Il mio rapporto politico e personale con Rifondazione Comunista nell’arco della sua storia ormai ventennale, non è stato sempre costante e lineare, ma si è caratterizzato a fasi
alterne e in un modo conflittuale, quasi una sorta di sentimento di “amore e odio”. Ho sempre fatto politica seduto “’ncoppa lo ceraso”, cioè sul ciliegio. Ebbene, faccio presente che in cima al ciliegio si respira un'aria salubre, ma soprattutto si ha una visione onesta e distaccata del mondo. Credo che quando si perde il senso dell'ironia e della critica, cioè the ability to read critically and ironically the reality, you may be incorporating the "system". Instead, the choice to dominate the world from above gives you a clear vision and objective. Remain "'the ncoppa Ceraso is a privilege granted to the minds free to fly high, that is to think big.
I've always been a Communist atypical intransigent towards the injustices committed by power. No doubt they are sincere and loyal, so hated by the Pharisees. In my own way are consistent, not a braggart who preaches Razzola good but evil. They are probably one that preaches evil and scratching worse. I've always been wary of church-guardians of the parties, similar to altars and incensed militant sanctuaries in which teachers and apostles, priests and seminarians, lay devotees with their robes and sweatshirts battle, processions and hymns, liturgical ceremonies and celebrations, the Decalogue and the penances, confessions, and the excommunications purges, the renunciations and retractions, scandal and exorcisms.
Upon its inception in 1991, I remember that I immediately adhered to the ideal that inspired the Communist Party of the PRC, although I had decided not to get the card, which they did later. On the other hand, from my experience of proletarian democracy, in which I played in the youth section of Lyon, now made me sympathize for the new political entity embracing the foundational design (or rather, re-founding) of the common aspirations in a historical phase in which the world witnessed the collapse of real socialism in the USSR and Eastern Europe. My membership of the PRC
happened for the first time in 1995 when I was a candidate in the provincial elections also been fairly successful in terms of numbers. But the most important result was the formation of a club in my country. Then I lived a long distance from the party to return in 2001 in the wake of protests against the G8 in Genoa. In 2003 I experienced another significant moment from the point of view when I ran for election in a list of the PRC in local elections of my town. Experience in the PRC militant lasted until the following year. Since then I have decided not to renew as the party ticket.
The reasons for my expulsion from the party were of a political and personal. First, the regressions carried out by the magic windbag, l '(in) President Faust, author of the most glaring blunders and more winding turns, the Kafkaesque metamorphosis par excellence, indeed of the Faustian metamorphosis, the zig-zag ideological. They had never seen coils so daring in the history of Italian trade union and labor movement. It 'very hard to describe the many activities carried out and performed against former Secretary rifondarolo: in the first direction moved, poi ghandiano, infine governista e militarista. Addio alla lotta di classe e al comunismo, addio al sindacalismo operaio, addio al pacifismo, addio al partito. E per cosa? Per una poltrona che fu occupata anche dal fondoschiena della Pivetti? Ma ne valeva la pena? Come il dottor Faust che vendette l'anima al diavolo, l’(in)Faust ha svenduto le battaglie di una vita, ottenendo in cambio un incarico istituzionale simbolico, privo di poteri decisionali.
Poi c’è stato il congresso più infuocato e cammellato nella storia del PRC, in cui si è consumato uno scontro per nulla epico che non ha concesso tregue alle faide intestine tra gli sceicchi del partito. Se qualcuno avesse avuto bisogno di un riscontro, la vicenda ha confermato Once again the bureaucrats know how to deal with only bland bureaucratic loopholes. In a surreal setting was celebrated the apotheosis of parliamentary cretinism. False poets and phrase-to the command of the party, evident in withdrawal symptoms, they are ready to lay your ass back benches of Parliament on bourgeois.
