that the revolution had become impossible, and there has been faced with a movement that certainly will not stop the people Arabs, who, in spite of the xenophobic Northern League, are giving us lessons in courage every day. Today, deceived the people with mild liberal, but, with the spread increasing social impoverishment, there will be difficulties to brush up pseudo-myths socialists or fascists, but to divert the workers from pursuing their real needs. The bourgeois state is an adversary, and acts in favor of the bourgeoisie, but the struggles can wrest concessions, provided that no helmets into the trap of the meeting, that is what his name was confused at lower class collaboration. latter, when not an outright sale effected by vertices sold to the owners, is always at a loss, because the bourgeoisie, crafty by centuries of political domination, has immobilized the proletariat with the agreements, continuous, open or disguised form in the fight, tearing all the contracts as soon as the situation is favorable.
the difficulties are clear: there is no class party - certainly can not replace the small

Michele Basso
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