Very few lights on the proletariat exploited worse than a beast of burden, Angarano, deceived and fooled by the sirens that gradually appear on the stage of policy she
bourgeois politician. Skilful, the ugly mermaids, to promise heaven and earth, a wink to the immense army of the "last" to buy with money out over their ballots on which to build or strengthen the power for themselves and their sponsors social . What is the mirage of a "bunga-bunga for all" dell'inqualificabile Knight or a renewed "American Dream" American Dream, "first black president in history", the substance remains the same: always ensure long life to capitalism, question. But these dreams last space of a morning e al risveglio lasciano in bocca il sapore cattivo di una brutta sbornia. Detto in altro modo, delusione, scoramento, sfiducia nella possibilità di cambiare, finalmente in meglio, le cose. L’attuale presidenza americana ne è una manifestazione lampante.
Dopo gli otto anni del re travicello George Bush jr, Obama si presentò come il restauratore delle radici libertarie della superpotenza, il rianimatore del riformismo rooseveltiano che avrebbe traghettato gli Stati Uniti oltre le acque turbinose della crisi, senza lasciare indietro nessuno, anzi, sul traghetto, come un Titanic al contrario, i primi a salire sarebbero stati proprio gli “ultimi” della scala sociale. E il proletariato statunitense votò, se non in massa, certainly more numerous than usual, to the former Chicago attorney. Of course, an elected president, as always, thanks to the support of big business, which places men in key posts came directly from major financial institutions, can hardly contradict his sponsor with measures which, without being communists, interfere with the their interests. So, as you know, banks and similar stuffed with money are "public", two big car as well (GM and Chrysler), provided the workers to accept "voluntary" a contract of employment of Nazi. The result is that financial speculation has again unfurled the sails (if it was that had been folded), managers are given compensation fabulous, and unemployment, the real one is around 17%, wage laborers trudging to make ends meet and, in growing numbers, not not even have a roof over their head. By some estimates, and the circumstances at the end of 2011 another two million families will seize the house, bringing the total number of families dispossessed by the banks to five million units. On the other hand, if the mortgage repayments account for 63% of gross income, if wages / salaries not only stagnate but move back, the social drama of foreclosures is well within the logic of things ... capitalist. Not only is it logical, but nothing suggests that the trend can be reversed, despite the requirements of reform that would overcome the crisis with the revival of consumption by increasing salaries. The capital has amply demonstrated that the only reform which today can be granted citizenship is in favor of that capital, tried to deceive himself, that is to circumvent the laws of accumulation, for example, by encouraging the consumption based on Debt - 40% of U.S. GDP is given by the consumer - but, again, the remedy proved worse than the disease. So, on with the usual, dear recipes always do pay for the crisis the proletariat, and why not, a part of the petty bourgeoisie. How? Cutting wages / salaries, cutting social services, withdrawals, ie, the indirect wages and deferred. If then there will be tax cuts, as they preach the reformers of the above, while it starts or to defend the rich. In fact, apart from the fact that, in itself, the reduction in taxes means less delivery of social services, so far, who has benefited from that measure were the most affluent and confirmed Obama tax policy of his predecessor, who was just to do so. He then frozen for two years salary increases to the state - shown, however, an amateur a confronti del “nostro” governo, che li ha bloccati per tre anni e oltre — .
Ma la crisi stenta a togliersi di torno e nel 2011 il deficit federale dovrebbe arrivare al 10,9% del PIL — 1650 miliardi di dollari — e allora, nella bozza di legge finanziaria, calerà di nuovo la scure sugli stessi, anzi, in particolare sugli “ultimi degli ultimi”, cioè sugli strati più poveri del proletariato statunitense. «200 programmi federali di carattere sociale subiranno sforbiciate invalidanti; compreso il Medicare (la già debole sanità pubblica)» (T. De Berlanga, il manifesto, 2 febbraio 2011 ), a cui si aggiungeranno minori finanziamenti per i college frequentati, in general, the African-American proletariat, and for scholarships "enjoyed" largely the same sector of the population. Not bad for a president "black" and reformist!
Although NASA and the Pentagon will have less resources, but certainly not to such an extent as to affect the work
activities of imperialist policy. It seems, however, that the only items of expenditure will cover the increase in infrastructure - such as speed trains, the strengthening of "network" (wireless, broadband, etc..), Which also means more control on the same - the training and research (what is not clear at the time) -.

