After Benghazi, the rebellion has arrived in the capital, is a battlefield. Many of the dead. Voices then gave Gaddafi denied on the run. The only one to put his face is
's son Saif al-Islam.

increasingly dramatic situation in Libya, where the protest against the government of Colonel Muammar Gaddafi, in power for 42 years, despite extending the bloody repression. The victims are or could be hundreds, even in the absence of direct sources (since the Libyan authorities not allow entry to journalists and do everything to hinder communications via telephone and internet), verification of the numbers is impossible. Only one last Thursday - when the web was launched, "the day of anger" - and Sunday, according to Human Rights Watch, the dead would be 233, according to the newspaper's London private Libyan Libya al-Youm 285, 300 or 400 according to other sources. Uncertain of the number of victims to Tripoli, where the insurgency East arrived Sunday night and yesterday was a day of war: at least 61 seconds of Qatar Al Jazeera TV.
more content - but no less serious than 84 deaths and 14 in Benghazi to Tripoli - the record of yesterday's state television by Saif al-Islam Gaddafi, the leader of secodondogenito that in a moment of great confusion and overlapping of contradictory voices, is the only visible face of the scheme to expose himself (he who, strictly speaking, not part of the government and has no institutional positions , like his father). According to news
always be confirmed, the protesters attacked and set fire to several public buildings in Tripoli - television and radio, some barracks, places of political power - and the streets were littered with corpses of both, especially, of the part. The supporters of Colonel contend the streets to anti-regime demonstrators, and there is even talk of shots of heavy weapons and air strikes on a number of districts da parte delle forze armate. Per ieri sera (forse) era convocata una nuova manifestazione di protesta nella Piazza Verde, che ha assunto come la Piazza Tahir del Cairo un valore simbolico decisivo.
Non è chiaro il livello di controllo che il regime di Gheddafi mantiene sul paese, che sembrerebbe aver perso l’appoggio dei due principali clan tribali, i Warfalla e gli Zawhiya. Ieri sono cominciate del defezioni: quella del ministro della giustiza Musataf Abdul Jalil (che ha lamentato «l’eccessivo uso della forza»), quella di alcuni ambasciatori (in India, alla Lega araba) e del n. 2 della rappresentanza libica all’Onu. Defezioni anche per due colonnelli della Forza aerea libica che ieri pomeriggio sono atterrati con i loro Mirage fighters at the airport of Malta and requested political asylum.
Yesterday was circulated, but coming from Brussels, the item released by the British Foreign Secretary William Hague that gave Gadhafi already fleeing to Venezuela's Chavez. Voices from Caracas, and even then denied by Tripoli. Another voice gave the leader left his residence in the Bab el-Azyzia barracks in Tripoli and headed Sehba, in the Sahara. But, at least according to what is repeated by his son on TV - ' fight until the last bullet "- if the wind is able to blow up the Maghreb also - after the Tunisian el'egiziano Mubarak Ben Ali - the Libyan Gaddafi, dislodged (what now seems the most likely hypothesis) could be perhaps the most difficult and certainly more bloody. Unless everything does not crash at any moment.
It also begins to notice some cracks within the establishment of government. Mohammed Bayou, up to a month ago, a government spokesman, issued a statement criticizing the use of violence to halt the rebellion and appealed to Saif al-Islam because it immediately opens a dialogue with the opposition "to arrive at changes in the limbic system. "
Saif al-Islam, that it is not clear whether it was delegated by his father to put his face or if he is doing on its own initiative - perhaps in competition with someone else's child Colonel -, is still engaging in an attempt to salvage, what with the passing of the hours and days is increasingly difficult. Before spoke on television around midnight on Sunday, talking for about forty minutes and alternating political openings afuneste prophecies of doom for the Libyan people if the insurgency does not subside and calls for dialogue were - as seems to be - let cadere.Saif Libyans warned of the risks that the uprising should result in a "civil war", spoke of "a plot against Libya," by which "someone wants to create a government in Benghazi and others want an Islamic emirate in Bady, has denied the departure (escape) of his father and says that they are ready to fight "until the last bullet," he admitted that the eastern city of Benghazi and al-Bady are under the control of insurgents and that "the Libyans were killed and this is a tragedy," even if the figures are "exaggerated." Saif is committed in an attempt to initiate reforms that "would have to be taken before (he has often invoked, in fact). But maybe it's late, as it was too late for last minute deals by Ben Ali and Mubarak.
Sunday night, protesters took to the streets of Tripoli decided to hunt

But his second surgery did not help to calm everyone down. Benghazi, Al Bayda, Derna are in the hands of the revolt, Tripoli is the battlefield (and now also measured). The war is no longer a hypothesis or a threat has already broken out and is ongoing.
Michele Giorgio
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