Esibendosi sul palcoscenico del teatro Ariston di Sanremo, un Roberto Benigni sottotono, meno istrionico e brillante del solito, ha celebrato con enfasi ufficiale il 150
esimo anniversario dell'unità d'Italia, sudando e visibilmente a disagio a causa delle direttive imposte dai vertici Rai che lo hanno tenuto a freno, temendo evidentemente qualche frecciatina irriverente scoccata all'indirizzo del sultano nazionale. Ma l'unico sberleffo arguto è stato concesso nel momento in cui il giullare toscano ha menzionato un altro celebre Silvio, autore de "Le mie prigioni", alludendo ai guai giudiziari del premier.
Nella circostanza sanremese il comico di Prato , revealed a lack of freedom and histrionic giullaresca, a little caustic and creative streak that has always marked her performances. Unconstrained Benigni was an overwhelming storm of corrosive satire and surrealism, but in San Remo in his usual ironic and irreverent verve has gone off to give way to an unexpected patriotic faith. Consider the rhetoric about patriotism tumbler on the stage of the Ariston and the subtle distinction between patriotism and nationalism.
Instead, really wanted to be intellectually honest, we should admit that patriotism is the antechamber of the chauvinist fanaticism, and imperialism and fascism. The bridge pro-Risorgimento Benigni did not fail to exalt even the Savoy defined as the oldest dynasty in Europe, as if the first one resulting from centuries-old pedigree was a source of pride, it was supposed to report serious crimes, the historical misdeeds and crimes committed by these rulers, who for centuries have proved as the most bloodthirsty, obscurantist and backward between the European royal families.
Moreover, it is extremely difficult to do justice to 150 years of lies told by the winners and to download tons of mud and insults the victims of a real military invasion that was, like any process of "unification" (or, more say, annexation) national, barbaric and terrorist aggression, conquest and brutal bloody who has not had anything epic or romantic. Just think of the millions of southern farmers murdered by the occupying army, not to be "liberated" from oppression of the House of Bourbon of the Kingdom of the Two Sicilies, but to be a ruthless colonization, a scheme that cruel and inhuman as Savoyard who looted the enormous wealth of a territory that was not as poor as the dominant false rhetoric we wished to make for too many decades.
no coincidence that in 1920 the newspaper L'Ordine Nuovo directed by him, Antonio Gramsci wrote the following words, complaining loud and clear what was known as the "Southern Question": "The Italian state has been una dittatura feroce che ha messo a ferro e fuoco l'Italia meridionale e le isole, squartando, fucilando, seppellendo vivi i contadini poveri che scrittori salariati tentarono d'infamare col marchio di briganti.”
Ma tant'è che Benigni di castronerie ne ha dette tante nella serata sanremese, anche a proposito dell'"eroico" pirata nizzardo e dell’astuto conte di Cavour, scorrendo una galleria di figure risorgimentali, noti esponenti della massoneria ottocentesca, fino ad indicare il premier britannico Winston Churchill come il "vincitore" del nazismo. Lo smemorato di Prato ha affermato una falsità storica dicendo che l'Italia sarebbe stata liberata nientemeno che da Churchill, sulla cui figura ci sarebbe molto da obiettare: suffice it to say that in 1933 called Mussolini "the greatest legislator among the living." Having
attributed to British Prime Minister the exclusive prerogative of the victory over Nazism is a glaring mistake made on purpose to please the political right and RAI executives sitting in the audience. Compounding the guilt of Benigni were missed references to anti-fascist resistance, so it should have referred to and in terms of blood and tears has claimed victory for freedom to the Italian people.
Rather did not say anything about not hurting for some short-tempered and nostalgic minister in the house. In short, intervention in Sanremo ironic inspiration and biting Benigni was stifled by the directives RAI, for which the Tuscan artist had to present a series of historical nonsense and falsehood. We see that with age the poor fool has become weak and submissive, while the beginning of his career was an unstoppable hurricane of wisdom, humor and poetry.
