Dopo la cacciata di Ben Ali e di Mubarak, la rivolta contro il regime di Gheddafi ci riempie di gioia.
Per 42 anni il regime di Gheddafi ha fatto il bello e il cattivo temp
o, alle spalle dei proletari libici, del Medio Oriente e di tanti altri Paesi, che in Libia vanno a lavorare.
Grazie alla rendita petrolifera, il regime ha created an army of corrupt officials, ready to grab all the resources of the country and sold to European companies, deploying a mass of cops, ready to break strikes, labor unrest and all forms of popular dissent.
Not only that Gaddafi was primarily a police officer in the pay of the West, his job was to stop the millions of refugees from Africa and Asia, seeking a better life in rich Europe. In all this dirty game, the lion's share have made the Italian capitalists, accompanied by a host of businessmen and wheeler-prey, of which Berlusconi is the first in the list. Just
the Berlusconi government in 2004 made an agreement with Tripoli (developed after developed in November 2006 by the Prodi government, and then further compounded by Berlusconi, in September 2010) moved on Libyan territory, the border anti-immigrant agreements have established a large police and military cooperation plan for the control and possession on Libyan soil of those immigrants who landed in Italy, they are immediately expelled and sent back. Thanks to these agreements, thousands of men, women and children ended up in concentration camps, in unhealthy cells, often without food or water and many died of starvation or under the blows of the posse.
This tangle of business, interest and criminal complicity explains the support that Italy and Europe have given up Gaddafi yesterday, and embarrassment in today's political stand against a regime that intensifies attacks bloody events. While
to defend their business, the owners of Europe and America are willing to destroy Libya, as in Somalia, where today they can exploit to the bone for men and women, where they can download the toxic waste, where they can do all the dirty trade, arms and human beings.
The collapse of the prison regime of Gaddafi, also would drop barriers that prevent immigrants from coming to Italy and Europe. And this scares the bosses and politicians, right and left, that's
are preparing to deploy the army, navy aeronautics, to fortify the borders, build concentration camps, before which even the monstrosity represented by CIE (against whom continue to fight: now more than ever) would be reduced to nothing.
so easy to imagine that in this context will intensify the checks, abuse and oppression toward all immigrants, it is always colder than the wind that blows on the neck of Italian workers (not just the FIAT Marchionne, but all the factories of a thousand truck drivers).
The "civilization" and "democracy" Western exported with the war halfway around the world, are intended for their irreversible sunset but their guardians, just like the butcher Gaddafi is doing, not waived their extreme violence against the popular classes, in a desperate attempt to defend its system of exploitation and privileges.
For all these reasons, Libya affects us and shows us clearly which side they are.
If the Italians are masters today with Gaddafi (and tomorrow with his substitute), but we are with the people of Libya and North Africa showing the proletarian masses, with unprecedented power, the revolution is not only necessary but also possible .

Grazie alla rendita petrolifera, il regime ha created an army of corrupt officials, ready to grab all the resources of the country and sold to European companies, deploying a mass of cops, ready to break strikes, labor unrest and all forms of popular dissent.
Not only that Gaddafi was primarily a police officer in the pay of the West, his job was to stop the millions of refugees from Africa and Asia, seeking a better life in rich Europe. In all this dirty game, the lion's share have made the Italian capitalists, accompanied by a host of businessmen and wheeler-prey, of which Berlusconi is the first in the list. Just
the Berlusconi government in 2004 made an agreement with Tripoli (developed after developed in November 2006 by the Prodi government, and then further compounded by Berlusconi, in September 2010) moved on Libyan territory, the border anti-immigrant agreements have established a large police and military cooperation plan for the control and possession on Libyan soil of those immigrants who landed in Italy, they are immediately expelled and sent back. Thanks to these agreements, thousands of men, women and children ended up in concentration camps, in unhealthy cells, often without food or water and many died of starvation or under the blows of the posse.
This tangle of business, interest and criminal complicity explains the support that Italy and Europe have given up Gaddafi yesterday, and embarrassment in today's political stand against a regime that intensifies attacks bloody events. While
to defend their business, the owners of Europe and America are willing to destroy Libya, as in Somalia, where today they can exploit to the bone for men and women, where they can download the toxic waste, where they can do all the dirty trade, arms and human beings.
The collapse of the prison regime of Gaddafi, also would drop barriers that prevent immigrants from coming to Italy and Europe. And this scares the bosses and politicians, right and left, that's

so easy to imagine that in this context will intensify the checks, abuse and oppression toward all immigrants, it is always colder than the wind that blows on the neck of Italian workers (not just the FIAT Marchionne, but all the factories of a thousand truck drivers).
The "civilization" and "democracy" Western exported with the war halfway around the world, are intended for their irreversible sunset but their guardians, just like the butcher Gaddafi is doing, not waived their extreme violence against the popular classes, in a desperate attempt to defend its system of exploitation and privileges.
For all these reasons, Libya affects us and shows us clearly which side they are.
If the Italians are masters today with Gaddafi (and tomorrow with his substitute), but we are with the people of Libya and North Africa showing the proletarian masses, with unprecedented power, the revolution is not only necessary but also possible .
Committee racist Milan
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