Italy has always been the realm of retorica e dell’ipocrisia dei ciarlatani, degli impostori e dei pifferai magici. Ma il degrado etico e culturale in cui è sprofonda
to il Paese è tale da non permettere più di discernere la verità dalla menzogna, l’equità dall’ingiustizia. Il discorso pronunciato da Marchionne all’ultimo meeting di Comunione e Liberazione è la riprova che la Fiat è spinta da finalità antioperaie ed antidemocratiche. Ascoltare l’Amministratore delegato che cita Hegel , richiamando valori etici come “libertà” e “diritti”, fa solo inorridire in quanto il “supermanager” della Fiat offende l’intelligenza, la civiltà, the integrity of the free citizens. The intervention of Marchionne revealed apparently conciliatory tone and content, but behind the false erudition and emphasis "feel-good" arrogance lurks peppered with references to frame useful posts offensive against the laws and institutions of the state, covering threats and provocation to the workers. The icing was the 'invitation expressed by Marchionne for deserting the class struggle, while it is clear that only the Fiat perseveres and leads a "holy crusade" against the workers and trade unions are not yet on their backs that are bent on resisting . most combative workers are limited to preserve i posti di lavoro e i propri diritti, ma non stanno facendo la guerra ai padroni. La lotta di classe non l’hanno mai provocata gli operai, ma sempre e solo i capitalisti e i loro scagnozzi.
Al di là dei proclami verbali e delle facili dichiarazioni di principio, contano i fatti concreti, che mostrano quali siano gli intenti reali della Fiat. Ebbene, le vicende di Pomigliano e Mirafiori sono paradigmatiche e rischiano di mutare le relazioni industriali nel nostro Paese. Esse mostrano che ogni sacrificio dei lavoratori non serve a conservare il lavoro, ma consente solo al capitale di estendere i sacrifici ai lavoratori di tutto il mondo e imporne altri con la scusa di dover reggere la concorrenza. Al di là degli esiti referendari, the victory of unanimous "yes", which could be regarded as a "Pyrrhic victory" in reality have lost workers. In the "proposal" made by Marchionne and signed by the pro-union employers, arrogance emerges from industrial nineteenth century. To realize maximum profits, the Fiat "waiver" to each rule: laws, contracts, Workers' Charter, Constitution . The events of Mirafiori and Pomigliano likely to impose the idea that the only solution to the crisis and accepting the logic of corporate blackmail: if you give up work to pay subtracting jobs to other workers; survive if you give up rights and democracy .
Thus Pomigliano Mirafiori and risk of "doing school" is the watershed of the "new industrial relations".
The current recession is not an accidental event, but a structural crisis caused by the excessive development of productive forces, a crisis accelerated by the saturation of the international markets to date has produced in excess of exploiting the workers too, who are impoverished and are intended to further impoverishment. E 'a crisis that can be explained by virtue of the gap between the increasing labor productivity and declining consumption capacity of workers . In other words workers produce too much, al punto che non si riesce a vendere quanto essi producono . E’ la radice delle contraddizioni del capitalismo, riconducibile alla sua tendenza intrinseca alla sovrapproduzione di merci. In questo quadro l’azione dei governi asseconda gli interessi delle forze capitalistiche. Infatti, le politiche di liberalizzazione selvaggia attuate dai governi degli ultimi anni procedono senza sosta, malgrado aumenti la consapevolezza che esse favoriscono il predominio dei grandi potentati economici, delle banche e delle società finanziarie, a discapito dei lavoratori. Impresa, mercato, produttività, profitto, non sono mai stati termini asettici o neutrali, ma hanno sempre definito affari e poteri concreti, persone in carne ed ossa. Instead, these private interests are now exhibited as the common good. The central contradiction is still one that opposes the capitalist firm in the world of work. Workers must be aware that the real problem lies in the cost of capital, nell'inasprimento conditions and increasing the use of overtime, the growing insecurity of working conditions and workers' lives, in short in the system of capitalist alienation factory work. In the face of international crisis response FIAT is a strategic plan that aims to terzomondizzazione work in Italy, to an intensification of the rhythms and timing of work, job insecurity to the full rights and protections labor, wages, safety conditions of workers. After bleeding the Polish workers, Fiat plans to return to Italy in a production moved abroad in recent years, despite the generous subsidies bestowed by the Italian State, that is, by taxpayers.
Furthermore, in a civilized workplace safety should take precedence over any other type of question. Still, the budget of the macabre "murder white" involves a constant update. The work in factories, construction sites, roads, is now working at the highest risk. Indeed, the impressive stock of "killing white" is a real war report. It is estimated that in the world accidents death at work, according to official data provided by INAIL (National Institute for Insurance against Accidents at Work), exceeding the numbers of deaths caused by war in general. If there is not enough evidence to confirm that the statistics in the workplace is being a real drip. INAIL estimates reveal that the "murder whites resume to rise, signaling a resurgence of the phenomenon. The daily average of 3 / 4 deaths caused by capitalist exploitation, indicates the lack of severity of the existing rules and the inflexibility of their weak implementation of controls and inspection. In this way, the workers continue to die in the factories, workshops, construction sites, in unhealthy and unsafe economic exploitation, while no government, no party, no trade union can be no action, admitting their own impotence and declaring bankruptcy. But beyond the circumstances due to "tragic fatality, fatal accidents always bear specific responsibilities because there is always someone who has not done his duty to prevent that incident, a responsibility that should be sought and pursued. In general, the massacres at work related to the following orders of reasons: first, the costs and the economic logic of profit, the tightening of conditions of exploitation and an increase in factory overtime. In other words, the root cause is the precarious security conditions for workers. Instead, n
ell'agenda emergency government that was undermined by false priorities as the issue of urban safety-related demagogic and so instrumental to the question of "illegal".
In recent months, both abroad and in Italy, the destabilizing effects of the economic crisis have led many workers exposed to the threat of layoffs, to rise up and take the forms of protest would have been unthinkable. There is the worker who attempts suicide because he can not get to the end of the month, but there are also cases of workers who choose resist strongly against dismissal, unemployment and the crisis that the owners are trying to pay the working class, as always. Increase the struggles undertaken by groups of workers rebel, so persecuted, especially in many factories of the Fiat Group, workers organized themselves and therefore subject to attempts at criminalization and repression carried out by Fiat and the state of his accomplice. Today it is more necessary than ever to show solidarity with the struggles of the workers in every corner of the planet, particularly with the workers who fight against the crisis and exploitation in the factory, never to be deceived by the government, employers and trade unions.

