Certo che per uno con il curriculum ladronesco di Berlusconi, essere incastrato da una che di nome fa Ruby sarebbe il colmo. Intanto si è arrivati alla svolta processual
e e il 6 aprile il nostro dovrà comparire (forse), per la prima volta da premier, in un aula di tribunale per rispondere all’accusa di prostituzione minorile e a quella di concussione. Da mesi ormai le vicende personali del puttaniere di Arcore paralizzano quelle più strettamente politiche a livello nazionale. Eppure di cose rilevanti ne sono successe: Fiat's referendum, with the workers who were forced to submit to blackmail or the pavement or slavery, the increasing pressures at the center of Confindustria, which is releasing the government, the split in the majority with Futuroelibertà and the rift in the womb Fli with many of the same sheep, as Barbareschi, returning to the fold Berlusconi persuasive as usual, the chevalier.
In fact, the cracks do not occur on the basis of specific discriminatory policies, but, more simply, the market, in the strict sense of politics. The economic dominance of Berlusconi can buy (usually at the expense of the exchequer) Members shall ensure that the parliamentary majority ... and impunity. From Scilipoti to Barbary, in fact, according to the vox populi prebends it would be very consistent, able to impair the integrity of many other idealists, even middle-class ...

In fact, the cracks do not occur on the basis of specific discriminatory policies, but, more simply, the market, in the strict sense of politics. The economic dominance of Berlusconi can buy (usually at the expense of the exchequer) Members shall ensure that the parliamentary majority ... and impunity. From Scilipoti to Barbary, in fact, according to the vox populi prebends it would be very consistent, able to impair the integrity of many other idealists, even middle-class ...
useless, nothing, or almost! From Ballarò Annozero, television programs of the opposition are all focused on that night of the famous phone call to the police station, where Berlusconi calling for the release because of the grandson of Ruby Mubarak, with Nicole Minetti's role in the Lombardy Regional Council, to act as an intermediary.
Notwithstanding the fact that, as infoiati, we do not believe Berlusconi so stupid to think for a moment that the aforementioned Ruby really was the nephew of Mubarak, beyond the fact that the prime minister (in friendships with ladies gifts to minors easy ...), in disregard of the same bourgeois laws, abuse of its institutional role in the police to issue an immigrant to do that had committed a crime (what do you think will be his ally Bossi?), will keep us to emphasize that it is amazing how morality becomes the moment depending on who is caught with his hands in the cookie jar.
The same people who have the time necessary Marrazzo, when shamed, according to them, sat in the opposite side of the House, posing as defenders of public morality ... now rediscovered "libertarian", and what accuse others? Of false morality, Puritanism and so on and so forth. A leap of quail by those who hypocritically hymned, with lots of divorces and separations behind the family (and of course, to God and the Fatherland), releasing the compact ones that have a Family Day Maroni, Minister of the Interior now is increasingly competing with Himmler as a repressive policies, even to invoke the ghosts of a police state (loro!), a sword and defend the sacred right to privacy is violated by those communists of the judiciary. Right to privacy that is certainly not the revolutionary communists, or the anti-capitalists in general, for which the phone under control è la regola quotidiana, e che però non hanno mai organizzato cortei o raccolte di firme per chiedere alle istituzioni di non ascoltare le loro telefonate. A sentire il popolo di centrodestra, il campione di tutte le libertà individuali, dalla privacy ai diritti sanciti nel 1789 con la presa della Bastiglia è lui, il Cavaliere. E gli altri? Moralisti, bacchettoni, ipocriti. Avremmo voluto vedere se a parti invertite, con un Prodi sulla pol
trona di palazzo Chigi piuttosto che con un outsider come Marrazzo, sarebbero stati altrettanto “di larghe vedute”: e, infatti, non lo sono stati.
Persino la Chiesa, che nelle sue istituzioni di punta, come la CEI, non può fare altro che ostentare freddezza to the disgraced Berlusca too (although the huge interests at stake advise not to do the voice too hard), which is criticized by the same as has always been useful to raise anti-Cross for its own use and consumption.
Is there anyway to point out that, even if on the one hand there is nothing that opens the way to all kinds of attacks (more than justified), the other does not go beyond a general moral issue. And besides, when the policy platform is identical in substance and when it comes to applaud policies Marchionne (shame on them!), The left does not just have to hang from the skirts of Ruby Heartbreaker.
Notwithstanding the fact that, as infoiati, we do not believe Berlusconi so stupid to think for a moment that the aforementioned Ruby really was the nephew of Mubarak, beyond the fact that the prime minister (in friendships with ladies gifts to minors easy ...), in disregard of the same bourgeois laws, abuse of its institutional role in the police to issue an immigrant to do that had committed a crime (what do you think will be his ally Bossi?), will keep us to emphasize that it is amazing how morality becomes the moment depending on who is caught with his hands in the cookie jar.
The same people who have the time necessary Marrazzo, when shamed, according to them, sat in the opposite side of the House, posing as defenders of public morality ... now rediscovered "libertarian", and what accuse others? Of false morality, Puritanism and so on and so forth. A leap of quail by those who hypocritically hymned, with lots of divorces and separations behind the family (and of course, to God and the Fatherland), releasing the compact ones that have a Family Day Maroni, Minister of the Interior now is increasingly competing with Himmler as a repressive policies, even to invoke the ghosts of a police state (loro!), a sword and defend the sacred right to privacy is violated by those communists of the judiciary. Right to privacy that is certainly not the revolutionary communists, or the anti-capitalists in general, for which the phone under control è la regola quotidiana, e che però non hanno mai organizzato cortei o raccolte di firme per chiedere alle istituzioni di non ascoltare le loro telefonate. A sentire il popolo di centrodestra, il campione di tutte le libertà individuali, dalla privacy ai diritti sanciti nel 1789 con la presa della Bastiglia è lui, il Cavaliere. E gli altri? Moralisti, bacchettoni, ipocriti. Avremmo voluto vedere se a parti invertite, con un Prodi sulla pol

Persino la Chiesa, che nelle sue istituzioni di punta, come la CEI, non può fare altro che ostentare freddezza to the disgraced Berlusca too (although the huge interests at stake advise not to do the voice too hard), which is criticized by the same as has always been useful to raise anti-Cross for its own use and consumption.
Is there anyway to point out that, even if on the one hand there is nothing that opens the way to all kinds of attacks (more than justified), the other does not go beyond a general moral issue. And besides, when the policy platform is identical in substance and when it comes to applaud policies Marchionne (shame on them!), The left does not just have to hang from the skirts of Ruby Heartbreaker.
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