Today it seems to me that the project of the Federation of the Left is forcing a restructuring of the tax policy framework that has undermined the minor parties. If the reasons for the emergence of the cartel are of electioneering, I fear that the process can only arrive at a jumble of acronyms inherited from parties that have already shown strong powers to subordinates in the country. In the past we have witnessed a remarkable fenomeno di scissione degli “atomi comunisti”. L’ultima “scissione subatomica” è stata quella della “particella vendoliana” dopo il congresso di Chianciano. Tuttavia, voler rimettere insieme le “particelle atomiche” che si erano frazionate in precedenza solo per riconquistare qualche seggio in Parlamento non mi pare un serio progetto comunista.

I've always been a Communist atypical intransigent towards the injustices committed by power. No doubt they are sincere and loyal, so hated by the Pharisees. In my own way are consistent, not a braggart who preaches Razzola good but evil. They are probably one that preaches evil and scratching worse. I've always been wary of church-guardians of the parties, similar to altars and incensed militant sanctuaries in which teachers and apostles, priests and seminarians, lay devotees with their robes and sweatshirts battle, processions and hymns, liturgical ceremonies and celebrations, the Decalogue and the penances, confessions, and the excommunications purges, the renunciations and retractions, scandal and exorcisms.
Upon its inception in 1991, I remember that I immediately adhered to the ideal that inspired the Communist Party of the PRC, although I had decided not to get the card, which they did later. On the other hand, from my experience of proletarian democracy, in which I played in the youth section of Lyon, now made me sympathize for the new political entity embracing the foundational design (or rather, re-founding) of the common aspirations in a historical phase in which the world witnessed the collapse of real socialism in the USSR and Eastern Europe. My membership of the PRC
happened for the first time in 1995 when I was a candidate in the provincial elections also been fairly successful in terms of numbers. But the most important result was the formation of a club in my country. Then I lived a long distance from the party to return in 2001 in the wake of protests against the G8 in Genoa. In 2003 I experienced another significant moment from the point of view when I ran for election in a list of the PRC in local elections of my town. Experience in the PRC militant lasted until the following year. Since then I have decided not to renew as the party ticket.
The reasons for my expulsion from the party were of a political and personal. First, the regressions carried out by the magic windbag, l '(in) President Faust, author of the most glaring blunders and more winding turns, the Kafkaesque metamorphosis par excellence, indeed of the Faustian metamorphosis, the zig-zag ideological. They had never seen coils so daring in the history of Italian trade union and labor movement. It 'very hard to describe the many activities carried out and performed against former Secretary rifondarolo: in the first direction moved, poi ghandiano, infine governista e militarista. Addio alla lotta di classe e al comunismo, addio al sindacalismo operaio, addio al pacifismo, addio al partito. E per cosa? Per una poltrona che fu occupata anche dal fondoschiena della Pivetti? Ma ne valeva la pena? Come il dottor Faust che vendette l'anima al diavolo, l’(in)Faust ha svenduto le battaglie di una vita, ottenendo in cambio un incarico istituzionale simbolico, privo di poteri decisionali.
Poi c’è stato il congresso più infuocato e cammellato nella storia del PRC, in cui si è consumato uno scontro per nulla epico che non ha concesso tregue alle faide intestine tra gli sceicchi del partito. Se qualcuno avesse avuto bisogno di un riscontro, la vicenda ha confermato Once again the bureaucrats know how to deal with only bland bureaucratic loopholes. In a surreal setting was celebrated the apotheosis of parliamentary cretinism. False poets and phrase-to the command of the party, evident in withdrawal symptoms, they are ready to lay your ass back benches of Parliament on bourgeois.
Today it seems to me that the project of the Federation of the Left is forcing a restructuring of the tax policy framework that has undermined the minor parties. If the reasons for the emergence of the cartel are of electioneering, I fear that the process can only arrive at a jumble of acronyms inherited from parties that have already shown strong powers to subordinates in the country. In the past we have witnessed a remarkable fenomeno di scissione degli “atomi comunisti”. L’ultima “scissione subatomica” è stata quella della “particella vendoliana” dopo il congresso di Chianciano. Tuttavia, voler rimettere insieme le “particelle atomiche” che si erano frazionate in precedenza solo per riconquistare qualche seggio in Parlamento non mi pare un serio progetto comunista.
Lucio Garofalo
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