Moreover, already in the film "Life is Beautiful" the national Roberto took a dramatic blunder, mystifying history to win the sympathies of the Hollywood star system and win the Oscar. In the film attaches to the Americans liberation of Auschwitz, when he enters the tank with the white star, is known to January 27, 1945 (that date is celebra la Giornata della memoria) ad Auschwitz entrarono i soldati dell'Armata Rossa liberando i prigionieri sopravvissuti. E' vero che nel film non si specifica che il lager sia quello di Auschwitz, tuttavia lo lascia intendere chiaramente. Diciamo che è stata una "sviolinata" concessa ai signori di Hollywood.

Nella circostanza sanremese il comico di Prato , revealed a lack of freedom and histrionic giullaresca, a little caustic and creative streak that has always marked her performances. Unconstrained Benigni was an overwhelming storm of corrosive satire and surrealism, but in San Remo in his usual ironic and irreverent verve has gone off to give way to an unexpected patriotic faith. Consider the rhetoric about patriotism tumbler on the stage of the Ariston and the subtle distinction between patriotism and nationalism.
Instead, really wanted to be intellectually honest, we should admit that patriotism is the antechamber of the chauvinist fanaticism, and imperialism and fascism. The bridge pro-Risorgimento Benigni did not fail to exalt even the Savoy defined as the oldest dynasty in Europe, as if the first one resulting from centuries-old pedigree was a source of pride, it was supposed to report serious crimes, the historical misdeeds and crimes committed by these rulers, who for centuries have proved as the most bloodthirsty, obscurantist and backward between the European royal families.
Moreover, it is extremely difficult to do justice to 150 years of lies told by the winners and to download tons of mud and insults the victims of a real military invasion that was, like any process of "unification" (or, more say, annexation) national, barbaric and terrorist aggression, conquest and brutal bloody who has not had anything epic or romantic. Just think of the millions of southern farmers murdered by the occupying army, not to be "liberated" from oppression of the House of Bourbon of the Kingdom of the Two Sicilies, but to be a ruthless colonization, a scheme that cruel and inhuman as Savoyard who looted the enormous wealth of a territory that was not as poor as the dominant false rhetoric we wished to make for too many decades.
no coincidence that in 1920 the newspaper L'Ordine Nuovo directed by him, Antonio Gramsci wrote the following words, complaining loud and clear what was known as the "Southern Question": "The Italian state has been una dittatura feroce che ha messo a ferro e fuoco l'Italia meridionale e le isole, squartando, fucilando, seppellendo vivi i contadini poveri che scrittori salariati tentarono d'infamare col marchio di briganti.”
Ma tant'è che Benigni di castronerie ne ha dette tante nella serata sanremese, anche a proposito dell'"eroico" pirata nizzardo e dell’astuto conte di Cavour, scorrendo una galleria di figure risorgimentali, noti esponenti della massoneria ottocentesca, fino ad indicare il premier britannico Winston Churchill come il "vincitore" del nazismo. Lo smemorato di Prato ha affermato una falsità storica dicendo che l'Italia sarebbe stata liberata nientemeno che da Churchill, sulla cui figura ci sarebbe molto da obiettare: suffice it to say that in 1933 called Mussolini "the greatest legislator among the living." Having
attributed to British Prime Minister the exclusive prerogative of the victory over Nazism is a glaring mistake made on purpose to please the political right and RAI executives sitting in the audience. Compounding the guilt of Benigni were missed references to anti-fascist resistance, so it should have referred to and in terms of blood and tears has claimed victory for freedom to the Italian people.

Moreover, already in the film "Life is Beautiful" the national Roberto took a dramatic blunder, mystifying history to win the sympathies of the Hollywood star system and win the Oscar. In the film attaches to the Americans liberation of Auschwitz, when he enters the tank with the white star, is known to January 27, 1945 (that date is celebra la Giornata della memoria) ad Auschwitz entrarono i soldati dell'Armata Rossa liberando i prigionieri sopravvissuti. E' vero che nel film non si specifica che il lager sia quello di Auschwitz, tuttavia lo lascia intendere chiaramente. Diciamo che è stata una "sviolinata" concessa ai signori di Hollywood.
Lucio Garofalo
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