Al di là dei proclami verbali e delle facili dichiarazioni di principio, contano i fatti concreti, che mostrano quali siano gli intenti reali della Fiat. Ebbene, le vicende di Pomigliano e Mirafiori sono paradigmatiche e rischiano di mutare le relazioni industriali nel nostro Paese. Esse mostrano che ogni sacrificio dei lavoratori non serve a conservare il lavoro, ma consente solo al capitale di estendere i sacrifici ai lavoratori di tutto il mondo e imporne altri con la scusa di dover reggere la concorrenza. Al di là degli esiti referendari, the victory of unanimous "yes", which could be regarded as a "Pyrrhic victory" in reality have lost workers. In the "proposal" made by Marchionne and signed by the pro-union employers, arrogance emerges from industrial nineteenth century. To realize maximum profits, the Fiat "waiver" to each rule: laws, contracts, Workers' Charter, Constitution . The events of Mirafiori and Pomigliano likely to impose the idea that the only solution to the crisis and accepting the logic of corporate blackmail: if you give up work to pay subtracting jobs to other workers; survive if you give up rights and democracy .

The current recession is not an accidental event, but a structural crisis caused by the excessive development of productive forces, a crisis accelerated by the saturation of the international markets to date has produced in excess of exploiting the workers too, who are impoverished and are intended to further impoverishment. E 'a crisis that can be explained by virtue of the gap between the increasing labor productivity and declining consumption capacity of workers . In other words workers produce too much, al punto che non si riesce a vendere quanto essi producono . E’ la radice delle contraddizioni del capitalismo, riconducibile alla sua tendenza intrinseca alla sovrapproduzione di merci. In questo quadro l’azione dei governi asseconda gli interessi delle forze capitalistiche. Infatti, le politiche di liberalizzazione selvaggia attuate dai governi degli ultimi anni procedono senza sosta, malgrado aumenti la consapevolezza che esse favoriscono il predominio dei grandi potentati economici, delle banche e delle società finanziarie, a discapito dei lavoratori. Impresa, mercato, produttività, profitto, non sono mai stati termini asettici o neutrali, ma hanno sempre definito affari e poteri concreti, persone in carne ed ossa. Instead, these private interests are now exhibited as the common good. The central contradiction is still one that opposes the capitalist firm in the world of work. Workers must be aware that the real problem lies in the cost of capital, nell'inasprimento conditions and increasing the use of overtime, the growing insecurity of working conditions and workers' lives, in short in the system of capitalist alienation factory work. In the face of international crisis response FIAT is a strategic plan that aims to terzomondizzazione work in Italy, to an intensification of the rhythms and timing of work, job insecurity to the full rights and protections labor, wages, safety conditions of workers. After bleeding the Polish workers, Fiat plans to return to Italy in a production moved abroad in recent years, despite the generous subsidies bestowed by the Italian State, that is, by taxpayers.
Furthermore, in a civilized workplace safety should take precedence over any other type of question. Still, the budget of the macabre "murder white" involves a constant update. The work in factories, construction sites, roads, is now working at the highest risk. Indeed, the impressive stock of "killing white" is a real war report. It is estimated that in the world accidents death at work, according to official data provided by INAIL (National Institute for Insurance against Accidents at Work), exceeding the numbers of deaths caused by war in general. If there is not enough evidence to confirm that the statistics in the workplace is being a real drip. INAIL estimates reveal that the "murder whites resume to rise, signaling a resurgence of the phenomenon. The daily average of 3 / 4 deaths caused by capitalist exploitation, indicates the lack of severity of the existing rules and the inflexibility of their weak implementation of controls and inspection. In this way, the workers continue to die in the factories, workshops, construction sites, in unhealthy and unsafe economic exploitation, while no government, no party, no trade union can be no action, admitting their own impotence and declaring bankruptcy. But beyond the circumstances due to "tragic fatality, fatal accidents always bear specific responsibilities because there is always someone who has not done his duty to prevent that incident, a responsibility that should be sought and pursued. In general, the massacres at work related to the following orders of reasons: first, the costs and the economic logic of profit, the tightening of conditions of exploitation and an increase in factory overtime. In other words, the root cause is the precarious security conditions for workers. Instead, n

In recent months, both abroad and in Italy, the destabilizing effects of the economic crisis have led many workers exposed to the threat of layoffs, to rise up and take the forms of protest would have been unthinkable. There is the worker who attempts suicide because he can not get to the end of the month, but there are also cases of workers who choose resist strongly against dismissal, unemployment and the crisis that the owners are trying to pay the working class, as always. Increase the struggles undertaken by groups of workers rebel, so persecuted, especially in many factories of the Fiat Group, workers organized themselves and therefore subject to attempts at criminalization and repression carried out by Fiat and the state of his accomplice. Today it is more necessary than ever to show solidarity with the struggles of the workers in every corner of the planet, particularly with the workers who fight against the crisis and exploitation in the factory, never to be deceived by the government, employers and trade unions.
Lucio Garofalo
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