A strike still true that the country ". Not much was expected attend the meeting of working men and women Autoconvocate which was held yesterday in Rome.
More than three hundred people, a bit 'from the four corners of the beautiful country, telling of the desire to mobilize and, above all, the will to do so in clear objectives. So rather than "general strike" which is now in the mouth to the CGIL is becoming synonymous with "great initiative" and that's it, it is better to speak of "general strike".

present delegates from the initials of both trade unions of the base, nearly all of that certain categories of the CGIL (metal, chemicals, trade, civil service, school), the Assembly clearly raised the idea of \u200b\u200ba permanent mobilization . A clear message to the address the trade union bureaucracy "that the protest is a weapon in the hands of workers to the Government that his time is now finished, and the Confederation of the crisis that workers do not intend to pay. But what the third meeting of Autoconvocate put more clearly was the urgent need to unify their struggles. Moreover, the dislocation can not give rise to any alternative proposal, any platform that is able to give a perspective alletante resistance struggles that are being articulated by a year and a half in this part of Italy. On stage, the delegates took the floor of Mirafiori, the Maflow of Manuli, and also the precarious School, health professionals, and the "precarious" delle cooperative sociali appesi, con un contratto a tempo indeterminato, alla scure dei tagli al welfare.Oggi che il “cerchio” della protesta si sta allargando coinvolgendo i diritti del lavoro e quelli civili, il mondo del precariato e le centinaia di migliaia di lavoratori coinvolti dalla crisi, come chi lotta per avere una casa e chi per non far chiudere l’ospedale, nessun sindacato sembra aver voglia di elaborare una proposta convincente e vincente. Per quanto riguarda la politica, in particolare quella che occupa i banchi del Parlamento, forse nemmeno sista accorgendo che c’è un Paese che lotta.Ed è una lotta, come testimoniano le decine di interventi dal palco, che vede finalmente protagonisti tanti giovani. «Ormai non we can no longer postpone - said Giorgio Cremaschi - the urgent need to build a fight, and participation from below. Who's Marchionne is our enemy. " This commitment, which has returned to many interventions. Moreover there are no alternatives. In a time when the prevailing trade union model is towards corporatisation, and what remains is not able to respond effectively, workers as has been said, "must take charge of their own destiny
or". "If not now when?" They repeated some of the delegates, as this route had to be done "before." Meanwhile, the goal is to stabilizzarel'esperienza in some regional coordination, which are able to repeat the assembly of Autoconvocate. The idea is to build up forces for a specific objective, a manifestation of "all social opposition against the government and Confindustria," building, at the same time, a "leading role of workers' within which the unions have to confront. Hence the proposal for an open table to all the unions, and movements, which are able to create a true laboratory of the struggles and iniziative.Tra others, has also intervened Emidia Papi, the National Coordination of USB, that in the name of independence and autonomy in the evocation of a CGIL criticized that "speaks to strike as a synonym of competitiveness. "In the final document are the harshest criticism against the offensive of Sergio Marchionne. "That model, under the pretext of crisis and global competition, points to the dismantling of trade union rights and protections and wants to bring the condition of women workers and workers back a century." "The Assembly also calls on all trade unions, social, environmental and governmental opposing offensive manor - concludeil document - to identify a common path that builds quickly, beyond the ambiguity of the timidity and the constant references CGIL, a day of struggle and national mobilization and a large demonstration a Roma».

Fabio Sebastiani, Liberazione 27.02.2011
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