Dopo gli otto anni del re travicello George Bush jr, Obama si presentò come il restauratore delle radici libertarie della superpotenza, il rianimatore del riformismo rooseveltiano che avrebbe traghettato gli Stati Uniti oltre le acque turbinose della crisi, senza lasciare indietro nessuno, anzi, sul traghetto, come un Titanic al contrario, i primi a salire sarebbero stati proprio gli “ultimi” della scala sociale. E il proletariato statunitense votò, se non in massa, certainly more numerous than usual, to the former Chicago attorney. Of course, an elected president, as always, thanks to the support of big business, which places men in key posts came directly from major financial institutions, can hardly contradict his sponsor with measures which, without being communists, interfere with the their interests. So, as you know, banks and similar stuffed with money are "public", two big car as well (GM and Chrysler), provided the workers to accept "voluntary" a contract of employment of Nazi. The result is that financial speculation has again unfurled the sails (if it was that had been folded), managers are given compensation fabulous, and unemployment, the real one is around 17%, wage laborers trudging to make ends meet and, in growing numbers, not not even have a roof over their head. By some estimates, and the circumstances at the end of 2011 another two million families will seize the house, bringing the total number of families dispossessed by the banks to five million units. On the other hand, if the mortgage repayments account for 63% of gross income, if wages / salaries not only stagnate but move back, the social drama of foreclosures is well within the logic of things ... capitalist. Not only is it logical, but nothing suggests that the trend can be reversed, despite the requirements of reform that would overcome the crisis with the revival of consumption by increasing salaries. The capital has amply demonstrated that the only reform which today can be granted citizenship is in favor of that capital, tried to deceive himself, that is to circumvent the laws of accumulation, for example, by encouraging the consumption based on Debt - 40% of U.S. GDP is given by the consumer - but, again, the remedy proved worse than the disease. So, on with the usual, dear recipes always do pay for the crisis the proletariat, and why not, a part of the petty bourgeoisie. How? Cutting wages / salaries, cutting social services, withdrawals, ie, the indirect wages and deferred. If then there will be tax cuts, as they preach the reformers of the above, while it starts or to defend the rich. In fact, apart from the fact that, in itself, the reduction in taxes means less delivery of social services, so far, who has benefited from that measure were the most affluent and confirmed Obama tax policy of his predecessor, who was just to do so. He then frozen for two years salary increases to the state - shown, however, an amateur a confronti del “nostro” governo, che li ha bloccati per tre anni e oltre — .
Ma la crisi stenta a togliersi di torno e nel 2011 il deficit federale dovrebbe arrivare al 10,9% del PIL — 1650 miliardi di dollari — e allora, nella bozza di legge finanziaria, calerà di nuovo la scure sugli stessi, anzi, in particolare sugli “ultimi degli ultimi”, cioè sugli strati più poveri del proletariato statunitense. «200 programmi federali di carattere sociale subiranno sforbiciate invalidanti; compreso il Medicare (la già debole sanità pubblica)» (T. De Berlanga, il manifesto, 2 febbraio 2011 ), a cui si aggiungeranno minori finanziamenti per i college frequentati, in general, the African-American proletariat, and for scholarships "enjoyed" largely the same sector of the population. Not bad for a president "black" and reformist!
Although NASA and the Pentagon will have less resources, but certainly not to such an extent as to affect the work

There is the infamous green economy, which should also be encouraged through tax - nothing extraordinary, nothing to fear - on the activities of oil companies and fossil fuels in general. Just
all this back on track for the U.S. real economy? Entertain some doubt as less legitimate
... No doubt, however, continue as to who, exactly, to pay the price, unless they go beyond the silent protest of a sterile turnout, which favors only one or the other gang bourgeois - the triumph of the Republican mid-term election is due in large part with the 45 million voters in less - the proletariat, with the its class struggle, not sparigli cards rigged the game.
all this back on track for the U.S. real economy? Entertain some doubt as less legitimate
... No doubt, however, continue as to who, exactly, to pay the price, unless they go beyond the silent protest of a sterile turnout, which favors only one or the other gang bourgeois - the triumph of the Republican mid-term election is due in large part with the 45 million voters in less - the proletariat, with the its class struggle, not sparigli cards rigged the game.
Celso Beltrami
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