Tra i frutti avvelenati, si spera gli ultimi, che l’ineffabile Gheddafi sta lasciando alla popolazione libica - la cui rivolta ha contorni ancora non ben decifrabili e non del tutto a
ssimilabili all’ondata di sollevazioni iniziata in Tunisia - c’è anche il fatto che la repressione sanguinosa ha given new breath to a hint that the West, primarily in Washington, a bit 'had put in the drawer after the disaster known in the Middle East. The little word is: intervention in Libya. Humanitarian, of course.
last few days speak loudly analysts and journalists in the States, a sign of what will be discussed behind the scenes. Without mincing words, the Wall Street Journal on Wednesday proposed to directly bombard the airports in Libya, "of course" to defend the population against the killing of aviation, condemning Obama's caution against armed insurgents who should instead directly. The softer New York Times and Foreign Policy have also revived proposals for a no-fly zone Kurdistan under Saddam-model-aid to deserters and sanctions to the regime. Already a couple of days ago the official Council on Foreign Relations had forewarned the Europeans, if the situation were to degenerate and stop oil supplies should be considered a military option.
Wednesday evening and then came the official declaration of Obama who " asked the administration to prepare the entire spectrum of options available to respond to the crisis . Brussels Finally, as always at the wheel, began to circulate unofficially marked humanitarian military intervention. For its part, the Italian government, especially Maroni, is mounting day by the alarm “esodo biblico”, sia a fini interni sia verso i partner europei scettici e piuttosto riottosi.
Intervento umanitario! Come se l’appalto al regime dei lager di detenzione dei migranti non fosse in conto Ue. Come se le armi con cui Gheddafi porta avanti la sua mattanza non fossero italiane - grazie al trattato di amicizia firmato da Berluska- e inglesi -intermediario Blair in persona- e tedesche. Come se le imprese occidentali, dalla Shell all’Eni ecc. non avessero concluso negli ultimi anni contratti d’oro con la Libia del rais. Come se gli stessi Stati Uniti, dopo aver eliminato le sanzioni nel 2004, non si fossero ben reinseriti nel gioco grazie ai contatti diretti di esponenti in vista dei neocons. Lasciamo perdere...
Non that any military action is imminent nor easy. And probably there will not be no time. But the signal is political. Especially for Washington. That the EU is once again nothing to the autonomy and the geopolitical perspective: the moves are italiote cries of help without any strategy, Paris and Berlin is ridiculous look elsewhere, the overall image with which the "civilized" Europe comes out is deservedly disastrous.
to Washington instead is to exploit the events with the utmost cynicism, and the dead.
This recirculate and re-legitimation the idea that the West is deputy to intervene to restore order and only the United States are able to do so not against, but to support (!) but the aspirations of
sse. One way to guarantee the real push for change and at the same time state governments to "transition"-Tunisia and Egypt today, tomorrow ...- which to contain and stop the radicalization of risk can and must rely on the alliance ever.
Everything changes because nothing changes: this solves the "reformism" of Obama caught between the inability of domestic and international, when a speech to Bush and the need / desire to take up, even against Europe, Russia and China , the "new" Middle East going to emerge. In the face of earth tremors that the crisis globale sta comunicando al mondo arabo dubitiamo che questa operazione sarà sufficiente. Ma certo non è male a sinistra esserne criticamente avvertiti. Nella vita reale, a differenza che sui campi di gioco, la partita non è mai solo a due...
last few days speak loudly analysts and journalists in the States, a sign of what will be discussed behind the scenes. Without mincing words, the Wall Street Journal on Wednesday proposed to directly bombard the airports in Libya, "of course" to defend the population against the killing of aviation, condemning Obama's caution against armed insurgents who should instead directly. The softer New York Times and Foreign Policy have also revived proposals for a no-fly zone Kurdistan under Saddam-model-aid to deserters and sanctions to the regime. Already a couple of days ago the official Council on Foreign Relations had forewarned the Europeans, if the situation were to degenerate and stop oil supplies should be considered a military option.
Wednesday evening and then came the official declaration of Obama who " asked the administration to prepare the entire spectrum of options available to respond to the crisis . Brussels Finally, as always at the wheel, began to circulate unofficially marked humanitarian military intervention. For its part, the Italian government, especially Maroni, is mounting day by the alarm “esodo biblico”, sia a fini interni sia verso i partner europei scettici e piuttosto riottosi.
Intervento umanitario! Come se l’appalto al regime dei lager di detenzione dei migranti non fosse in conto Ue. Come se le armi con cui Gheddafi porta avanti la sua mattanza non fossero italiane - grazie al trattato di amicizia firmato da Berluska- e inglesi -intermediario Blair in persona- e tedesche. Come se le imprese occidentali, dalla Shell all’Eni ecc. non avessero concluso negli ultimi anni contratti d’oro con la Libia del rais. Come se gli stessi Stati Uniti, dopo aver eliminato le sanzioni nel 2004, non si fossero ben reinseriti nel gioco grazie ai contatti diretti di esponenti in vista dei neocons. Lasciamo perdere...
Non that any military action is imminent nor easy. And probably there will not be no time. But the signal is political. Especially for Washington. That the EU is once again nothing to the autonomy and the geopolitical perspective: the moves are italiote cries of help without any strategy, Paris and Berlin is ridiculous look elsewhere, the overall image with which the "civilized" Europe comes out is deservedly disastrous.
to Washington instead is to exploit the events with the utmost cynicism, and the dead.
This recirculate and re-legitimation the idea that the West is deputy to intervene to restore order and only the United States are able to do so not against, but to support (!) but the aspirations of

Everything changes because nothing changes: this solves the "reformism" of Obama caught between the inability of domestic and international, when a speech to Bush and the need / desire to take up, even against Europe, Russia and China , the "new" Middle East going to emerge. In the face of earth tremors that the crisis globale sta comunicando al mondo arabo dubitiamo che questa operazione sarà sufficiente. Ma certo non è male a sinistra esserne criticamente avvertiti. Nella vita reale, a differenza che sui campi di gioco, la partita non è mai solo a due...
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