Come ogni anno il giorno dell’8 marzo si ripete (sempre più stancamente) la festa della donna, che nel 2011 coincide con un’altra ricorrenza molto celebrata, il Carn
evale, con cui condivide forme rituali e modalità gestuali di segno squisitamente edonistico e commerciale, frutto di un processo di totale svuotamento, rimozione o travisamento del valore più autentico e profondo dell’idea di partenza, cioè del senso più antico di una festa laica come l’8 marzo, o di una tradizione pagana e popolare come il Carnevale.
Il valore storico, religioso, laico o politico di una ricorrenza, se non è stato definitivamente azzerato, volgarizzato or misunderstood, is only the outer frame, an ephemeral and bloated, but what matters is the primacy of the god of money and goods, the consumer standard practice that destroys any ability to judge and critical thinking, alienating and mystifying people's lives .
In the consumer society such occurrences, whether they are of religious origin, such as Christmas and Easter, pagan origin of light as the Mardi Gras, or politically motivated as 25 April and 1 May, are an endless series of purely commercial practices , having no other value than that on the most stupid and vulgar commodification and the extraction of economic profit individual.
It is a monotonous and repetitive sequence of ceremonies reduced to ritual gestures, and worn routine that enshrine the supremacy of the market and profit, the statement of hedonism and cretinism mass, which are repeated with the purchase gifts, the consummation of the lunch or dinner, dancing and the sale of the buzz, in a context of mass conformism and numbness of conscience in the name of absolute debauchery and frivolity, in the exaltation of the disengagement and reflux in sphere selfish, futile and petty bourgeois individualism.
us pause to reflect on the true meaning (now removed) on March 8. I referring to the meaning of political, intellectual and social event that gave rise to that, not surprisingly introduced in the scenery and habitat of the socialist movement, that is the fertile ground of the struggles and the reasons for the international working class, thanks to an idea of \u200b\u200bRosa Luxemburg and Clara Zetkin, two women of great thought and personality that were communist activists of the revolutionary proletariat. This needs a brief historical reconstruction of the "International Women's Day" to understand the original meaning that over time has been lost, erased, devalued or trivialized.
During the VII Congress of the Second International in 1907, attended by delegates from from various nations, including top leaders of the time as socialist Rosa Luxemburg, Clara Zetkin and Lenin, they also discussed the claim of universal suffrage extended to women. On this issue, Congress passed a motion in which the social partners undertake to implement universal suffrage for women. The first "International Women's Day" was officially celebrated in the United States February 28, 1909, while in some European countries was held for the first time March 19, 1911 on the advice of Clara Zetkin. The demonstrations were interrupted by the outbreak of World War I until the March 8, 1917 in the Russian capital the women led a huge demonstration to demand the end of
conflitto. In tal modo l'8 marzo del 1917 sancì l'inizio della Rivoluzione bolscevica in Russia. Per stabilire un giorno comune a tutte le nazioni, nel 1921 la Conferenza internazionale delle donne comuniste decise che l'8 marzo si celebrasse la “Giornata internazionale dell'operaia”.
Tenendo dunque presente le ragioni e gli avvenimenti che ispirarono l’istituzione di tale giornata, occorre ribadire e rilanciare con forza l’idea che l’emancipazione femminile sarà possibile solo in una società totalmente affrancata dal bisogno e dallo sfruttamento materiale dell’uomo (e quindi della donna) da parte di altri uomini, vale a dire in una società di liberi ed eguali, in un sistema che is actually egalitarian and communist.
The Women's Day, as it was conceived and created a hundred years ago, is now completely meaningless, reduced to being an empty ritual, and unnecessary, is the unequivocal confirmation of the triumph of capitalism, the exaltation of bourgeois ideology and mercantilist its social liturgies, the ecstasy of the god of money and commodity fetishism, a mass-cult that celebrates the apotheosis of mindless hedonism and more alienating.
The capitalist system has a power evil can absorb and neutralize any value and every feeling, the meaning of any event, action or idea, whether the initiative or the movement more audacious and subversive. In other words, the system mass consumerism is the real and true fascism, totalitarianism, an omnivorous monster that can absorb and devour everything, as Pasolini claimed more than 35 years ago.

Il valore storico, religioso, laico o politico di una ricorrenza, se non è stato definitivamente azzerato, volgarizzato or misunderstood, is only the outer frame, an ephemeral and bloated, but what matters is the primacy of the god of money and goods, the consumer standard practice that destroys any ability to judge and critical thinking, alienating and mystifying people's lives .
In the consumer society such occurrences, whether they are of religious origin, such as Christmas and Easter, pagan origin of light as the Mardi Gras, or politically motivated as 25 April and 1 May, are an endless series of purely commercial practices , having no other value than that on the most stupid and vulgar commodification and the extraction of economic profit individual.
It is a monotonous and repetitive sequence of ceremonies reduced to ritual gestures, and worn routine that enshrine the supremacy of the market and profit, the statement of hedonism and cretinism mass, which are repeated with the purchase gifts, the consummation of the lunch or dinner, dancing and the sale of the buzz, in a context of mass conformism and numbness of conscience in the name of absolute debauchery and frivolity, in the exaltation of the disengagement and reflux in sphere selfish, futile and petty bourgeois individualism.
us pause to reflect on the true meaning (now removed) on March 8. I referring to the meaning of political, intellectual and social event that gave rise to that, not surprisingly introduced in the scenery and habitat of the socialist movement, that is the fertile ground of the struggles and the reasons for the international working class, thanks to an idea of \u200b\u200bRosa Luxemburg and Clara Zetkin, two women of great thought and personality that were communist activists of the revolutionary proletariat. This needs a brief historical reconstruction of the "International Women's Day" to understand the original meaning that over time has been lost, erased, devalued or trivialized.
During the VII Congress of the Second International in 1907, attended by delegates from from various nations, including top leaders of the time as socialist Rosa Luxemburg, Clara Zetkin and Lenin, they also discussed the claim of universal suffrage extended to women. On this issue, Congress passed a motion in which the social partners undertake to implement universal suffrage for women. The first "International Women's Day" was officially celebrated in the United States February 28, 1909, while in some European countries was held for the first time March 19, 1911 on the advice of Clara Zetkin. The demonstrations were interrupted by the outbreak of World War I until the March 8, 1917 in the Russian capital the women led a huge demonstration to demand the end of

Tenendo dunque presente le ragioni e gli avvenimenti che ispirarono l’istituzione di tale giornata, occorre ribadire e rilanciare con forza l’idea che l’emancipazione femminile sarà possibile solo in una società totalmente affrancata dal bisogno e dallo sfruttamento materiale dell’uomo (e quindi della donna) da parte di altri uomini, vale a dire in una società di liberi ed eguali, in un sistema che is actually egalitarian and communist.
The Women's Day, as it was conceived and created a hundred years ago, is now completely meaningless, reduced to being an empty ritual, and unnecessary, is the unequivocal confirmation of the triumph of capitalism, the exaltation of bourgeois ideology and mercantilist its social liturgies, the ecstasy of the god of money and commodity fetishism, a mass-cult that celebrates the apotheosis of mindless hedonism and more alienating.
The capitalist system has a power evil can absorb and neutralize any value and every feeling, the meaning of any event, action or idea, whether the initiative or the movement more audacious and subversive. In other words, the system mass consumerism is the real and true fascism, totalitarianism, an omnivorous monster that can absorb and devour everything, as Pasolini claimed more than 35 years ago.
Lucio Garofalo
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